Zone1 Black people and police brutality.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
This is a common theme I see come up that people say blacks suffer police brutality. That reminded me of this video I saw. Now, yes this is a comedy bit. But it is with out a doubt absolutely positively true.

Obey the law. That's all they have to do. If you don't want the police after you then don't do things that bring them to you. You don't even have to be a good person, just be a decent person.

Not all police are good guys, that's a given. But considering there are 10s of 1000s on duty allover the country 24 hours a day. If police were inherently bad then there would be incidents every minute because all those police cross the paths of millions of people a day. But we don't have incidents every minute, and 99% of every time a cop "brutalizes" a black person it's because they committed a crime and then ran or argued or resisted arrest or tried to run.

Regardless of your skin color if you break the law the police are coming and when they show up everytime you escalate the situation the police will escalate it as well. You can not win against them because if they can't handle you then more will join them.

So this idea every single black person arrested or man handled by cops are just innocent babes in the woods is an entire lie. Just obey the law, that's all you have to do.
Not all police are good guys, that's a given. But considering there are 10s of 1000s on duty allover the country 24 hours a day. If police were inherently bad then there would be incidents every minute because all those police cross the paths of millions of people a day. But we don't have incidents every minute, and 99% of every time a cop "brutalizes" a black person it's because they committed a crime and then ran or argued or resisted arrest or tried to run.

So your plan is to go through life hoping you don't run into a guy like Chauvin or Van Dyke or some other mutant who never should have been given a badge or a gun?

Fine, 99% of cops are great guys. The problem is that they cover up for the 1% who aren't.

Chauvin had dozens of previous incidents of using excessive force. Same with Jason Van Dyke, the guy who plugged 16 rounds into Laquan McDonald. Or Darren Wilson, who was fired from a police department that was disbanded for being corrupt, but Ferguson picked him right up.

The police need to do more to clean up their own ranks, instead of covering for the "bad apples".
Only 1% are bad? That pretty good. The are more bad people in the general population. That’s why you should always be polite and follow directions. A lot of these incidents that get characterized as “driving while black” are just idiots who escalate the situation by acting like fools. The video in the op is a perfect illustration of this.
Only 1% are bad? That pretty good. The are more bad people in the general population. That’s why you should always be polite and follow directions. A lot of these incidents that get characterized as “driving while black” are just idiots who escalate the situation by acting like fools. The video in the op is a perfect illustration of this.
Except in other professions, the 1% are usually purged by their coworkers.

In police departments, they are protected, and people who blow the whistle are ostracized.

“Whistleblowing is a life sentence,” said Shannon Spalding. She used to be an undercover narcotics officer for the Chicago Police Department. After exposing a corruption scheme, an act that led to dozens of wrongful convictions being overturned, Spalding had her life threatened, and she eventually was forced to resign. The mere act of doing what was right cost Spalding everything. She says, “I’m an officer without a department. I lost my house. I lost my marriage. It affects you in ways you would never imagine.”

To those behind this thin blue line, their most dangerous enemy is the upright cop: the whistleblower. To them, this is “snitching,” which is a mortal sin in any criminal or corrupt organization. An act of betrayal and treason that must be punished. Those willing to violate this code, to pierce this “blue wall of silence,” must be removed through any available means. If this retribution destroys the life of an otherwise solid cop, so be it.

Cops refer to Internal Affairs as "The Rat Squad", when they should be lionized for keeping departments honest.
Only 1% are bad? That pretty good. The are more bad people in the general population. That’s why you should always be polite and follow directions. A lot of these incidents that get characterized as “driving while black” are just idiots who escalate the situation by acting like fools. The video in the op is a perfect illustration of this.

My mother was a police officer and obviously had a lot of cop friends. I have 2 that live on my street because the sheriff's department is like 3 minutes from my house.

What I learned is people are targeted or watched more closely in areas where they belong to a demographic of the most likely suspects. So in some areas where the vast majority of the crime is caused by blacks of course you're going to watch blacks, especially ones driving around blasting rap music, crummy cars, drive leaning way over to the side instead of sitting upright, unkept appearance and so on because that is the type in that area to cause the most problems. Just like in say salt lake City Utah they are going to watch white people since they are the majority and will be more likely to cause crime and they have their own "type" of whites that cause most of the crime.

