Blacks, 12% of the population, over 40% of gun murder is this possible since fewer blacks own guns...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Ben Shapiro on his show went through the Pew research that shows more blacks died from gun violence, even though fewer blacks actually own guns.......

His breakdown of the research is at the 10:00 mark.....

and here....the actual Pew Research he is citing....

Racial and ethnic differences in gun deaths among kids are stark. In 2021, 46% of all gun deaths among children and teens involved Black victims, even though only 14% of the U.S. under-18 population that year was Black. Much smaller shares of gun deaths among children and teens in 2021 involved White (32%), Hispanic (17%) and Asian (1%) victims.
Looked at another way, Black children and teens were roughly five times as likely as their White counterparts to die from gunfire in 2021. There were 11.8 gun deaths per 100,000 Black children and teens that year, compared with 2.3 gun deaths per 100,000 White children and teens. The gun death rate among Hispanic children and teens was also 2.3 deaths per 100,000 in 2021, while it was lower among Asian children and teens (0.9 per 100,000).

There are also major racial and ethnic differences in the types of gun deaths involving children and teens. In 2021, a large majority of gun deaths involving
Black children and teens (84%) were homicides, while 9% were suicides. Among White children and teens, by contrast, the majority of gun deaths (66%) were suicides, while a much smaller share (24%) were homicides.

How is that possible?

Again.......blacks in democrat party controlled cities have less access to guns....they own fewer guns than whites do.....

The democrat party allows this bloodshed in their cities, then blame republicans....typical. Ben Shapiro points out, gun murder is out of control in cities controlled by the they lie about Mass Public shootings to hide what they have done, and the blood on their hands....
Crime in the black community is unbelievable, yet few dare to mention it.

A Harsh New Light on Race and Murder
This is one of his most powerful tables. These are the rates at which blacks, whites, and Hispanics – of both sexes – committed murder in 2021. Please look at the highlighted column, white male, murderers per 100,000.

This is the rate at which white men committed murder at various ages. The figure just below the yellow highlight is 5.2 per 100,000, the rate at which everyone between the ages of 15 and 64 committed murder. Below that are murder rates for various age groups. As you can see, for white males ages five through 14, the number is 0.2 per 100,000, which means that only one in 500,000 white boys that age killed anyone in 2021. The murder rate jumped to its highest for the 15 to 24 age group, and then tailed off as the men got older.

Now, look at the column for black male, murderers per 100,000.

As you can see, the rates for every age group are much higher than for white males. Look at the number for black males of all ages, in the row next to the bottom. That figure of 64.4 is 18.4 times higher than the equivalent figure of 3.5 for white males. In 2021, any given black man was 18.4 times more likely than any given white man to commit murder. You almost never get such a huge difference when you compare human groups of the same sex living the same country.

Now look at Hispanic males.

As you can see, their murder rates were consistently higher than white murder rates – 3.4 times higher for males of all ages – but a lot lower than for blacks. These data are consistent with findings I have reported elsewhere. But Datahazard has gone further.

Look at the murder rates for black females.

In 2021, no black girl under 14 killed anyone, but older women made up for it, and when you look at the figure down below for all ages, black women were 65 percent more likely than white men to commit murder. This is another remarkable finding. Women of all races are less violent than men of the same race, but I have never seen a breakdown of the data to show that in any year, black women were more likely than white men to kill someone. The data on Hispanic and white women are what you would expect. Hispanic murder rates are in between white and black rates, and white women were the least likely group to kill anyone. If Datahazard had included Asians, they would be the least homicidal race.
A Harsh New Light on Race and Murder
I buy my guns from a FFL, they either steal their guns, trade in stolen guns, or have their baby momma buy theirs for them.
And this thread will not get much attention from the left. If they come in, they will say the crime is due to systemic racism anyways. Any evidence, data, or facts that is presented is usually ignored or someone writes some stupid one sentence zinger that proves nothing.
Crime in the black community is unbelievable, yet few dare to mention it.
A startling fact from your tables:
Black -women- commit murder at a rate twice that of white men.
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Crime in the black community is unbelievable, yet few dare to mention it.

