Black Supremacy

That is nothing. Paul ellison or whatever that fuckers name is, said he wants to kill white children. Wants to rape white girls and make their mothers watch. Just for being white.
Asslips is an extreme racist as well. He has said way worse than that lol.

And nobody sees this as a problem? Forget being banned he should be arrested.
That is nothing. Paul ellison or whatever that fuckers name is, said he wants to kill white children. Wants to rape white girls and make their mothers watch. Just for being white.
Asslips is an extreme racist as well. He has said way worse than that lol.
Bush92 told me once that he would have no issues going to China and killing women and children. Should he be arrested?
Bush92 told me once that he would have no issues going to China and killing women and children. Should he be arrested?

Yes. He's making threats.

IDK about arrested but i hope he is being watched lol. That crazy mother fucker is a ticking time bomb.

Anybody who makes threats like that is breaking the law. You know, I think we're on different sides of the political spectrum, but I actually do like you and your attitude. :) (I don't like very many liberals so you should be honored if that really is how you stand.)
Yes. He's making threats.

Anybody who makes threats like that is breaking the law. You know, I think we're on different sides of the political spectrum, but I actually do like you and your attitude. :) (I don't like very many liberals so you should be honored if that really is how you stand.)
I am not a "liberal" lol. Not what you are thinking about anyways. Read my sig. That should tell you enough about my beliefs.
I tend to call them "regressive illiberals" as they arent actual "liberals"
This is another word that got raped by stupid people.
Liberals are supposed to believe in individualism and small central govts. Obviously none of those freaks believe that because they are federal supremacists that believe in collectivism.
I am not a "liberal" lol. Not what you are thinking about anyways. Read my sig. That should tell you enough about my beliefs.
I tend to call them "regressive illiberals" as they arent actual "liberals"
This is another word that got raped by stupid people.
Liberals are supposed to believe in individualism and small central govts. Obviously none of those freaks believe that because they are federal supremacists that believe in collectivism.

Well, I don't think you're a Trump supporter, but whether or not you call yourself a liberal nice liberals do exist they're just really hard to come by. Especially around here. It's the exact same way with blacks as I'm pointing out in this thread. Although not all of them feel the way that since they're black they can say whatever they want about whites, but a lot of them do. They have the same attitude of I can say what I want about you but you can't say what you want to about me. Not like any racism is a good thing, but that attitude is even worse in my opinion.
Asclepias is ok. Like everyone on the net, they say whatever floats their boat in anger, happiness, sadness, etc.

I like him. Intelligent, crude at times, has a white adopted daughter. Can you see him killing her due to her skin?
He vents..just like everyone else. But you go ahead and believe what is written on a message board since it MUST be true, and report them to staff like you love to do.

Idiot. If you are going to bash someone, at least call them with the @ instead of being a chickenshit.
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IM2 and Paul Essien are another whole kettle of fish. Those two are disgusting. Acl is NOTHING like them. Except when ya piss him off and he winds up calling ya a cave monkey.:auiqs.jpg:

And fucking furthermore....your thread title is misleading to the max. That is not a black woman saying that shit. It's an asian woman. Change your title so you don't look like a dumbfuck. Oh. Wait.
I find it funny when it shows down at the bottom that Gracie continues making comments on my threads when she knows darn well that she's on my ignore list lol so I'm generally not going to see what she's saying anyways. XD
I find it funny when it shows down at the bottom that Gracie continues making comments on my threads when she knows darn well that she's on my ignore list lol so I'm generally not going to see what she's saying anyways. XD
Stop lying. You look.
And I will comment on any thread I feel like commenting on. As I said more than once...SOMETIMES you have good threads. Rarely, but you do. This one is bullshit with a fake title.

When you post stupid shit, I will comment if I feel like it. Normally, I pass by your threads. Didn't even know you started this one until I clicked it. Didn't know you were the OP either. I was fixin' to holler at whomever scammed us with a false thread title, then saw it was our local dingbat.
Here's the official definition of racism folks.

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

I don't see anything in there about them having to be black for it to be classified as racism. And let's just be clear here, I don't have any problem at all with people of color. I'm just making a point that when people say that reverse racism doesn't exist they're full of BS.
I think there is a difference between saying that you don't like white people than saying you don't like white people then make rules and regulations making certain that white people don't get the same lawful protections or equal opportunities. Even the Affirmative Action you guys whine about was made by whites. There is no systemic black supremacy in this country. You don't have black supremacists in elected office, in law enforcement, in the legal and business system the educational system or the military. You have a few groups of black people yelling about how they hate whitey and it's because of what whitey has done to them, not some ignorance passed down through generations about the superiority of our race.

So really, there is no black supremacy in the manner of what white supremacy has always been.
I think there is a difference between saying that you don't like white people than saying you don't like white people then make rules and regulations making certain that white people don't get the same lawful protections or equal opportunities. Even the Affirmative Action you guys whine about was made by whites. There is no systemic black supremacy in this country. You don't have black supremacists in elected office, in law enforcement, in the legal and business system the educational system or the military. You have a few groups of black people yelling about how they hate whitey and it's because of what whitey has done to them, not some ignorance passed down through generations about the superiority of our race.

So really, there is no black supremacy in the manner of what white supremacy has always been.
So the difference is white people have power and blacks dont. How racist.
As usual, you construe terms to fit your hatred and overall shitty outlook on people and life in general.
I am so glad i am not as unhappy as you are. I would hate to live my life like that.
Maybe one day, you will snap out of it.
So the difference is white people have power and blacks dont. How racist.
As usual, you construe terms to fit your hatred and overall shitty outlook on people and life in general.
I am so glad i am not as unhappy as you are. I would hate to live my life like that.
Maybe one day, you will snap out of it.
The truth is not racist and nobody black has codified whatever belief they have in black supremacy into law or policy. The truth is what I am talking about. I live as a black person. I have seen all the different ways whites put racism on us and what it can create good and bad. I'm not some white dude trying to make our experiences the same so he can feel good about himself and that he can call somebody black a racist to absolve himself. You make assumptions that you shouldn't. I am a verry happy man. I would be miserable if I just accepted racism as part of life while ignoring what I have endured and what I have seen other blacks endure.

White racism created the animosity blacks have towards whites and while some handle white racism with smoothness, others don't. I am not trying to justify things white boy, I am however, speaking the truth. And you must be a sad fragile human being to be unable to deal with the truth as well as making yourself live in an imaginary world where you can ignore what's been done to blacks and then call any opposition to that racism.

That's sick and psychotic, but it's par for the course in places like this forum. Because if white racism was just a bunch of slurs yelled at us while we still owned and controlled everything, we wouldn't whine because those words don't have any effect. But what whites have done with their racism has directly impacted the opportunities of bladk people and have allowed white ill gotten wealth. And that's what you don't seem to get in your little world of the false equivalence.

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