BLACK TRUMP VOTER: "I want a job, not welfare; Freedom not handouts"; He's trashed by his own people

You mean 8 years of bush?

If not you are not being intellectually honest with yourself or us

I cant believe it took this long...... But,but....Booooooosh!!!
Why don't you tell us Carter was the worst even though you know Gw holds that title now?

Why don't you continue to try to ignore bush caused a great recession?

Sorry but bush ain't gonna go away until a democrat comes along who takes his title of woat. Worst of all time.

Barry is the worst in history.
Why do I only hear RW Republicans saying that? And the scornful diatribe is usually uttered without any point of reference at all.

You obviously didnt read the post I was answering...
More people on government assistance,incomes dropping and the middle class disappearing,racial tensions at an all time high,the middle east is a total disaster.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your bunghole you'd notice these things.

I read the post you were answering and I am inclined to agree with Sealybobo. All the things you mentioned were set in motion long before "Barry" became president. Obama has done a marvelous job cleaning up after the Republicans damn near destroyed this country; all of that despite the obstructionist GOP villainy that haunted his efforts relentlessly. The scary thing here is that far too many Republicans have been turned into pathological disciples of racial hegemony. For you, Obama serves as the surrogate for heaping all the mistakes and disasters fomented upon the American people by previous GOP administrations. Fortunately, sensible citizens outnumber those with your mindset...or at al least they DID as evidenced by Obama's two terms as president.

Now, the auto industry is healthy again, more people have healthcare without fear of being dropped when they really need it most, credit card laws have become more favorable for the public, unemployment is down, and we are involved in less conflicts around the word.There are hundreds of more positives about the Obama initiatives I could rattle off. But; for what? You don't want to know those things.
I cant believe it took this long...... But,but....Booooooosh!!!
Why don't you tell us Carter was the worst even though you know Gw holds that title now?

Why don't you continue to try to ignore bush caused a great recession?

Sorry but bush ain't gonna go away until a democrat comes along who takes his title of woat. Worst of all time.

Barry is the worst in history.
Why do I only hear RW Republicans saying that? And the scornful diatribe is usually uttered without any point of reference at all.

You obviously didnt read the post I was answering...
More people on government assistance,incomes dropping and the middle class disappearing,racial tensions at an all time high,the middle east is a total disaster.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your bunghole you'd notice these things.

I read the post you were answering and I am inclined to agree with Sealybobo. All the things you mentioned were set in motion long before "Barry" became president. Obama has done a marvelous job cleaning up after the Republicans damn near destroyed this country; all of that despite the obstructionist GOP villainy that haunted his efforts relentlessly. The scary thing here is that far too many Republicans have been turned into pathological disciples of racial hegemony. For you, Obama serves as the surrogate for heaping all the mistakes and disasters fomented upon the American people by previous GOP administrations. Fortunately, sensible citizens outnumber those with your mindset...or at al least they DID as evidenced by Obama's two terms as president.

Now, the auto industry is healthy again, more people have healthcare without fear of being dropped when they really need it most, credit card laws have become more favorable for the public, unemployment is down, and we are involved in less conflicts around the word.There are hundreds of more positives about the Obama initiatives I could rattle off. But; for what? You don't want to know those things.

Willfully blind.....
This man is so right and I feel terrible for him. He's trying to reason with liberals and as the video shows....once you've beaten them...libs shout and run and won't hear anymore.

He says he wants jobs...not welfare
He says he wants freedom not handouts
He says he doesn't wanna be a slave to dependence
He says the system ISN'T holding anyone down if you work hard

He's a great American and I'm proud to stand with him to vote for Trump.

You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

in other words, the democrats slaves.

You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
I cant believe it took this long...... But,but....Booooooosh!!!
Why don't you tell us Carter was the worst even though you know Gw holds that title now?

Why don't you continue to try to ignore bush caused a great recession?

Sorry but bush ain't gonna go away until a democrat comes along who takes his title of woat. Worst of all time.

Barry is the worst in history.
Why do I only hear RW Republicans saying that? And the scornful diatribe is usually uttered without any point of reference at all.

You obviously didnt read the post I was answering...
More people on government assistance,incomes dropping and the middle class disappearing,racial tensions at an all time high,the middle east is a total disaster.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your bunghole you'd notice these things.