A Harsh New Light on Race and Murder
This is one of his most powerful tables. These are the rates at which blacks, whites, and Hispanics – of both sexes – committed murder in 2021. Please look at the highlighted column, white male, murderers per 100,000.

This is the rate at which white men committed murder at various ages. The figure just below the yellow highlight is 5.2 per 100,000, the rate at which everyone between the ages of 15 and 64 committed murder. Below that are murder rates for various age groups. As you can see, for white males ages five through 14, the number is 0.2 per 100,000, which means that only one in 500,000 white boys that age killed anyone in 2021. The murder rate jumped to its highest for the 15 to 24 age group, and then tailed off as the men got older.

Now, look at the column for black male, murderers per 100,000.

As you can see, the rates for every age group are much higher than for white males. Look at the number for black males of all ages, in the row next to the bottom. That figure of 64.4 is 18.4 times higher than the equivalent figure of 3.5 for white males. In 2021, any given black man was 18.4 times more likely than any given white man to commit murder. You almost never get such a huge difference when you compare human groups of the same sex living the same country.

Now look at Hispanic males.

As you can see, their murder rates were consistently higher than white murder rates – 3.4 times higher for males of all ages – but a lot lower than for blacks. These data are consistent with findings I have reported elsewhere. But Datahazard has gone further.

Look at the murder rates for black females.

In 2021, no black girl under 14 killed anyone, but older women made up for it, and when you look at the figure down below for all ages, black women were 65 percent more likely than white men to commit murder. This is another remarkable finding. Women of all races are less violent than men of the same race, but I have never seen a breakdown of the data to show that in any year, black women were more likely than white men to kill someone. The data on Hispanic and white women are what you would expect. Hispanic murder rates are in between white and black rates, and white women were the least likely group to kill anyone. If Datahazard had included Asians, they would be the least homicidal race.
A Harsh New Light on Race and Murder

Thanks for those tables....

So again......

Anti-gunners...if guns are the issue, why is it that white Americans, who own most of the guns, commit murder at so much lower a rate than black Americans who own a lot fewer? In particular legal guns....?

You can't explain this because you are fixated on the gun...yet this table and the Pew research shows it isn't the guns........
That's easy. Because own a whole lot of guns illegally.

Gun ownership can only be counted when someone registers a gun.

Blacks like gang bangers, dope heads, drug dealers, rappers, thugs, general criminals all have guns, a lot of guns. They don't register their guns.

So you have a ton of blacks unregistered guns shooting other blacks because they are savages.

Even black kids, young blacks are running around with guns. Here is a video of a bunch of black kids at their graduation all showing off their Glocks and acting like they are cool as shit for bringing guns to school.

Ben Shapiro on his show went through the Pew research that shows more blacks died from gun violence, even though fewer blacks actually own guns.......

His breakdown of the research is at the 10:00 mark.....

and here....the actual Pew Research he is citing....

Racial and ethnic differences in gun deaths among kids are stark. In 2021, 46% of all gun deaths among children and teens involved Black victims, even though only 14% of the U.S. under-18 population that year was Black. Much smaller shares of gun deaths among children and teens in 2021 involved White (32%), Hispanic (17%) and Asian (1%) victims.
Looked at another way, Black children and teens were roughly five times as likely as their White counterparts to die from gunfire in 2021. There were 11.8 gun deaths per 100,000 Black children and teens that year, compared with 2.3 gun deaths per 100,000 White children and teens. The gun death rate among Hispanic children and teens was also 2.3 deaths per 100,000 in 2021, while it was lower among Asian children and teens (0.9 per 100,000).

There are also major racial and ethnic differences in the types of gun deaths involving children and teens. In 2021, a large majority of gun deaths involving
Black children and teens (84%) were homicides, while 9% were suicides. Among White children and teens, by contrast, the majority of gun deaths (66%) were suicides, while a much smaller share (24%) were homicides.

How is that possible?

Again.......blacks in democrat party controlled cities have less access to guns....they own fewer guns than whites do.....

The democrat party allows this bloodshed in their cities, then blame republicans....typical. Ben Shapiro points out, gun murder is out of control in cities controlled by the they lie about Mass Public shootings to hide what they have done, and the blood on their hands....

It's a negative culture. Having Democrat run cities with poorly run schools, et cetera, doesn't help.

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