Black students threaten 'physical action' unless demands are met

How to make the problem go away?
Get rid of the protesting students, end of problem.
I seem to recall MLK talking about content of character and not color of skin, but I see these demands, that apparently skin color is really important and it means special privileges. But some how that is "equality" to those demanding it.. If they are so concerned about the numbers of blacks at that school they should go volunteer to help black kids improve their scores and GPAs. Not get people admitted due to their skin color. Talk about completely forgetting or ignoring what his goal was.
There is really only one way to handle this and when they break the law they should get the proper punishment. Ignore there demands as they should be happy with what they are already getting.
But that is not how the liberals from Michigan will handle this.
How can you demand other people give you an education? You either educate yourself or you don't. No one can give it to you.
As long as they use terms like "physical action" which can obviously imply a threat of violence, there should be no negotiations, but I will guarantee you the university will tuck it's tail between it's legs and cave immediately.
All of their "demands" are to have white people subsidize the shit they can't afford.

Not to mention they demand that less white people get a college education in favor of more blacks.
These days, blacks are so enabled and government-gifted.

How I wish I was back. Non-white. Negroid. Afri-centro. Jungle bunnied. Spear-chuckified.

Take all you're offered, complain for more. Fuckers got it made.
Tell them to piss off. If they riot...well, have we no machine guns? Have we no nerve gas?
From the article:
•We demand an opportunity to be educated and to educate about America’s historical treatment and marginalization of colored groups through race and ethnicity requirements throughout all schools and colleges within the university.
•We demand the equal opportunity to succeed with emergency scholarships for black students in need of financial support, without the mental anxiety of not being able to focus on and afford the university's academic life.
•We demand increased exposure of all documents within the Bentley (Historical) Library. There should be transparency about the university and its past dealings with race relations.
•We demand an increase in black representation on this campus equal to 10 percent.

This is Identity Politics in action, the new anti-white racism.
How can you demand other people give you an education? You either educate yourself or you don't. No one can give it to you.

The problem is they think colleges can make you smart--that's something you are born with
colleges can educate you but as seen with the college kids of today SMART THEY ARE NOT.
"give me more stuff because I'm black"...

Everyone one of those asswipes should be expelled.


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