I read the post you were answering and I am inclined to agree with Sealybobo. All the things you mentioned were set in motion long before "Barry" became president. Obama has done a marvelous job cleaning up after the Republicans damn near destroyed this country; all of that despite the obstructionist GOP villainy that haunted his efforts relentlessly. The scary thing here is that far too many Republicans have been turned into pathological disciples of racial hegemony. For you, Obama serves as the surrogate for heaping all the mistakes and disasters fomented upon the American people by previous GOP administrations. Fortunately, sensible citizens outnumber those with your mindset...or at al least they DID as evidenced by Obama's two terms as president.

Now, the auto industry is healthy again, more people have healthcare without fear of being dropped when they really need it most, credit card laws have become more favorable for the public, unemployment is down, and we are involved in less conflicts around the word.There are hundreds of more positives about the Obama initiatives I could rattle off. But; for what? You don't want to know those things.
And if President McCain or Romney had the same results they'd be calling them the second Reagan. They'd have a completely different narrative. It's called spin.
The quote was attributed to LBJ by two Governors on Air force One with the President. What I provided was proof that LBJ was a racist.
Need more hear you go.

Youre giving me everything but what you claimed even though you also claim you dont care. Stop stalling and provide evidence of the quote. I will even take a credible link to your new claim someone heard him say it.

dudette, it was me that said I didn't care. I'm more taken back that you defend that piece of shit liberal. And you have the nerve to call us racist. you're truly a fkturd.

Asking for proof of your claim is defending a racist? You must be retarded if you really believe that. Have you found any evidence he said that yet or are you going to just keep on stalling?
Why don't you tell us Carter was the worst even though you know Gw holds that title now?

Why don't you continue to try to ignore bush caused a great recession?

Sorry but bush ain't gonna go away until a democrat comes along who takes his title of woat. Worst of all time.

Barry is the worst in history.
Why do I only hear RW Republicans saying that? And the scornful diatribe is usually uttered without any point of reference at all.

You obviously didnt read the post I was answering...
More people on government assistance,incomes dropping and the middle class disappearing,racial tensions at an all time high,the middle east is a total disaster.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your bunghole you'd notice these things.

I read the post you were answering and I am inclined to agree with Sealybobo. All the things you mentioned were set in motion long before "Barry" became president. Obama has done a marvelous job cleaning up after the Republicans damn near destroyed this country; all of that despite the obstructionist GOP villainy that haunted his efforts relentlessly. The scary thing here is that far too many Republicans have been turned into pathological disciples of racial hegemony. For you, Obama serves as the surrogate for heaping all the mistakes and disasters fomented upon the American people by previous GOP administrations. Fortunately, sensible citizens outnumber those with your mindset...or at al least they DID as evidenced by Obama's two terms as president.

Now, the auto industry is healthy again, more people have healthcare without fear of being dropped when they really need it most, credit card laws have become more favorable for the public, unemployment is down, and we are involved in less conflicts around the word.There are hundreds of more positives about the Obama initiatives I could rattle off. But; for what? You don't want to know those things.

Willfully blind.....
And I was going to tell him "well put". Huh.
Why don't you tell us Carter was the worst even though you know Gw holds that title now?

Why don't you continue to try to ignore bush caused a great recession?

Sorry but bush ain't gonna go away until a democrat comes along who takes his title of woat. Worst of all time.

Barry is the worst in history.
Why do I only hear RW Republicans saying that? And the scornful diatribe is usually uttered without any point of reference at all.

You obviously didnt read the post I was answering...
More people on government assistance,incomes dropping and the middle class disappearing,racial tensions at an all time high,the middle east is a total disaster.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your bunghole you'd notice these things.

I read the post you were answering and I am inclined to agree with Sealybobo. All the things you mentioned were set in motion long before "Barry" became president. Obama has done a marvelous job cleaning up after the Republicans damn near destroyed this country; all of that despite the obstructionist GOP villainy that haunted his efforts relentlessly. The scary thing here is that far too many Republicans have been turned into pathological disciples of racial hegemony. For you, Obama serves as the surrogate for heaping all the mistakes and disasters fomented upon the American people by previous GOP administrations. Fortunately, sensible citizens outnumber those with your mindset...or at al least they DID as evidenced by Obama's two terms as president.

Now, the auto industry is healthy again, more people have healthcare without fear of being dropped when they really need it most, credit card laws have become more favorable for the public, unemployment is down, and we are involved in less conflicts around the word.There are hundreds of more positives about the Obama initiatives I could rattle off. But; for what? You don't want to know those things.

Willfully blind.....
Youre willfully ignorant....
This man is so right and I feel terrible for him. He's trying to reason with liberals and as the video shows....once you've beaten them...libs shout and run and won't hear anymore.

