Black women learning to shoot, learning that guns aren't the problem..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Now if they just realize that the democrat party is driving the gun crime rate, we will be getting somewhere...

'We can't be afraid.' In a Cincinnati church basement, black women take a class together: learning how to fire guns

ROSELAWN – New Prospect Baptist Church is home to one of the largest black congregations in Cincinnati. On any weekend there you'll find weddings, funerals, and three Sunday services.

Not exactly a place you think you'd find 179 women firing .22-caliber handguns in the church basement.

But that's exactly what happened on Feb. 8, when the church opened its doors to what state officials believe is one of the largest women-only, concealed carry gun certification classes held in the state of Ohio.

Over and over, the women cited the same reason for coming to the class. They were tired of being scared – of guns, of being alone in a home, of walking in some neighborhoods.

The class was organized by two men: the church's pastor Rev. Damon Lynch III and Cincinnati City Councilman Jeff Pastor, a Republican who appeared at the class sporting a t-shirt reading "All gun control is racist."

On Jan. 8, Pastor spread the word of the class on Facebook.

"FREE All Women CCW Course! After hearing about those girls in Columbus being kidnapped and other young ladies around the country being sold into sex trafficking, rape, domestic violence, and other acts of violence against women, I felt the only thing I could do is host another free basic gun course for all women!"

Within a week, the class was sold out.

In this class, of the 179 women, 169 were black.

Kai Brown, 35, of Madisonville, is a single mom with two small children. She went into the experience afraid of guns. But she signed up because she wanted to be able to protect her family.

She praised Pastor for giving her the opportunity. And she echoed his opening sentiments to the class.

"It's my right to I want to be able to," Brown said. "It's wonderful to be surrounded by many different women from many different walks of life. And we're all, you know, here to protect ourselves."

To me, the frame of mind of any person in possession of one is the real issue because a gun can not do anything on its own.

God bless you always!!!


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