: Black man threatens “Jihad against the white devil” on Chicago bus

Granny says if he comes `round here...

... she gonna jihad up his butt...

... with her Mossburg 12ga.
Only white people can be racist!

Whoever said that was completely wrong. Racism and bigotry knows no color, even though that's what they tend to focus on. Wow. :lol:
I thought the sarcasm would be obvious.

Hate crimes were made to condem whites. Blacks victimize whites continually, but they arn't charged with hate no matter what epithets are hurled - and you won't get one sorry
as liberal on this forum to acknowledge that the black culture as an aggregate is at the bottom of society, even though there is a preponderance of evidence that confirms it.

It was obvious but i wanted to expand on it and set the record straight. maybe you were mocking some paranoid white right wing types, if so my bad. You did see that I was laughing when I made that post. Life is too short to be caught up in some silly hateful shit.
Whoever said that was completely wrong. Racism and bigotry knows no color, even though that's what they tend to focus on. Wow. :lol:
I thought the sarcasm would be obvious.

Hate crimes were made to condem whites. Blacks victimize whites continually, but they arn't charged with hate no matter what epithets are hurled - and you won't get one sorry
as liberal on this forum to acknowledge that the black culture as an aggregate is at the bottom of society, even though there is a preponderance of evidence that confirms it.

It was obvious but i wanted to expand on it and set the record straight. maybe you were mocking some paranoid white right wing types, if so my bad. You did see that I was laughing when I made that post. Life is too short to be caught up in some silly hateful shit.
I agree - but all this blame towards guns, and whites really pisses me off, and we should hate decadence if we love our nation. The fact is that blacks are way more per capita responsible for violent crime; way more of a burden on our society. If this is factual, then it needs to be addressed - fuck all the political correctness; ignoring the facts is shrinking from a solution.

So we should not be hateful, or racist, but honest, and resolute - no matter where it carries us!
It seems to me that a problem should be addressed where it is worst!
I thought the sarcasm would be obvious.

Hate crimes were made to condem whites. Blacks victimize whites continually, but they arn't charged with hate no matter what epithets are hurled - and you won't get one sorry
as liberal on this forum to acknowledge that the black culture as an aggregate is at the bottom of society, even though there is a preponderance of evidence that confirms it.

It was obvious but i wanted to expand on it and set the record straight. maybe you were mocking some paranoid white right wing types, if so my bad. You did see that I was laughing when I made that post. Life is too short to be caught up in some silly hateful shit.
I agree - but all this blame towards guns, and whites really pisses me off, and we should hate decadence if we love our nation. The fact is that blacks are way more per capita responsible for violent crime; way more of a burden on our society. If this is factual, then it needs to be addressed - fuck all the political correctness; ignoring the facts is shrinking from a solution.

So we should not be hateful, or racist, but honest, and resolute - no matter where it carries us!
It seems to me that a problem should be addressed where it is worst!

I wish some blacks would admit it and work with us instead against us. How the hell do we expect to remain a functional society otherwise?
It was obvious but i wanted to expand on it and set the record straight. maybe you were mocking some paranoid white right wing types, if so my bad. You did see that I was laughing when I made that post. Life is too short to be caught up in some silly hateful shit.
I agree - but all this blame towards guns, and whites really pisses me off, and we should hate decadence if we love our nation. The fact is that blacks are way more per capita responsible for violent crime; way more of a burden on our society. If this is factual, then it needs to be addressed - fuck all the political correctness; ignoring the facts is shrinking from a solution.

So we should not be hateful, or racist, but honest, and resolute - no matter where it carries us!
It seems to me that a problem should be addressed where it is worst!

I wish some blacks would admit it and work with us instead against us. How the hell do we expect to remain a functional society otherwise?
It's is quite the dilemma. If we were black, we would still be ridiculed. They would call us uncle tom, not down with the cause, oreo etc. These fake ass so called black leaders - Jackson, Sharpton, Wright ect. will never point the finger at blacks. They are the biggest racist pigs out there. There whole power is based on blaming the white man. There are a few blacks that do criticize black culture, but again they are excoriated, and ostracized.

