Blackout: Police chase reporters away from covering protest outside White House


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
wow just wow.

April 20, 2010 — The police assigned to the White House literally told the media to leave today as six military vets were protesting the President's inaction on DADT by handcuffing themselves to the White House gates. The mainstream reporters were not pleased, as shown in this video where one reporter, I believe, called the White House to complain. Video filmed by John Aravosis,

[ame=]YouTube - White House closes Lafayete Park due to DADT protesters, kicks out media[/ame]

comments at site.
another story about this.

Most transparent White House ever... - Ben Smith -
Yep. Obama is strangling the private sector...has vowed to strangle Gun Rights, and now we see an open attack upon free speech.

he doesn't want this getting out. Should we be surprised?

What about his appearence with BABS Boxer the other day when Chants overran his speech from GAY activists since DADT failed to gather steam?

Obama Heckled at Boxer Speech <LINK

Of course IF you heard that audio from that speech? There was a pause as Obama went and talked to Babs about what the chant was all about?

He addressed it...He indeed is transparent as Hell.
Ah yes, such a great transparent administration.....

And 52% of the voting public fell for it.
The attempted control this adminstration attempts over all aspects of the media is unquestionably worthy of concern.

The continued attacks on certain media figures and outlets, and more recently against even those media who have generally been decidedly favorable toward Obama, is revealing in just how insecure and uncertain the Obama White House is over its own constructed image...
Maybe the butt kissing Obama Msm will finally get a clue. hopeful but doubtful.

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