Black Olympians want to protest at Olympics

Those athletes should have the right to protest.

Who in the blank cares?

Let them raise their fists or kneel or moon the fans.

Just ignore them and let them make fools of themselves.

The only reason they misbehave is that they get publicity.
Not my word choice and I would say neither anyway. I try to stay away from cliches when possible.
Combining two words to make a new word is called a portmanteau, by the way.

Considering how often situations call for the use of the phrases such as, "retarded liberal", "retarded like a liberal", or "as retarded as a liberal", or "liberal as a retard", the use of "libtard" is a real time saver.

Considering how often situations call for the use of the phrases such as, "retarded liberal", "retarded like a liberal", or "as retarded as a liberal", or "liberal as a retard", the use of "libtard" is a real time saver.

That's the reason for a portmanteau. But I very seldom use the words liberal and retard together as it's
plainly redundant.

Lets just be ungreatfull and destroy the olympics becuase they is so much inequality they got on the team. Idiots.

Why do they want to protest? They live in the best, freest, least racist country in the world, where they are about to compete in the Worlds biggest competition having experienced the most advanced training methods known to humans....they will likely make millions in endorsements, and be on the glide path to a rich and successful life........

Meanwhile, China is forcibly sterilizing Chinese muslims, forcing them into slave labor and prison make Lebron James's shoes.....
I know. It is a flaw in my speaking style.
Challenge yourself the next time you are tempted call someone a libtard.
Surely the sting in such an insult has been used all up long ago, like calling
someone a racist or Trumptard.

Try something different like "imbecilic Pelosi butt smoocher".
Or "neo Communist moron". Give it a try and piss off some "child molesting Biden voter".

See how it goes. A few seconds of thought can really pay dividends.
Challenge yourself the next time you are tempted call someone a libtard.
Surely the sting in such an insult has been used all up long ago, like calling
someone a racist or Trumptard.

Try something different like "imbecilic Pelosi butt smoocher".
Or "neo Communist moron". Give it a try and piss off some "child molesting Biden voter".

See how it goes. A few seconds of thought can really pay dividends.

i appreciate your encouragement! I will redouble my efforts!

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