I'm afraid that things will continue to degrade; I don't ever see the violence being confronted as a cultural issue. The anti gun nuts love the crime; it is a catapult for their attack on our 2nd. amendment. :mad:
Harley wrote: Do you really want to start up posting white/black murder articles? I can probably out-do you just from my local news station website.


... ya live in Chicago, Detroit, or Naw'lins?
A few things to consider
-Whites are 5 times the population
-This means that black and white total(raw) murders are close to the same.

The difference being the fact that blacks are 13% of the United states population and focus this within our cities.

I could easily match you post for post with that. What pisses me off is the fact that blacks have no shame or wanting to change this.
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I thought the sarcasm would be obvious.

Hate crimes were made to condem whites. Blacks victimize whites continually, but they arn't charged with hate no matter what epithets are hurled - and you won't get one sorry
as liberal on this forum to acknowledge that the black culture as an aggregate is at the bottom of society, even though there is a preponderance of evidence that confirms it.

It was obvious but i wanted to expand on it and set the record straight. maybe you were mocking some paranoid white right wing types, if so my bad. You did see that I was laughing when I made that post. Life is too short to be caught up in some silly hateful shit.
I agree - but all this blame towards guns, and whites really pisses me off, and we should hate decadence if we love our nation. The fact is that blacks are way more per capita responsible for violent crime; way more of a burden on our society. If this is factual, then it needs to be addressed - fuck all the political correctness; ignoring the facts is shrinking from a solution.

So we should not be hateful, or racist, but honest, and resolute - no matter where it carries us!
It seems to me that a problem should be addressed where it is worst!

Wanting to take violent criminals off of the street is not even close to being an exclusively "white phenomena", plenty of people from ALL races want the same thing. The fact is, is that those Blacks are mainly killing and preying on each other. Some White people tend to try to make the minority of Blacks who do those heinous crimes, the "poster child" or "representative" of the MAJORITY OF LAW ABIDING CITIZENS WHO ARE BLACK IN THIS COUNTRY. That's what is so fucked up about the whole issue.
It was obvious but i wanted to expand on it and set the record straight. maybe you were mocking some paranoid white right wing types, if so my bad. You did see that I was laughing when I made that post. Life is too short to be caught up in some silly hateful shit.
I agree - but all this blame towards guns, and whites really pisses me off, and we should hate decadence if we love our nation. The fact is that blacks are way more per capita responsible for violent crime; way more of a burden on our society. If this is factual, then it needs to be addressed - fuck all the political correctness; ignoring the facts is shrinking from a solution.

So we should not be hateful, or racist, but honest, and resolute - no matter where it carries us!
It seems to me that a problem should be addressed where it is worst!

I wish some blacks would admit it and work with us instead against us. How the hell do we expect to remain a functional society otherwise?

Admit what? Work with you how? Who are you? Or who is this "us" you are referring to?
I agree - but all this blame towards guns, and whites really pisses me off, and we should hate decadence if we love our nation. The fact is that blacks are way more per capita responsible for violent crime; way more of a burden on our society. If this is factual, then it needs to be addressed - fuck all the political correctness; ignoring the facts is shrinking from a solution.

So we should not be hateful, or racist, but honest, and resolute - no matter where it carries us!
It seems to me that a problem should be addressed where it is worst!

I wish some blacks would admit it and work with us instead against us. How the hell do we expect to remain a functional society otherwise?

It's is quite the dilemma. If we were black, we would still be ridiculed. They would call us uncle tom, not down with the cause, oreo etc. These fake ass so called black leaders - Jackson, Sharpton, Wright ect. will never point the finger at blacks. They are the biggest racist pigs out there. There whole power is based on blaming the white man. There are a few blacks that do criticize black culture, but again they are excoriated, and ostracized.

I'm afraid that things will continue to degrade; I don't ever see the violence being confronted as a cultural issue. The anti gun nuts love the crime; it is a catapult for their attack on our 2nd. amendment. :mad:

That's totally incorrect, for starters only a VERY small ignorant minority of Black people would call a successful law abiding Black person an "Uncle Tom" or those other silly list of names from the 1970's that you listed.
No one is calling this man an Uncle Tom:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQLvfirKpV8&list=PL919C66A860580EC9]Inner City Warfare: Managed Mayhem - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4QcT0A-6TI]Farrakhan: Stop begging for Jobs! Get up and build! - YouTube[/ame]

No one is calling NAACP President an 'Uncle Tom':
"What is the NAACP doing about black-on-black crime? We always see the NAACP out front when a non-black says or does something that offends the black community. It seems to me that black-on-black crime is a bigger problem than what some idiots are spray painting on that tunnel at NCSU or what Sheriff Bizzell is saying down in Johnston County. – Paul Stillman, Wendell

Answer 7 & 8: We stand publicly and nationally against violent, misogynistic, ugly gangster rap. I’m surprised you did not know this considering the amount of press it has received.

