Black UFC Champ Terrance 'T-Rex' McKinney defends Joe Rogan in Newsweek Op-ed: "I Don't Need White People Telling Me What's Supposed to Offend Me"

Black guys involved in the combat sports really don't have time for "PC" thinking.

Here is the great African American grappler, Ernie Ladd, advising that he wants to send his fellow black competitor back to Africa and a Native American adversary to the reservation to live in a teepee drinking whiskey.

The white and black lefty racists here would do well to read this.
I don't know the context Joe used the N word but I can't image he was saying it with the purpose of insulting black people. Just like Howard Stern has used the N word in the past. He wasn't calling black people n*#$rs.

I'll bet Joe Rogan didn't use the N word in a derogatory manner.
I don't know the context Joe used the N word but I can't image he was saying it with the purpose of insulting black people. Just like Howard Stern has used the N word in the past. He wasn't calling black people n*#$rs.

I'll bet Joe Rogan didn't use the N word in a derogatory manner.

In other words, it's (D)ifferent.

LOL, you're such a rube.
The white and black lefty racists here would do well to read this.
The clips show Rogan urging the episode's guest, white comedian Greg Fitzsimmons, to say the N-word, before then bursting out laughing when he does.

Later, Rogan argues that people should be allowed to say the word and mocks those who use the "N-word" to describe the slur instead.

"Don't you think by not saying it, it becomes this ridiculously charged magic word?" he said. "I mean, when you say the N-word, you're saying like it cannot be spake. It cannot be uttered. It is a sacred word. It is a magic word. If you say it, Candyman will come."

"Like, you could say sp*c, no one's gonna get mad," he said. "And then there's other ones that like you can just get away with all day, like Irish ones."

"Like mick or guido," Fitzsimmons interjects.

"They don't give a f**k," Rogan adds. "You can call me a guido all day. I don't give a f**k, no one cares."

"Ch**k is a tough one," Fitzsimmons adds. "They get very upset about ch**k."

Rogan then says: "G**k? How about g**k?"

Is Unkotare a Rogan fan?

More than 70 episodes of Rogan's podcast were reportedly pulled from Spotify amid an ongoing controversy over COVID-19 misinformation and the podcaster's use of racial slurs.
When someone says "the n-word", what word goes through your mind?
Saying "n-word" is just the same as saying the word everyone pretends to be soooooo offended by because your mind substitutes it anyways. You cannot ban thoughts, after all.
When someone says "the n-word", what word goes through your mind?
Saying "n-word" is just the same as saying the word everyone pretends to be soooooo offended by because your mind substitutes it anyways. You cannot ban thoughts, after all.
Nope. It shows you have respect for black people and you are smart enough to not use the word. I think about every time I've ever said "THE N WORD". Now I imagine what if I would have said the word itself. It would have sounded horrible.
Nope. It shows you have respect for black people and you are smart enough to not use the word. I think about every time I've ever said "THE N WORD".
Fuck, do you people have to virtue signal with every god-damned breath?
Now I imagine what if I would have said the word itself. It would have sounded horrible.
Pay attention.
What word do you translate "n-word" to, in your head, when you hear it spoken? If you know the word it's referring to, you think that word.
Fuck, do you people have to virtue signal with every god-damned breath?

Pay attention.
What word do you translate "n-word" to, in your head, when you hear it spoken? If you know the word it's referring to, you think that word.
So? You don't say it. Hearing that word makes civilized white people cringe and makes black people want to go Jawan Howard on your ass.
Nope. It shows you have respect for black people and you are smart enough to not use the word. I think about every time I've ever said "THE N WORD". Now I imagine what if I would have said the word itself. It would have sounded horrible.

Why are you saying it at all? Just shut the fuck up. No one cares about your opinions on race.
Why are you saying it at all? Just shut the fuck up. No one cares about your opinions on race.
basquebromance does. It's why he started this thread.

The truth is, no one cares about your opinion so why don't you leave this thread? Shut the fuck up and why are you saying anything? Delete your account.
basquebromance does. It's why he started this thread.

The truth is, no one cares about your opinion so why don't you leave this thread? Shut the fuck up and why are you saying anything? Delete your account.

We already know what you think about black people. You support the guy who said he doesn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle" full of blacks.

Say hi to your governor for me while you're at it, klanny.

So? You don't say it. Hearing that word makes civilized white people cringe and makes black people want to go Jawan Howard on your ass.
Whether you say it or not, replacing it with a stupid surrogate like "the n-word" solves nothing.
Whether you say it or not, replacing it with a stupid surrogate like "the n-word" solves nothing.
I get it. Why give it power? Why can blacks say it but whites can’t? And, do blacks realize being called that doesn’t justify physical violence?
We already know what you think about black people. You support the guy who said he doesn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle" full of blacks.

Say hi to your governor for me while you're at it, klanny.

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I already know what you think too I grew up in trump country.

And imagine how bad this guys opponent must have been

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