He says he wants jobs...not welfare
He says he wants freedom not handouts
He says he doesn't wanna be a slave to dependence
He says the system ISN'T holding anyone down if you work hard

He's a great American and I'm proud to stand with him to vote for Trump.

You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

in other words, the democrats slaves.

You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!

Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
Barry is the worst in history.
Why do I only hear RW Republicans saying that? And the scornful diatribe is usually uttered without any point of reference at all.

You obviously didnt read the post I was answering...
More people on government assistance,incomes dropping and the middle class disappearing,racial tensions at an all time high,the middle east is a total disaster.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your bunghole you'd notice these things.

I read the post you were answering and I am inclined to agree with Sealybobo. All the things you mentioned were set in motion long before "Barry" became president. Obama has done a marvelous job cleaning up after the Republicans damn near destroyed this country; all of that despite the obstructionist GOP villainy that haunted his efforts relentlessly. The scary thing here is that far too many Republicans have been turned into pathological disciples of racial hegemony. For you, Obama serves as the surrogate for heaping all the mistakes and disasters fomented upon the American people by previous GOP administrations. Fortunately, sensible citizens outnumber those with your mindset...or at al least they DID as evidenced by Obama's two terms as president.

Now, the auto industry is healthy again, more people have healthcare without fear of being dropped when they really need it most, credit card laws have become more favorable for the public, unemployment is down, and we are involved in less conflicts around the word.There are hundreds of more positives about the Obama initiatives I could rattle off. But; for what? You don't want to know those things.

Willfully blind.....
And I was going to tell him "well put". Huh.

There you have it....
The quote was attributed to LBJ by two Governors on Air force One with the President. What I provided was proof that LBJ was a racist.
Need more hear you go.

it's amazing the lengths these stupid fks go to to defend the likes of that kind of democrat. Doh, that's all of them. Today's dems just stopped voicing it out loud. Us on the right see it in the mistreatment of the blacks the dems claim they support. It's truly hilarious the oxymorons on here.

Nice to see some of the blacks get today. Some have figured out the game the dems play.

LBJ was an old time Conservative Democrat. And although the word he used in that video seems to have been the "N" word, it was not clear. White southern dialect turns the word Negroes into Nigras so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

But to be even clearer, Black people know that LBJ is just a refection of the society that spawned him and that his words and attitude echoes those of many White Americans towards Blacks; crossing political party,social and geographical boundaries. The line between liberal and conservative is a blurry one when it comes to racial matters.

It wasn't LBJ that turned Blacks away from the GOP. It was the actions taken by a democratic president after the Great Depression that got their attention.

FDR provided the catalyst for galvanizing the Black vote with his "New Deal." During segregation,the ND was a boon to Black businesses which thrived because of it. The Black community was wealthier and healthier under segregation. The bad thing is that Black still had to endure all the social ills that came with being overshadowed by the larger White society.

With integration, Black owned businesses declined precipitously. Enterprise and independence vanished when Back folks turned their hard earned dollars over to White retailers and grocers who fleeced them at every turn. 1954 to 1964 was a decade of transition where the jewel of equality lay just out of reach despite the Warren Counts decision. Martin Luther King jr. rose up to provide drive and initiative to the depleted Black community which now had few jobs and few educational opportunities due to integration. His world televised marches, protests and passive resistance was the impetus that drove the then democratic administration to act. I think JFK lost his life because of
it as did MLK. Johnson, in view of the tragedies that thrust him into office as President had little choice but to bow to the sympathies of the American public and carry on where JFK had left off.
He signed the Civil Rights Bill. It doesn't matter what he said about it, the act spoke louder than any words and trumped any racism he might have exhibited in the past. The Democrats had at last addressed the destruction of black enterprise and economic well being by trying to bridge the gap of inequality with opportunities and affirmative action.
This man is so right and I feel terrible for him. He's trying to reason with liberals and as the video shows....once you've beaten them...libs shout and run and won't hear anymore.

He says he wants jobs...not welfare
He says he wants freedom not handouts
He says he doesn't wanna be a slave to dependence
He says the system ISN'T holding anyone down if you work hard

He's a great American and I'm proud to stand with him to vote for Trump.

You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

in other words, the democrats slaves.

You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!

Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.

But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!
in other words, the democrats slaves.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
I think he believes if he talks to successful Blacks like us that have voted traditionally Democrat, then we will convince other Blacks to vote for his candidate. I do believe all Blacks should register independent as a show of unity and give our votes to the party that is attempting to do the most. In this day and age it has been the Dems.
Why don't you tell us Carter was the worst even though you know Gw holds that title now?

