"Black" Names

"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
"Zimbabwe is an example of that sort of infantile thought in action. Mugabe. No doubt a hero of yours, allowed blacks to take white farms. Now, a country which was once the bread basket of Africa is starving.

You should move there. You will either learn how stupid your mentors are, or die of starvation,"

No white man is African.

And I have a more in depth answer to your common white supremacist talking point here

Some of those whites have been in African longer that you've been in America.

Your racism is clear. Your denial of it, cowardly.
Black ppl have been in America 4 thousands of years. No white man is African.

If I come into your home n stomp all over you and family n I claim I'm doing this bcoz blks are superior to whites.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.

Africa is only for blacks. Is that what you are claiming?
Blacks lived in Africa when the white man stole their land. I believe that is what he has said.

He said no white people should be in Africa. Ok. Cool, no blacks who are unthinking fools, like you, and him should be on any continent but Africa.

Go away. Go back to your land. Make it better. This country is for people who will work together no matter what creed or color you are.

We are far from perfect, but we are way the hell further down the evolutionary road than you fools are.

You said you were a native American a few minutes ago, now you are white. Make up your mind son. You guys aren't further down anything. You lag behind. The only thing you guys have done is create better ways of killing people and you use that threat to claim your superiority. That's not superiority white boy. That's called scared shitless of everybody else. If this country was what you claim, we would not be arguing now. So stop lying to yourself. I was born here, and again it seems that whites like you don't get the fact that we too have first amendment rights. Therefore if our grievance is with whites about their racism, we have the right to air our disagreement with it. Now if that is something your white ass can't live with, go find a country full of whites that doesn't recognize the first amendment and live there.

I am 1/4 to 1/2 Shawnee depending on whose family stories you believe. We are arguing because YOU are a racist. What exactly do you want?
We are arguing because you are a racist. I am 1/8th Cherokee so we all can claim to be native American but the reality is that I am black. You are calling me a racist because I point out white racism. That's how delusional you are. You are white and you use the claim of being a native American in order to try dismissing arguments of racism from blacks. Some native americans don't pretend to be so only when they can dismiss the arguments about white racism by blacks.

A Conversation With Native Americans on Race | Op-Docs

Find some pride son. If you are truly native, you descend from a great people. Stop sucking the white mans dick.
"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.
"Zimbabwe is an example of that sort of infantile thought in action. Mugabe. No doubt a hero of yours, allowed blacks to take white farms. Now, a country which was once the bread basket of Africa is starving.

You should move there. You will either learn how stupid your mentors are, or die of starvation,"

No white man is African.

And I have a more in depth answer to your common white supremacist talking point here

Some of those whites have been in African longer that you've been in America.

Your racism is clear. Your denial of it, cowardly.
Black ppl have been in America 4 thousands of years. No white man is African.

If I come into your home n stomp all over you and family n I claim I'm doing this bcoz blks are superior to whites.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.

Africa is only for blacks. Is that what you are claiming?
Blacks lived in Africa when the white man stole their land. I believe that is what he has said.

He said no white people should be in Africa. Ok. Cool, no blacks who are unthinking fools, like you, and him should be on any continent but Africa.

Go away. Go back to your land. Make it better. This country is for people who will work together no matter what creed or color you are.

We are far from perfect, but we are way the hell further down the evolutionary road than you fools are.

You said you were a native American a few minutes ago, now you are white. Make up your mind son. You guys aren't further down anything. You lag behind. The only thing you guys have done is create better ways of killing people and you use that threat to claim your superiority. That's not superiority white boy. That's called scared shitless of everybody else. If this country was what you claim, we would not be arguing now. So stop lying to yourself. I was born here, and again it seems that whites like you don't get the fact that we too have first amendment rights. Therefore if our grievance is with whites about their racism, we have the right to air our disagreement with it. Now if that is something your white ass can't live with, go find a country full of whites that doesn't recognize the first amendment and live there.

I am 1/4 to 1/2 Shawnee depending on whose family stories you believe. We are arguing because YOU are a racist. What exactly do you want?
We are arguing because you are a racist. I am 1/8th Cherokee so we all can claim to be native American but the reality is that I am black. You are calling me a racist because I point out white racism. That's how delusional you are. You are white and you use the claim of being a native American in order to try dismissing arguments of racism from blacks. Some native americans don't pretend to be so only when they can dismiss the arguments about white racism by blacks.

