Black teen mob attacks woman

Notice how the American Media has zero interest in this hate crime.
We don't know who this woman was, or how extensive her injuries are.
Can you imagine if the woman was Black and a mob of White teens beat her; the Press would be going apeshit.
Notice how the American Media has zero interest in this hate crime.
We don't know who this woman was, or how extensive her injuries are.
Can you imagine if the woman was Black and a mob of White teens beat her; the Press would be going apeshit.
Black privilege is now the norm.
Very little if anything will be done about it. CNN, nbc and so on will maybe talk about it briefly. It will disappear in a week or so because it's a bunch of nwords and no one will admit they are savages that should be sent back to africa for the good of the nation. And they are young which makes it less likely anything will happen because democrats love their young people.
I'm from Chicago although many, many decades ago. I've visited the city both on business and recreation many dozens of times. I LOVED the city.

I pitied the city.

The residents of Chicago voted for someone further to the left than Lori Lightfoot for their mayor. So hey, this is what they demand. Maybe just fence off the city like in the old movie "Escape From New York" and call it a maximum security prison and let whatever happens, happen.

When is it due or overdue for the state to step in? When does the state have the responsibility to step in and protect the citizens of ILLINOIS?
Exactly why one should carry. Send the "but he's a good boy" thug to meet his maker

I would in a New York minute
A woman was just on TV saying the teens were protesting poverty and segregation. For segregation they beat up this woman, her boyfriend and then attacked a Mexican family. They broke car windows and beat up the father sitting in his seat. If left to simmer, this kind of mob will kill people because, you know, segregation.
Biden is working hard to bring that excitement to the suburbs. - Democrats from Biden to Hochul are targeting suburban homeowners

The Biden administration announced Jan. 19 it will require all towns across America to submit “equity plans” showing how they will make it possible for low-income people to live there, by providing affordable housing, transportation and other resources.

Towns that don’t meet the cookie-cutter requirement for economic diversity will lose federal funding.
This is why newer suburban communities are planned communities like mine. We have no public space. Every square inch is owned.
Biden is working hard to bring that excitement to the suburbs. - Democrats from Biden to Hochul are targeting suburban homeowners

The Biden administration announced Jan. 19 it will require all towns across America to submit “equity plans” showing how they will make it possible for low-income people to live there, by providing affordable housing, transportation and other resources.

Towns that don’t meet the cookie-cutter requirement for economic diversity will lose federal funding.

This evil, stolen Administration wants to wreck the whole country, annihilate everything that's decent and nice....and one way of doing it, is sending their "brown shirts", their foot soldiers so to speak, to do the job for them.


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