BLACK TRUMP VOTER: "I want a job, not welfare; Freedom not handouts"; He's trashed by his own people

What's worse is the left loons on this very forum believe it
Or the right don't know the history after the civil rights
I don't judge anyone on their color. My judging starts when they open their mouth.
Republican policies are based on what comes out when you open your wallet.
Republicans are more generous with their own money to help the poor than liberals.
Why don't you compare Bush's charity donations to Obama's or Biden's in 2008.
Or the right don't know the history after the civil rights
I don't judge anyone on their color. My judging starts when they open their mouth.
Republican policies are based on what comes out when you open your wallet.
Republicans are more generous with their own money to help the poor than liberals.
Why don't you compare Bush's charity donations to Obama's or Biden's in 2008.

Everyone knows conservatives are more charitable than liberals. Always have been.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
I give two shits who you vote for. I'm here to shut your libturds up. And to ensure accuracy of posts. I merely point out what you are blind to see
How do you expect to point out anything to people with superior minds? Why is it the dumb clucks like you who think they are smart enough to school Blacks or anyone who disagrees with their Faux News generated opinions? Are you expecting someone to call you Bwana or something? It will take more than a high school and Fox News education to even attempt to "point" something out to me.
Superior minds. That's a good one. You're just a lowlife slave, that's 180 degrees opposite superior anything.
Like I said, your subpar cognitive ability shows every time you post something. If I am on a plantation I am one of the owners of that plantation. My vote is part of the currency used to hire Democratic politicians to WORK FOR ME on that plantation. Republican shills like you work for your politicians rather than making them work for you. How else can you explain the bizarre phenomenon of so many gullible White working class males voting for the party of Rich industrialists?
the difference is I care about the country and my countrymen and women. I respect the past and encourage the future. There is no future giving away money to unmotivated individuals scamming their countrymen and women. Libturds go out of their way with embellishing the freebies. Like it is a right. It isn't. I'm about country, you're about give aways to destroy the country. It's what makes me better than you. You try and justify it, but fail every fkn day. The dems own you bubba, you can't think for yourselves, you handle talking points delivered for use on message boards. Many if not all of those on the right have identified this trend and I will acknowledge your parroting skills daily.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
I give two shits who you vote for. I'm here to shut your libturds up. And to ensure accuracy of posts. I merely point out what you are blind to see
How do you expect to point out anything to people with superior minds? Why is it the dumb clucks like you who think they are smart enough to school Blacks or anyone who disagrees with their Faux News generated opinions? Are you expecting someone to call you Bwana or something? It will take more than a high school and Fox News education to even attempt to "point" something out to me.
Why? Because they were lucky enough to be born in a good zip code
JC 456 was destined to be a fool no matter where he /she was born. And I wouldn't assume he lives in an area with a good zip code either.
the only fool/ fools are those who follow a liberal agenda of doom and gloom of our country. The USSR fell for a reason, and it is amusing/ sad that the left want that destruction.
It should be the other way around. It should be rich people don't bother voting because they don't think it matters. Because so many of us vote, we vote out the corrupt politicians who disappoint. But instead us middle class and poor people don't vote because we don't think it matters when the reality is it's probably the only thing that matters The only voice we have all of us each of us and 50% at best vote every 4 years 30% of us vote every two years
Thats a part of the issue. The other part is most americans vote for the condition they aspire to become not the condition they are currently in. Thats a psychological fact that politicians exploit. They use fear tactics to galvanize knowing that fear instinct is the strongest possible motivation. They have been doing this for centuries. Americans tend to vote for the conditions that favor the wealthy. The wealthy can afford the marketing to convince americans to do this.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
I give two shits who you vote for. I'm here to shut your libturds up. And to ensure accuracy of posts. I merely point out what you are blind to see
How do you expect to point out anything to people with superior minds? Why is it the dumb clucks like you who think they are smart enough to school Blacks or anyone who disagrees with their Faux News generated opinions? Are you expecting someone to call you Bwana or something? It will take more than a high school and Fox News education to even attempt to "point" something out to me.
Superior minds. That's a good one. You're just a lowlife slave, that's 180 degrees opposite superior anything.
Like I said, your subpar cognitive ability shows every time you post something. If I am on a plantation I am one of the owners of that plantation. My vote is part of the currency used to hire Democratic politicians to WORK FOR ME on that plantation. Republican shills like you work for your politicians rather than making them work for you. How else can you explain the bizarre phenomenon of so many gullible White working class males voting for the party of Rich industrialists?
And would you take a look at this?
Like I've been saying the dems, who love the muslims, must not like this outcome. hahahahahahahahahahaha