A Conversation With Native Americans on Race | Op-Docs

Find some pride son. If you are truly native, you descend from a great people. Stop sucking the white mans dick.

You are the racist. And an asshole.
"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

I doubt that. He is not one of any of their tribes. He is a mulatto by their standards. And a damn foreigner. Why should they feel anything for him other then contempt?
"Zimbabwe is an example of that sort of infantile thought in action. Mugabe. No doubt a hero of yours, allowed blacks to take white farms. Now, a country which was once the bread basket of Africa is starving.

You should move there. You will either learn how stupid your mentors are, or die of starvation,"

No white man is African.

And I have a more in depth answer to your common white supremacist talking point here

Some of those whites have been in African longer that you've been in America.

Your racism is clear. Your denial of it, cowardly.
Black ppl have been in America 4 thousands of years. No white man is African.

If I come into your home n stomp all over you and family n I claim I'm doing this bcoz blks are superior to whites.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.

Africa is only for blacks. Is that what you are claiming?
Blacks lived in Africa when the white man stole their land. I believe that is what he has said.

He said no white people should be in Africa. Ok. Cool, no blacks who are unthinking fools, like you, and him should be on any continent but Africa.

Go away. Go back to your land. Make it better. This country is for people who will work together no matter what creed or color you are.

We are far from perfect, but we are way the hell further down the evolutionary road than you fools are.

You said you were a native American a few minutes ago, now you are white. Make up your mind son. You guys aren't further down anything. You lag behind. The only thing you guys have done is create better ways of killing people and you use that threat to claim your superiority. That's not superiority white boy. That's called scared shitless of everybody else. If this country was what you claim, we would not be arguing now. So stop lying to yourself. I was born here, and again it seems that whites like you don't get the fact that we too have first amendment rights. Therefore if our grievance is with whites about their racism, we have the right to air our disagreement with it. Now if that is something your white ass can't live with, go find a country full of whites that doesn't recognize the first amendment and live there.

I am 1/4 to 1/2 Shawnee depending on whose family stories you believe. We are arguing because YOU are a racist. What exactly do you want?
We are arguing because you are a racist. I am 1/8th Cherokee so we all can claim to be native American but the reality is that I am black. You are calling me a racist because I point out white racism. That's how delusional you are. You are white and you use the claim of being a native American in order to try dismissing arguments of racism from blacks. Some native americans don't pretend to be so only when they can dismiss the arguments about white racism by blacks.

A Conversation With Native Americans on Race | Op-Docs

Find some pride son. If you are truly native, you descend from a great people. Stop sucking the white mans dick.

No, I call you out as a racist because EVERYTHING you post is an anti white racist screed.

No you are the black version of stormfront. Both are evil.
Last edited:
"Zimbabwe is an example of that sort of infantile thought in action. Mugabe. No doubt a hero of yours, allowed blacks to take white farms. Now, a country which was once the bread basket of Africa is starving.

You should move there. You will either learn how stupid your mentors are, or die of starvation,"

No white man is African.

And I have a more in depth answer to your common white supremacist talking point here

Some of those whites have been in African longer that you've been in America.

Your racism is clear. Your denial of it, cowardly.
Black ppl have been in America 4 thousands of years. No white man is African.

If I come into your home n stomp all over you and family n I claim I'm doing this bcoz blks are superior to whites.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.

Africa is only for blacks. Is that what you are claiming?
Blacks lived in Africa when the white man stole their land. I believe that is what he has said.

He said no white people should be in Africa. Ok. Cool, no blacks who are unthinking fools, like you, and him should be on any continent but Africa.

Go away. Go back to your land. Make it better. This country is for people who will work together no matter what creed or color you are.

We are far from perfect, but we are way the hell further down the evolutionary road than you fools are.