So yes, cops will profile people. That's what they do, they have problems with a certain type of person they will look out for those same people. Everyone profiles other people, you see someone you don't know and make an assumption.

The only thing is even if a cop "pulls you over for driving black" if you haven't committed any crimes, or done anything to antagonize the police then you have nothing to worry about and in a few minutes you'll be on your way.
My mother was a police officer and obviously had a lot of cop friends. I have 2 that live on my street because the sheriff's department is like 3 minutes from my house.

What I learned is people are targeted or watched more closely in areas where they belong to a demographic of the most likely suspects. So in some areas where the vast majority of the crime is caused by blacks of course you're going to watch blacks, especially ones driving around blasting rap music, crummy cars, drive leaning way over to the side instead of sitting upright, unkept appearance and so on because that is the type in that area to cause the most problems. Just like in say salt lake City Utah they are going to watch white people since they are the majority and will be more likely to cause crime and they have their own "type" of whites that cause most of the crime.

So yes, cops will profile people. That's what they do, they have problems with a certain type of person they will look out for those same people. Everyone profiles other people, you see someone you don't know and make an assumption.

The only thing is even if a cop "pulls you over for driving black" if you haven't committed any crimes, or done anything to antagonize the police then you have nothing to worry about and in a few minutes you'll be on your way.

Do you not know how messed up all of this sounds?

Sorry, nobody should be pulled over for how they are sitting in their car or what kind of music they are blaring.

If the cops did profile white people, you people would be screaming bloody murder.
Do you not know how messed up all of this sounds?

Sorry, nobody should be pulled over for how they are sitting in their car or what kind of music they are blaring.

If the cops did profile white people, you people would be screaming bloody murder.
They DO profile white people. Cops deal with criminals all the time. They know what they look like and how they act. It comes from experience. In any other job, snap decisions based upon experience are lauded, a good maintainer can tell when a machine isn't operating correctly and fixes it before it breaks. As a sailor, I could feel when the boat was "in the groove" or when something wasn't adjusted correctly, and the boat wasn't "driving". The skipper I raced with was an engineer and I drove him nuts finding problems before the instruments showed a loss of speed or pointing ability. He used to ask me how I knew, and the only thing I could tell him was the boat didn't feel right.
The only thing is even if a cop "pulls you over for driving black" if you haven't committed any crimes, or done anything to antagonize the police then you have nothing to worry about and in a few minutes you'll be on your way.

Why should anyone tolerate that?

They DO profile white people. Cops deal with criminals all the time. They know what they look like and how they act. It comes from experience. In any other job, snap decisions based upon experience are lauded, a good maintainer can tell when a machine isn't operating correctly and fixes it before it breaks. As a sailor, I could feel when the boat was "in the groove" or when something wasn't adjusted correctly, and the boat wasn't "driving". The skipper I raced with was an engineer and I drove him nuts finding problems before the instruments showed a loss of speed or pointing ability. He used to ask me how I knew, and the only thing I could tell him was the boat didn't feel right.

The thing I've noticed about cops is that they act like everyone is guilty. Cops really tend to have an "us vs. them" mentality.

There's simply no excuse for racial profiling or pretextual stops or stop-and-frisk.
Why should anyone tolerate that?

The thing I've noticed about cops is that they act like everyone is guilty. Cops really tend to have an "us vs. them" mentality.

There's simply no excuse for racial profiling or pretextual stops or stop-and-frisk.
Cops spend ninety percent of their time dealing with the absolute scum of society. So yes, they have a them and us mentality. How could they not, especially now that people like you are standing in line to crucify them when they make a mistake.
Cops spend ninety percent of their time dealing with the absolute scum of society. So yes, they have a them and us mentality. How could they not, especially now that people like you are standing in line to crucify them when they make a mistake.
I've been fired from jobs for "mistakes'... and no one died because I made one.

The cops should be held to the same standards.

Most cops are good guys, but they do themselves no favors when they protect the bad apples.

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