In fact, some years ago in response to youth violence that kills inner-city youth, the NAACP Youth and College Division kicked off a "Stop the Violence-Start the Love" campaign in New York and Los Angeles to respond to the killings of two major rap artists. In March 1997, the NAACP encouraged the nation to observe a day of peace.

The NAACP filed suit to reduce the number of guns in our communities, and it urges youth, parents, teachers, clergy and adults to teach positive conflict resolution and to become selective about music and movies that promote violence.

Just two tears ago we initiated “STOP.” Below is the position of the program:

In today’s culture, nothing is more influential than the images and impressions we receive daily from the mainstream media. What people watch on television, listen to on the radio, see in a movie or on the Internet has a profound impact on how they view the world.

At the NAACP, we firmly believe that we all have a responsibility to insure that those images and impressions foster respect, and not hate or racism.

Incidents like Don Imus referring to Rutgers University Women’s Basketball players as “nappy headed hoes,” or actor Michael Richards going on a tirade using the “n"-word at a comedy club in LA, should never be tolerated. We must tell the artists and media executives who produce material that fosters a culture of disrespect that by promoting racist ideas and rants, they put their own financial future at risk.

And, at the same time, we must recognize the need for balance within the African-American communities in regards to what the community deems acceptable in music, film and other media. Images reflected in songs and music videos that show half-dressed African-American women being objectified or demeaned by men, or young African-American men as thugs must STOP. These kinds of images promote hurtful and false stereotypes of young African-Americans.

On college campuses around the country, like Clemson University, the University of Texas-Austin and Johns Hopkins, racial incidents are a too-common occurrence, and the way that media portrays young African-Americans only contributes to the problem. That’s why we have developed the “STOP” Campaign, an initiative of the NAACP Youth & College Division:

STOP Defaming Our Women … by respecting all African-American Women and not describing them in profane and derogatory terms
STOP Degrading Our Community … by not supporting hurtful images that portray negative images of the African-American community
STOP Denigrating Our History … by not supporting words and media that diminishes our proud history and insults our ancestors
STOP Accepting Disrespect … by not patronizing companies and artists that put forth demeaning and disrespectful images in our community
START Standing Up … by standing up against anyone who diminishes the capacity of young people
START the Diversity … by supporting balance and diversity of content in the entertainment industry to create positive role models for young people and by demanding more African-Americans and other people of color in decision making positions in the entertainment industry."
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I wish some blacks would admit it and work with us instead against us. How the hell do we expect to remain a functional society otherwise?

It's is quite the dilemma. If we were black, we would still be ridiculed. They would call us uncle tom, not down with the cause, oreo etc. These fake ass so called black leaders - Jackson, Sharpton, Wright ect. will never point the finger at blacks. They are the biggest racist pigs out there. There whole power is based on blaming the white man. There are a few blacks that do criticize black culture, but again they are excoriated, and ostracized.

I'm afraid that things will continue to degrade; I don't ever see the violence being confronted as a cultural issue. The anti gun nuts love the crime; it is a catapult for their attack on our 2nd. amendment. :mad:

That's totally incorrect, for starters only a VERY small ignorant minority of Black people would call a successful law abiding Black person an "Uncle Tom" or those other silly list of names from the 1970's that you listed.
No one is calling this man an Uncle Tom:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQLvfirKpV8&list=PL919C66A860580EC9]Inner City Warfare: Managed Mayhem - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4QcT0A-6TI]Farrakhan: Stop begging for Jobs! Get up and build! - YouTube[/ame]

No one is calling NAACP President an 'Uncle Tom':
"What is the NAACP doing about black-on-black crime? We always see the NAACP out front when a non-black says or does something that offends the black community. It seems to me that black-on-black crime is a bigger problem than what some idiots are spray painting on that tunnel at NCSU or what Sheriff Bizzell is saying down in Johnston County. – Paul Stillman, Wendell

Answer 7 & 8: We stand publicly and nationally against violent, misogynistic, ugly gangster rap. I’m surprised you did not know this considering the amount of press it has received.

