Black Olympians want to protest at Olympics

What idiots like, oh, EVERY Neanderthal leftist here, forget is that the host country (Japan for you geography challenged leftists) said NO political protests allowed. Period. The IOC can’t do anything about it but whine like these ingrates. Most of these whiners wont be in position to have anybody even see their tantrum anyway.
What idiots like, oh, EVERY Neanderthal leftist here, forget is that the host country (Japan for you geography challenged leftists) said NO political protests allowed. Period. The IOC can’t do anything about it but whine like these ingrates. Most of these whiners wont be in position to have anybody even see their tantrum anyway.

Thank you Japan. I appreciate the way you are protecting US from our own idiots.
Look, I don't care if you protest, just please don't do it on the world stage. We're guests of Japan, we shouldn't be bringing our problems over there while we're visiting.

thats too much to ask. They would rather disgrace their own country on the world stage. You notice other athletes from these other countries would never dare to do that. Why, because they dont enjoy the same privileges that these black athletes from the U.S. have in such great abundance.
Some of these other people try something like that, and they get beaten, thrown in prison along with their families or worse.
I have a problem with the fact that our entire US men's basketball team is black, and this is a country with a black population right around 13%. The team doesn't reflect the makeup of our country, and it's obvious discrimination took place.

It's obvious????
It might be they are better athletes?
I'm pleased your not a racist though.
I'm sorry, when was South Afrika ever flourishing? Times have always been tough there.

Here's a good read about South Africa.

Lol! Just because I'm saying don't be a racist asswipe?

Bitch you don't know who I am. I voted for Donald Trump proudly when I turned 18 last year, and love the man dearly. I am a very patriotic guy, flying Don't Tread on ME, Confederate and American flags in my yard. Don't go accusing when you know nothing of your opponent. That is the definition of foolishness.

Weren't you whining about name calling earlier....bitch?

You're too easy. Young and dumb
Normal white guys will start disengaging from the Olympics and it will go to shit. The entire reality that we are in right now was built by normal white guys. I am taking no liberties with the term "normal". There is a standard deviation from normal in everything, and normal is good. There is a reason they call them deviants. It's not good to be out on the bad long tail of the probability distribution. Sorry, deal with it. Should have no impact on societal behavior - but of course the Marxists live for division.
Cease whining, bitch. By now you must realize I take none of your racist crap serious.

All I have to do is look at any inner city and know what's going on. Then look at SA in the last five years and understand
You want racist crap just look in the mirror StankyIrishass, nothing like that good Apartheid to keep them negroes in line.
Normal white guys will start disengaging from the Olympics and it will go to shit. The entire reality that we are in right now was built by normal white guys. I am taking no liberties with the term "normal". There is a standard deviation from normal in everything, and normal is good. There is a reason they call them deviants. It's not good to be out on the bad long tail of the probability distribution. Sorry, deal with it. Should have no impact on societal behavior - but of course the Marxists live for division.
You have just about included every nutty right wing obsession in that post. A sterling effort sir.
if the American athletes feel so strongly that America is racist then maybe they should really do something like purposefully all come in last place ! but they wont because its just leftist bull propaganda !

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