BLACK TRUMP VOTER: "I want a job, not welfare; Freedom not handouts"; He's trashed by his own people

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!
in other words, the democrats slaves.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
What's your way? How you gonna help poor people by not raising minimum wage? To make healthcare unaffordable? Send good paying factory jobs out of the country? Employ illegals to do jobs poor Americans would do for minimum wage but your corporations want to pay less than minimum. Do you want to defend public schools?
This man is so right and I feel terrible for him. He's trying to reason with liberals and as the video shows....once you've beaten them...libs shout and run and won't hear anymore.

He says he wants jobs...not welfare
He says he wants freedom not handouts
He says he doesn't wanna be a slave to dependence
He says the system ISN'T holding anyone down if you work hard

He's a great American and I'm proud to stand with him to vote for Trump.

You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

in other words, the democrats slaves.

You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!

you know that's bullshit. Why do you wish to back that piece of crap party anyway. They've done nothing for you. Again, the poor areas in the country are all run by dems, that's just a fact jack! You're being duped and you like it. That's really sad. Go get with your BLM brothers and tell us some more how you thrive under dem rule. Your post is so wrong there isn't enough time in a year to go over all the fallacies of it. WOW.

Yea but those black cities are surrounded by cities run by white racist. And not just up north. I think I recently read a story or heard it on NPR where this poor town in Alabama is right next door to a rich town and I'm sorry but are you blaming the black mayor in the poor town for not having as much $ as the rich community next door?

I don't 100% defend the black community and all the fatherlessness and violence but one thing middle class blacks are smarter than us is at the voting booth. The ones that bother to vote that is. That's another beef I have with all too many of them, but they ain't voting wrong, you are.

Bet that never dawned on you
in other words, the democrats slaves.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
The GOP is the party for the rich, not the middle class or poor. If you aren't rich, you and I are voting correctly.

We just need to wake up our stupid middle class and poor brothers and sisters that don't vote every two years.
Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!
in other words, the democrats slaves.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
I think he believes if he talks to successful Blacks like us that have voted traditionally Democrat, then we will convince other Blacks to vote for his candidate. I do believe all Blacks should register independent as a show of unity and give our votes to the party that is attempting to do the most. In this day and age it has been the Dems.
I believe all blacks should register too. I hate it that Americans who have it the worst vote the least.
It should be the other way around. It should be rich people don't bother voting because they don't think it matters. Because so many of us vote, we vote out the corrupt politicians who disappoint. But instead us middle class and poor people don't vote because we don't think it matters when the reality is it's probably the only thing that matters The only voice we have all of us each of us and 50% at best vote every 4 years 30% of us vote every two years
It should be the other way around. It should be rich people don't bother voting because they don't think it matters. Because so many of us vote, we vote out the corrupt politicians who disappoint. But instead us middle class and poor people don't vote because we don't think it matters when the reality is it's probably the only thing that matters The only voice we have all of us each of us and 50% at best vote every 4 years 30% of us vote every two years
Evidently, when both parties kept pushing establishment candidates there was not going to be much change. It was business as usual where the elected candidate just blended into the status quo regardless of political party. So, many people DID become disillusioned and apathetic. I think Trump has turned taken advantage of that disillusionment and so has Sanders to some degree.. All the rest, including Hilary, will do nothing to facilitate the much needed shakeup of Washington. While I don't favor a Trump presidency, If he or Sanders win, there is going to be some major changes for better or worse. That is, ostensibly,....after all, the Chief Executive is limited by the Constitution and the other branches of government and anything too radical will probably be challenged....unless Martial Law is declared.
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in other words, the democrats slaves.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
I give two shits who you vote for. I'm here to shut your libturds up. And to ensure accuracy of posts. I merely point out what you are blind to see
You guys are doing the jumping-up-and-down thing, eh. :)

I am not jumping up or down, both of my feet are firmly planted in your dumb ass!

Naw, jumping up and down
Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!
in other words, the democrats slaves.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
BWHAHAHAHAH! Bill Cosby? BTW you can't even guess what my race is... I am ALL of them. It is my mind that is important not my race. And Johnson's signature on that Civil Rights Bill is all I care about, not anecdotal murmur about something he said. Actions speak louder than words and innuendo. Yep, that signature make me lean more towards Democrats...I admit it... ya got me.... heh heh heh!
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
I give two shits who you vote for. I'm here to shut your libturds up. And to ensure accuracy of posts. I merely point out what you are blind to see
How do you expect to point out anything to people with superior minds? Why is it the dumb clucks like you who think they are smart enough to school Blacks or anyone who disagrees with their Faux News generated opinions? Are you expecting someone to call you Bwana or something? It will take more than a high school and Fox News education to even attempt to "point" something out to me.
Less taxes looks great on a bumper sticker but when the fact is Republicans Raise taxes on middle-class and poor people.