Why don't you continue to try to ignore bush caused a great recession?

Sorry but bush ain't gonna go away until a democrat comes along who takes his title of woat. Worst of all time.

Barry is the worst in history.
Why do I only hear RW Republicans saying that? And the scornful diatribe is usually uttered without any point of reference at all.

You obviously didnt read the post I was answering...
More people on government assistance,incomes dropping and the middle class disappearing,racial tensions at an all time high,the middle east is a total disaster.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your bunghole you'd notice these things.

I read the post you were answering and I am inclined to agree with Sealybobo. All the things you mentioned were set in motion long before "Barry" became president. Obama has done a marvelous job cleaning up after the Republicans damn near destroyed this country; all of that despite the obstructionist GOP villainy that haunted his efforts relentlessly. The scary thing here is that far too many Republicans have been turned into pathological disciples of racial hegemony. For you, Obama serves as the surrogate for heaping all the mistakes and disasters fomented upon the American people by previous GOP administrations. Fortunately, sensible citizens outnumber those with your mindset...or at al least they DID as evidenced by Obama's two terms as president.

Now, the auto industry is healthy again, more people have healthcare without fear of being dropped when they really need it most, credit card laws have become more favorable for the public, unemployment is down, and we are involved in less conflicts around the word.There are hundreds of more positives about the Obama initiatives I could rattle off. But; for what? You don't want to know those things.

Willfully blind.....
On the contrary, I see the world quite clearly. Your myopic world view hinders you!

Barry is the worst in history.
Why do I only hear RW Republicans saying that? And the scornful diatribe is usually uttered without any point of reference at all.

You obviously didnt read the post I was answering...
More people on government assistance,incomes dropping and the middle class disappearing,racial tensions at an all time high,the middle east is a total disaster.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your bunghole you'd notice these things.

I read the post you were answering and I am inclined to agree with Sealybobo. All the things you mentioned were set in motion long before "Barry" became president. Obama has done a marvelous job cleaning up after the Republicans damn near destroyed this country; all of that despite the obstructionist GOP villainy that haunted his efforts relentlessly. The scary thing here is that far too many Republicans have been turned into pathological disciples of racial hegemony. For you, Obama serves as the surrogate for heaping all the mistakes and disasters fomented upon the American people by previous GOP administrations. Fortunately, sensible citizens outnumber those with your mindset...or at al least they DID as evidenced by Obama's two terms as president.

Now, the auto industry is healthy again, more people have healthcare without fear of being dropped when they really need it most, credit card laws have become more favorable for the public, unemployment is down, and we are involved in less conflicts around the word.There are hundreds of more positives about the Obama initiatives I could rattle off. But; for what? You don't want to know those things.

Willfully blind.....
On the contrary, I see the world quite clearly. Your myopic world view hinders you!


So you're saying you're a space cadet?
Why do I only hear RW Republicans saying that? And the scornful diatribe is usually uttered without any point of reference at all.

You obviously didnt read the post I was answering...
More people on government assistance,incomes dropping and the middle class disappearing,racial tensions at an all time high,the middle east is a total disaster.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your bunghole you'd notice these things.

I read the post you were answering and I am inclined to agree with Sealybobo. All the things you mentioned were set in motion long before "Barry" became president. Obama has done a marvelous job cleaning up after the Republicans damn near destroyed this country; all of that despite the obstructionist GOP villainy that haunted his efforts relentlessly. The scary thing here is that far too many Republicans have been turned into pathological disciples of racial hegemony. For you, Obama serves as the surrogate for heaping all the mistakes and disasters fomented upon the American people by previous GOP administrations. Fortunately, sensible citizens outnumber those with your mindset...or at al least they DID as evidenced by Obama's two terms as president.

Now, the auto industry is healthy again, more people have healthcare without fear of being dropped when they really need it most, credit card laws have become more favorable for the public, unemployment is down, and we are involved in less conflicts around the word.There are hundreds of more positives about the Obama initiatives I could rattle off. But; for what? You don't want to know those things.

Willfully blind.....
On the contrary, I see the world quite clearly. Your myopic world view hinders you!


So you're saying you're a space cadet?
No, are you calling me one?
Why do I only hear RW Republicans saying that? And the scornful diatribe is usually uttered without any point of reference at all.

You obviously didnt read the post I was answering...
More people on government assistance,incomes dropping and the middle class disappearing,racial tensions at an all time high,the middle east is a total disaster.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your bunghole you'd notice these things.