In fact, some years ago in response to youth violence that kills inner-city youth, the NAACP Youth and College Division kicked off a "Stop the Violence-Start the Love" campaign in New York and Los Angeles to respond to the killings of two major rap artists. In March 1997, the NAACP encouraged the nation to observe a day of peace.

The NAACP filed suit to reduce the number of guns in our communities, and it urges youth, parents, teachers, clergy and adults to teach positive conflict resolution and to become selective about music and movies that promote violence.

Just two tears ago we initiated “STOP.” Below is the position of the program:

In today’s culture, nothing is more influential than the images and impressions we receive daily from the mainstream media. What people watch on television, listen to on the radio, see in a movie or on the Internet has a profound impact on how they view the world.

At the NAACP, we firmly believe that we all have a responsibility to insure that those images and impressions foster respect, and not hate or racism.

Incidents like Don Imus referring to Rutgers University Women’s Basketball players as “nappy headed hoes,” or actor Michael Richards going on a tirade using the “n"-word at a comedy club in LA, should never be tolerated. We must tell the artists and media executives who produce material that fosters a culture of disrespect that by promoting racist ideas and rants, they put their own financial future at risk.

And, at the same time, we must recognize the need for balance within the African-American communities in regards to what the community deems acceptable in music, film and other media. Images reflected in songs and music videos that show half-dressed African-American women being objectified or demeaned by men, or young African-American men as thugs must STOP. These kinds of images promote hurtful and false stereotypes of young African-Americans.

On college campuses around the country, like Clemson University, the University of Texas-Austin and Johns Hopkins, racial incidents are a too-common occurrence, and the way that media portrays young African-Americans only contributes to the problem. That’s why we have developed the “STOP” Campaign, an initiative of the NAACP Youth & College Division:

STOP Defaming Our Women … by respecting all African-American Women and not describing them in profane and derogatory terms
STOP Degrading Our Community … by not supporting hurtful images that portray negative images of the African-American community
STOP Denigrating Our History … by not supporting words and media that diminishes our proud history and insults our ancestors
STOP Accepting Disrespect … by not patronizing companies and artists that put forth demeaning and disrespectful images in our community
START Standing Up … by standing up against anyone who diminishes the capacity of young people
START the Diversity … by supporting balance and diversity of content in the entertainment industry to create positive role models for young people and by demanding more African-Americans and other people of color in decision making positions in the entertainment industry."

You are totally incorrect. We all watched what the black demoncraps did to black Republican candidates.
It's is quite the dilemma. If we were black, we would still be ridiculed. They would call us uncle tom, not down with the cause, oreo etc. These fake ass so called black leaders - Jackson, Sharpton, Wright ect. will never point the finger at blacks. They are the biggest racist pigs out there. There whole power is based on blaming the white man. There are a few blacks that do criticize black culture, but again they are excoriated, and ostracized.

I'm afraid that things will continue to degrade; I don't ever see the violence being confronted as a cultural issue. The anti gun nuts love the crime; it is a catapult for their attack on our 2nd. amendment. :mad:

That's totally incorrect, for starters only a VERY small ignorant minority of Black people would call a successful law abiding Black person an "Uncle Tom" or those other silly list of names from the 1970's that you listed.
No one is calling this man an Uncle Tom:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQLvfirKpV8&list=PL919C66A860580EC9]Inner City Warfare: Managed Mayhem - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4QcT0A-6TI]Farrakhan: Stop begging for Jobs! Get up and build! - YouTube[/ame]

No one is calling NAACP President an 'Uncle Tom':
"What is the NAACP doing about black-on-black crime? We always see the NAACP out front when a non-black says or does something that offends the black community. It seems to me that black-on-black crime is a bigger problem than what some idiots are spray painting on that tunnel at NCSU or what Sheriff Bizzell is saying down in Johnston County. – Paul Stillman, Wendell

Answer 7 & 8: We stand publicly and nationally against violent, misogynistic, ugly gangster rap. I’m surprised you did not know this considering the amount of press it has received.