Republicans are so dumb they blame the Democrats for the rich getting richer.

Republicans are incapable of admitting guilt or responsibility for anything
Yeah go with that . It's bullshit but why do you care it's just standard protocol
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
I give two shits who you vote for. I'm here to shut your libturds up. And to ensure accuracy of posts. I merely point out what you are blind to see
How do you expect to point out anything to people with superior minds? Why is it the dumb clucks like you who think they are smart enough to school Blacks or anyone who disagrees with their Faux News generated opinions? Are you expecting someone to call you Bwana or something? It will take more than a high school and Fox News education to even attempt to "point" something out to me.
Superior minds. That's a good one. You're just a lowlife slave, that's 180 degrees opposite superior anything.
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
I give two shits who you vote for. I'm here to shut your libturds up. And to ensure accuracy of posts. I merely point out what you are blind to see
How do you expect to point out anything to people with superior minds? Why is it the dumb clucks like you who think they are smart enough to school Blacks or anyone who disagrees with their Faux News generated opinions? Are you expecting someone to call you Bwana or something? It will take more than a high school and Fox News education to even attempt to "point" something out to me.
Why? Because they were lucky enough to be born in a good zip code
in other words, the democrats slaves.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
BWHAHAHAHAH! Bill Cosby? BTW you can't even guess what my race is... I am ALL of them. It is my mind that is important not my race. And Johnson's signature on that Civil Rights Bill is all I care about, not anecdotal murmur about something he said. Actions speak louder than words and innuendo. Yep, that signature make me lean more towards Democrats...I admit it... ya got me.... heh heh heh!
Their slave is what that signature got you. Internet goofball
in other words, the democrats slaves.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
What's your way? How you gonna help poor people by not raising minimum wage? To make healthcare unaffordable? Send good paying factory jobs out of the country? Employ illegals to do jobs poor Americans would do for minimum wage but your corporations want to pay less than minimum. Do you want to defend public schools?
It's called doing away with job killer obumacare
This man is so right and I feel terrible for him. He's trying to reason with liberals and as the video shows....once you've beaten them...libs shout and run and won't hear anymore.

He says he wants jobs...not welfare
He says he wants freedom not handouts
He says he doesn't wanna be a slave to dependence
He says the system ISN'T holding anyone down if you work hard

He's a great American and I'm proud to stand with him to vote for Trump.

Uh oh. Liberals ain't gonna like this black man getting off the Democratic Plantation.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
I give two shits who you vote for. I'm here to shut your libturds up. And to ensure accuracy of posts. I merely point out what you are blind to see
How do you expect to point out anything to people with superior minds? Why is it the dumb clucks like you who think they are smart enough to school Blacks or anyone who disagrees with their Faux News generated opinions? Are you expecting someone to call you Bwana or something? It will take more than a high school and Fox News education to even attempt to "point" something out to me.
Superior minds. That's a good one. You're just a lowlife slave, that's 180 degrees opposite superior anything.
Like I said, your subpar cognitive ability shows every time you post something. If I am on a plantation I am one of the owners of that plantation. My vote is part of the currency used to hire Democratic politicians to WORK FOR ME on that plantation. Republican shills like you work for your politicians rather than making them work for you. How else can you explain the bizarre phenomenon of so many gullible White working class males voting for the party of Rich industrialists?
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
I give two shits who you vote for. I'm here to shut your libturds up. And to ensure accuracy of posts. I merely point out what you are blind to see
How do you expect to point out anything to people with superior minds? Why is it the dumb clucks like you who think they are smart enough to school Blacks or anyone who disagrees with their Faux News generated opinions? Are you expecting someone to call you Bwana or something? It will take more than a high school and Fox News education to even attempt to "point" something out to me.
Why? Because they were lucky enough to be born in a good zip code
JC 456 was destined to be a fool no matter where he /she was born. And I wouldn't assume he lives in an area with a good zip code either.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
BWHAHAHAHAH! Bill Cosby? BTW you can't even guess what my race is... I am ALL of them. It is my mind that is important not my race. And Johnson's signature on that Civil Rights Bill is all I care about, not anecdotal murmur about something he said. Actions speak louder than words and innuendo. Yep, that signature make me lean more towards Democrats...I admit it... ya got me.... heh heh heh!
Their slave is what that signature got you. Internet goofball
See post #217, please hurry before that one brain cell in your head fades.
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You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
You give two shits but yet you are still here begging us to vote like you. Arent you even embarrassed you got caught in a lie?
The GOP is the party for the rich, not the middle class or poor. If you aren't rich, you and I are voting correctly.


Bullshit, mindless lefty bumper sticker - speak.

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