Muslims in Texas Cry 'Islamophobia' when Found Guilty of Slavery and Banned from the United States! - Eagle Rising

"Two wealthy Texas Muslims have been found guilty of engaging in forced labor or two "servants," otherwise known as slaves. However, the judge in the case was told that to punish them would amount to nothing more that "islamophobia," which has been shown to be a ridiculous argument. The judge, however, decided they needed a lesson in law and banned them from the united States."
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
I give two shits who you vote for. I'm here to shut your libturds up. And to ensure accuracy of posts. I merely point out what you are blind to see
How do you expect to point out anything to people with superior minds? Why is it the dumb clucks like you who think they are smart enough to school Blacks or anyone who disagrees with their Faux News generated opinions? Are you expecting someone to call you Bwana or something? It will take more than a high school and Fox News education to even attempt to "point" something out to me.
Superior minds. That's a good one. You're just a lowlife slave, that's 180 degrees opposite superior anything.
Like I said, your subpar cognitive ability shows every time you post something. If I am on a plantation I am one of the owners of that plantation. My vote is part of the currency used to hire Democratic politicians to WORK FOR ME on that plantation. Republican shills like you work for your politicians rather than making them work for you. How else can you explain the bizarre phenomenon of so many gullible White working class males voting for the party of Rich industrialists?
the difference is I care about the country and my countrymen and women. I respect the past and encourage the future. There is no future giving away money to unmotivated individuals scamming their countrymen and women. Libturds go out of their way with embellishing the freebies. Like it is a right. It isn't. I'm about country, you're about give aways to destroy the country. It's what makes me better than you. You try and justify it, but fail every fkn day. The dems own you bubba, you can't think for yourselves, you handle talking points delivered for use on message boards. Many if not all of those on the right have identified this trend and I will acknowledge your parroting skills daily.

You don't care about a damn thing except restoring universal RW White male privilege and control. Even now you betray your thinly veiled agenda by thinking you are giving something to your own less fortunate countrymen. You can't GIVE what doesn't belong to you in the first place. If there is any ownership attached to tax dollars those dollars are public property to be dispersed as our elected officials see fit. The professional politicians we elected are entrusted to use public funds in the general best interests of ALL Americans. The poor are still American citizens and the world is watching how we treat the least of us. But getting into the psychological pathology of being chronically poor, I really don't think anyone wants to be in that position. No one wants to be impoverished and given just enough to get by. That kind of poverty is usually accompanied by a host of other deep rooted mental problems Yet, many poor people fall into another category. These are the working poor and probably make up the vast majority. Without subsidies and food banks to help their families I would fear the worst. Crime would skyrocket to unprecedented rates and the money they spend to survive would dry up and crash the economy. The poor spends their money as soon as they get it just to survive. And that is good for the economy. All politicians know these facts but the Democrats seem to have placed the well being of the poor and disenfranchised on financial footing equal to building bombs and manufacturing munitions. The GOP has prioritized Defense to preserve their wealth at the expense of the poor and middle class.

The Dems don't own me, they work FOR me. And from time to time I become one of them. The GOP owns YOU. You have been brainwashed to believe your Whiteness has some divine component to it that other people don't have. When Jews and minorities rise up to be prosperous, you see it as something being stolen from you. Somehow you translate that into your birthright being taken by dark minorities intent upon destroying your way of life. Am I close? Isn't that the source of RW White male anger? It is that anger that has corrupted you and caused you to believe that the GOP is the bastion of Great White Hope....the crumbling fortress behind which RW White males are trembling with uncontrollable fear and anger as the barrage of progress and change beats relentlessly against the walls

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