In fact, some years ago in response to youth violence that kills inner-city youth, the NAACP Youth and College Division kicked off a "Stop the Violence-Start the Love" campaign in New York and Los Angeles to respond to the killings of two major rap artists. In March 1997, the NAACP encouraged the nation to observe a day of peace.

The NAACP filed suit to reduce the number of guns in our communities, and it urges youth, parents, teachers, clergy and adults to teach positive conflict resolution and to become selective about music and movies that promote violence.

Just two tears ago we initiated “STOP.” Below is the position of the program:

In today’s culture, nothing is more influential than the images and impressions we receive daily from the mainstream media. What people watch on television, listen to on the radio, see in a movie or on the Internet has a profound impact on how they view the world.

At the NAACP, we firmly believe that we all have a responsibility to insure that those images and impressions foster respect, and not hate or racism.

Incidents like Don Imus referring to Rutgers University Women’s Basketball players as “nappy headed hoes,” or actor Michael Richards going on a tirade using the “n"-word at a comedy club in LA, should never be tolerated. We must tell the artists and media executives who produce material that fosters a culture of disrespect that by promoting racist ideas and rants, they put their own financial future at risk.

And, at the same time, we must recognize the need for balance within the African-American communities in regards to what the community deems acceptable in music, film and other media. Images reflected in songs and music videos that show half-dressed African-American women being objectified or demeaned by men, or young African-American men as thugs must STOP. These kinds of images promote hurtful and false stereotypes of young African-Americans.

On college campuses around the country, like Clemson University, the University of Texas-Austin and Johns Hopkins, racial incidents are a too-common occurrence, and the way that media portrays young African-Americans only contributes to the problem. That’s why we have developed the “STOP” Campaign, an initiative of the NAACP Youth & College Division:

STOP Defaming Our Women … by respecting all African-American Women and not describing them in profane and derogatory terms
STOP Degrading Our Community … by not supporting hurtful images that portray negative images of the African-American community
STOP Denigrating Our History … by not supporting words and media that diminishes our proud history and insults our ancestors
STOP Accepting Disrespect … by not patronizing companies and artists that put forth demeaning and disrespectful images in our community
START Standing Up … by standing up against anyone who diminishes the capacity of young people
START the Diversity … by supporting balance and diversity of content in the entertainment industry to create positive role models for young people and by demanding more African-Americans and other people of color in decision making positions in the entertainment industry."

You are totally incorrect. We all watched what the black demoncraps did to black Republican candidates.

That's because at least two of them acted as proxies to White racists and made the same insulting generalizations about Black people that the White racists do. Crap like "the Blacks are brainwashed." and "The Blacks are on the democrat plantation." is pretty insulting to a lot of Black people who work, lead productive lives, and vote democrat.
Black man threatens “Jihad against the white devil” on Chicago bus

Booking photo of Caleb Russell (Cook County sheriff / January 9, 2013)

A man threatened to blow up a CTA bus and told police he was “jihad against the white devil” this week, causing evening rush hour passengers to flee in fear for their lives, authorities said. Russell was aboard a CTA bus that was westbound on Chicago Avenue at Orleans Street in the River North neighborhood Monday about 6:20 p.m. when officers on patrol saw the bus stop in the middle of the intersection, according to a police report.

Several passengers told police that Russell made derogatory and racial remarks and threatened to “blow this (expletive) up,’’ the report said.Russell also began yelling racial slurs at responding officers and said he was “jihad against the white devil,’’ the report said. After the driver pushed the panic button, numerous passengers who “feared for their lives’’ exited from the rear and front of the bus, the report said.