You said you were a native American a few minutes ago, now you are white. Make up your mind son. You guys aren't further down anything. You lag behind. The only thing you guys have done is create better ways of killing people and you use that threat to claim your superiority. That's not superiority white boy. That's called scared shitless of everybody else. If this country was what you claim, we would not be arguing now. So stop lying to yourself. I was born here, and again it seems that whites like you don't get the fact that we too have first amendment rights. Therefore if our grievance is with whites about their racism, we have the right to air our disagreement with it. Now if that is something your white ass can't live with, go find a country full of whites that doesn't recognize the first amendment and live there.

I am 1/4 to 1/2 Shawnee depending on whose family stories you believe. We are arguing because YOU are a racist. What exactly do you want?
We are arguing because you are a racist. I am 1/8th Cherokee so we all can claim to be native American but the reality is that I am black. You are calling me a racist because I point out white racism. That's how delusional you are. You are white and you use the claim of being a native American in order to try dismissing arguments of racism from blacks. Some native americans don't pretend to be so only when they can dismiss the arguments about white racism by blacks.

A Conversation With Native Americans on Race | Op-Docs

Find some pride son. If you are truly native, you descend from a great people. Stop sucking the white mans dick.

I take pride in what I DO. Not in what my ancestors did. The difference between you and me is you revel in your black pride, and you are personally a failure.

I took the insults from my fellow classmates, and decided to beat them at their own game.

My greatest revenge was the year I paid more in taxes, than what they all made combined. And I made sure they knew it.

A person's value is not based on what their color is, but by what they do.

You do nothing but whine and snivel.

I grew up.
"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

No, they wouldn't. They would kick his ass and tell him to leave. I have lived and worked in SA, you've never been there.
"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

I doubt that. He is not one of any of their tribes. He is a mulatto by their standards. And a damn foreigner. Why should they feel anything for him other then contempt?

That's exactly how they feel about American blacks. They consider them losers.
I suppose this guy was whining and he let his heritage enslave him.

Russell Means
Means wanted to build a Native American Republic separate from the United States here in the so called U.S. I suppose he was a racist too.

"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

I doubt that. He is not one of any of their tribes. He is a mulatto by their standards. And a damn foreigner. Why should they feel anything for him other then contempt?

That's exactly how they feel about American blacks. They consider them losers.

Why do you ignorant ass white racists THINK you know anything about us? You are wrong. I know for a fact since I've been to Zimbabwe. I know for a fact because I know South African blacks. Essen could walk into South Africa or any other African nation and get the utmost respect.
"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

No, they wouldn't. They would kick his ass and tell him to leave. I have lived and worked in SA, you've never been there.

You are wrong. Part of the reason apartheid in South Africa was due to the pressure from American blacks led by Rev. Leon Sullivan. South African blacks hate American blacks so much , they allowed Obama to speak at Mandelas funeral. You don't know what the fuck you're talking you dumb racist son of a bitch.
"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

I doubt that. He is not one of any of their tribes. He is a mulatto by their standards. And a damn foreigner. Why should they feel anything for him other then contempt?

That's exactly how they feel about American blacks. They consider them losers.

Why do you ignorant ass white racists THINK you know anything about us? You are wrong. I know for a fact since I've been to Zimbabwe. I know for a fact because I know South African blacks. Essen could walk into South Africa or any other African nation and get the utmost respect.

No, he wouldn't. They would laugh at him because he couldn't hack it in a country they would give their left testicle to get into.
"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

No, they wouldn't. They would kick his ass and tell him to leave. I have lived and worked in SA, you've never been there.

You are wrong. Part of the reason apartheid in South Africa was due to the pressure from American blacks led by Rev. Leon Sullivan. South African blacks hate American blacks so much , they allowed Obama to speak at Mandelas funeral. You don't know what the fuck you're talking you dumb racist son of a bitch.

Ummmm, he was the president. Moron. If you are a black with money, they love it when you go there and show off.

They fleece rich blacks all of the time.
"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

I doubt that. He is not one of any of their tribes. He is a mulatto by their standards. And a damn foreigner. Why should they feel anything for him other then contempt?

That's exactly how they feel about American blacks. They consider them losers.

Why do you ignorant ass white racists THINK you know anything about us? You are wrong. I know for a fact since I've been to Zimbabwe. I know for a fact because I know South African blacks. Essen could walk into South Africa or any other African nation and get the utmost respect.