I read the post you were answering and I am inclined to agree with Sealybobo. All the things you mentioned were set in motion long before "Barry" became president. Obama has done a marvelous job cleaning up after the Republicans damn near destroyed this country; all of that despite the obstructionist GOP villainy that haunted his efforts relentlessly. The scary thing here is that far too many Republicans have been turned into pathological disciples of racial hegemony. For you, Obama serves as the surrogate for heaping all the mistakes and disasters fomented upon the American people by previous GOP administrations. Fortunately, sensible citizens outnumber those with your mindset...or at al least they DID as evidenced by Obama's two terms as president.

Now, the auto industry is healthy again, more people have healthcare without fear of being dropped when they really need it most, credit card laws have become more favorable for the public, unemployment is down, and we are involved in less conflicts around the word.There are hundreds of more positives about the Obama initiatives I could rattle off. But; for what? You don't want to know those things.

Willfully blind.....
On the contrary, I see the world quite clearly. Your myopic world view hinders you!


So you're saying you're a space cadet?
Looks to me like he said you were nothing but a pion in a PC manner.
You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!
in other words, the democrats slaves.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep by those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
This man is so right and I feel terrible for him. He's trying to reason with liberals and as the video shows....once you've beaten them...libs shout and run and won't hear anymore.

He says he wants jobs...not welfare
He says he wants freedom not handouts
He says he doesn't wanna be a slave to dependence
He says the system ISN'T holding anyone down if you work hard

He's a great American and I'm proud to stand with him to vote for Trump.

You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

in other words, the democrats slaves.

You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!

you know that's bullshit. Why do you wish to back that piece of crap party anyway. They've done nothing for you. Again, the poor areas in the country are all run by dems, that's just a fact jack! You're being duped and you like it. That's really sad. Go get with your BLM brothers and tell us some more how you thrive under dem rule. Your post is so wrong there isn't enough time in a year to go over all the fallacies of it. WOW.
Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!
in other words, the democrats slaves.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
well Bill Cosby tried that and look what he got. I laugh at you stupid fks that can't see what the democrats do to your race. I actually do feel sorry for you that you have no idea. I give two shits if you get lead around like sheep to those stupid fks. go for it, live your lives in the new 60s. Johnson was a perfect example of how they were doing it and yet, they got you pinned down anyway. wow.
Asc and Public wouldn't do well off the plantation anyway. Just let them have their food stamps and welfare checks.
You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!
in other words, the democrats slaves.
You dumb fuckers still don't get it do you? Blacks ,in general, are NOT POOR! 75% of Blacks have PROSPERED BY VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. If you want to convince the poor 25% that probably don't vote anyway, You have to get off the Internet and go down to the ghetto where they live. The Blacks on the Internet aren't poor...they have electricity, cars, own homes and work for a living.
You are preaching to the wrong Blacks!
Actually he shouldnt be preaching to any Blacks. His white race is severely fucked up so he needs to concentrate on that.
But I want him to go convince the poor Blacks that they can do better than their Black democratic brothers under the auspices of the GOP. I would applaud any success he has in that regard. Wouldn't you? If the results are positive I would say OK... maybe he has a point. We both know that won't happen.
You obviously didnt read the post I was answering...
More people on government assistance,incomes dropping and the middle class disappearing,racial tensions at an all time high,the middle east is a total disaster.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your bunghole you'd notice these things.

I read the post you were answering and I am inclined to agree with Sealybobo. All the things you mentioned were set in motion long before "Barry" became president. Obama has done a marvelous job cleaning up after the Republicans damn near destroyed this country; all of that despite the obstructionist GOP villainy that haunted his efforts relentlessly. The scary thing here is that far too many Republicans have been turned into pathological disciples of racial hegemony. For you, Obama serves as the surrogate for heaping all the mistakes and disasters fomented upon the American people by previous GOP administrations. Fortunately, sensible citizens outnumber those with your mindset...or at al least they DID as evidenced by Obama's two terms as president.

Now, the auto industry is healthy again, more people have healthcare without fear of being dropped when they really need it most, credit card laws have become more favorable for the public, unemployment is down, and we are involved in less conflicts around the word.There are hundreds of more positives about the Obama initiatives I could rattle off. But; for what? You don't want to know those things.

Willfully blind.....
On the contrary, I see the world quite clearly. Your myopic world view hinders you!


So you're saying you're a space cadet?
Looks to me like he said you were nothing but a pion in a PC manner.

You mean peon?

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