Police: Man threatened to blow up CTA bus in 'jihad' - chicagotribune.com

Yet another reason to fear Blacks.
Pathetic fucking cowards don't need reasons to fear - it is all they can do in any case. That's what makes them fucking pathetic.
That's totally incorrect, for starters only a VERY small ignorant minority of Black people would call a successful law abiding Black person an "Uncle Tom" or those other silly list of names from the 1970's that you listed.
No one is calling this man an Uncle Tom:

Inner City Warfare: Managed Mayhem - YouTube

Farrakhan: Stop begging for Jobs! Get up and build! - YouTube

No one is calling NAACP President an 'Uncle Tom':
"What is the NAACP doing about black-on-black crime? We always see the NAACP out front when a non-black says or does something that offends the black community. It seems to me that black-on-black crime is a bigger problem than what some idiots are spray painting on that tunnel at NCSU or what Sheriff Bizzell is saying down in Johnston County. – Paul Stillman, Wendell

Answer 7 & 8: We stand publicly and nationally against violent, misogynistic, ugly gangster rap. I’m surprised you did not know this considering the amount of press it has received.

In fact, some years ago in response to youth violence that kills inner-city youth, the NAACP Youth and College Division kicked off a "Stop the Violence-Start the Love" campaign in New York and Los Angeles to respond to the killings of two major rap artists. In March 1997, the NAACP encouraged the nation to observe a day of peace.

The NAACP filed suit to reduce the number of guns in our communities, and it urges youth, parents, teachers, clergy and adults to teach positive conflict resolution and to become selective about music and movies that promote violence.

Just two tears ago we initiated “STOP.” Below is the position of the program:

In today’s culture, nothing is more influential than the images and impressions we receive daily from the mainstream media. What people watch on television, listen to on the radio, see in a movie or on the Internet has a profound impact on how they view the world.

At the NAACP, we firmly believe that we all have a responsibility to insure that those images and impressions foster respect, and not hate or racism.

Incidents like Don Imus referring to Rutgers University Women’s Basketball players as “nappy headed hoes,” or actor Michael Richards going on a tirade using the “n"-word at a comedy club in LA, should never be tolerated. We must tell the artists and media executives who produce material that fosters a culture of disrespect that by promoting racist ideas and rants, they put their own financial future at risk.

And, at the same time, we must recognize the need for balance within the African-American communities in regards to what the community deems acceptable in music, film and other media. Images reflected in songs and music videos that show half-dressed African-American women being objectified or demeaned by men, or young African-American men as thugs must STOP. These kinds of images promote hurtful and false stereotypes of young African-Americans.

On college campuses around the country, like Clemson University, the University of Texas-Austin and Johns Hopkins, racial incidents are a too-common occurrence, and the way that media portrays young African-Americans only contributes to the problem. That’s why we have developed the “STOP” Campaign, an initiative of the NAACP Youth & College Division:

STOP Defaming Our Women … by respecting all African-American Women and not describing them in profane and derogatory terms
STOP Degrading Our Community … by not supporting hurtful images that portray negative images of the African-American community
STOP Denigrating Our History … by not supporting words and media that diminishes our proud history and insults our ancestors
STOP Accepting Disrespect … by not patronizing companies and artists that put forth demeaning and disrespectful images in our community
START Standing Up … by standing up against anyone who diminishes the capacity of young people
START the Diversity … by supporting balance and diversity of content in the entertainment industry to create positive role models for young people and by demanding more African-Americans and other people of color in decision making positions in the entertainment industry."

You are totally incorrect. We all watched what the black demoncraps did to black Republican candidates.

That's because at least two of them acted as proxies to White racists and made the same insulting generalizations about Black people that the White racists do. Crap like "the Blacks are brainwashed." and "The Blacks are on the democrat plantation." is pretty insulting to a lot of Black people who work, lead productive lives, and vote democrat.

Bullshit, they gave Christopher Darden the "treatment" too and he wasn't even in politics. Keep trying with the excuses, you are a racist and it shows.
You are totally incorrect. We all watched what the black demoncraps did to black Republican candidates.

That's because at least two of them acted as proxies to White racists and made the same insulting generalizations about Black people that the White racists do. Crap like "the Blacks are brainwashed." and "The Blacks are on the democrat plantation." is pretty insulting to a lot of Black people who work, lead productive lives, and vote democrat.

Bullshit, they gave Christopher Darden the "treatment" too and he wasn't even in politics. Keep trying with the excuses, you are a racist and it shows.

Who is "they"? You are ignorant if you think that I am a racist, thanks for the laugh!
Just like that one idiot who said "We should exterminate all white people", there is no way that will ever happen. And bigger idiots believe that an attempt like this would happen or think that all blacks are in 100% agree with that moron (i.e. Matthew).

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