No, he wouldn't. They would laugh at him because he couldn't hack it in a country they would give their left testicle to get into.
He would be welcomed and they would be glad to have him. Him moving to South Africa doesn't mean he couldn't hack it here. But that's your punk ass racism talking out loud.
"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

I doubt that. He is not one of any of their tribes. He is a mulatto by their standards. And a damn foreigner. Why should they feel anything for him other then contempt?

That's exactly how they feel about American blacks. They consider them losers.

Why do you ignorant ass white racists THINK you know anything about us? You are wrong. I know for a fact since I've been to Zimbabwe. I know for a fact because I know South African blacks. Essen could walk into South Africa or any other African nation and get the utmost respect.

No, he wouldn't. They would laugh at him because he couldn't hack it in a country they would give their left testicle to get into.
He would be welcomed and they would be glad to have him. Him moving to South Africa doesn't mean he couldn't hack it here. But that's your punk ass racism talking out loud.

Yeah it does. Like I said, you ain't never been there. I have.
"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

No, they wouldn't. They would kick his ass and tell him to leave. I have lived and worked in SA, you've never been there.

You are wrong. Part of the reason apartheid in South Africa was due to the pressure from American blacks led by Rev. Leon Sullivan. South African blacks hate American blacks so much , they allowed Obama to speak at Mandelas funeral. You don't know what the fuck you're talking you dumb racist son of a bitch.

Ummmm, he was the president. Moron. If you are a black with money, they love it when you go there and show off.

They fleece rich blacks all of the time.

Again, you are wrong. I know that for a fact. Whites like you love to make up these stories but black south Africans I have met never have shown me that kind of disrespect. And when I was in Zimbabwe I was treated with great respect as well.
:Your racism makes you a soulless monster"

No racism. The blks in SA should treat white people exactly how they treat and have delighted in treating black ppl.
  • Thanks
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"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

I doubt that. He is not one of any of their tribes. He is a mulatto by their standards. And a damn foreigner. Why should they feel anything for him other then contempt?

That's exactly how they feel about American blacks. They consider them losers.

Why do you ignorant ass white racists THINK you know anything about us? You are wrong. I know for a fact since I've been to Zimbabwe. I know for a fact because I know South African blacks. Essen could walk into South Africa or any other African nation and get the utmost respect.

No, he wouldn't. They would laugh at him because he couldn't hack it in a country they would give their left testicle to get into.
He would be welcomed and they would be glad to have him. Him moving to South Africa doesn't mean he couldn't hack it here. But that's your punk ass racism talking out loud.
No white man is Anerican either.
"So, if some (gasp!) white guy's family has been in South Africa for centuries, and every ancestor he can trace was born there, that guy is unquestionably more African than you"

They are not African. The whites down there admit it themselves but if the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy in SA.

If you aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then you aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Because most of these devil white bastards in SA are still living like this.

View attachment 327016

Because they did shit like this.

View attachment 327017

So white S.Africans are in no position to complain about anything that gets done to them.

Wow, you should go to South Africa and inflict your righteous revenge.

Here's a hint though, you won't last two seconds in a fight. The women down there are tough.
Why don't you shut the fuck up? The blacks in south africa would accept Paul in a second. You'd be the one with the problem.

I doubt that. He is not one of any of their tribes. He is a mulatto by their standards. And a damn foreigner. Why should they feel anything for him other then contempt?

That's exactly how they feel about American blacks. They consider them losers.

Why do you ignorant ass white racists THINK you know anything about us? You are wrong. I know for a fact since I've been to Zimbabwe. I know for a fact because I know South African blacks. Essen could walk into South Africa or any other African nation and get the utmost respect.

No, he wouldn't. They would laugh at him because he couldn't hack it in a country they would give their left testicle to get into.
He would be welcomed and they would be glad to have him. Him moving to South Africa doesn't mean he couldn't hack it here. But that's your punk ass racism talking out loud.

Yeah it does. Like I said, you ain't never been there. I have.
I have been to Zimbabwe. That's close enough and I know that you are wrong. Whites like you make up these stories while Africans in every African nation seek out partnerships with black businesses and organizations. I know this from experience.

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