Blacks Won't Fight

OCA said:
There is no White race, i've told you this. Whites are not an ethnicity. Now Italians, Greeks, Chinese etc. etc. those are race or ethnicities.

If there's no white race, how do they figure out who not to hire under affirmative action?
gop_jeff said:
I'll explain WJ's life philosophy in one sentence: Whites are the master race, everyone else is evil and must die.
should probably change it to non-jew whites
William Joyce said:
Who says black people are dumb?

Considering your anti-semitism, my first guess would be you. After all, since you're so good at one form of hatred, I'm sure racism must be a cinch

More than likely, though, the reason for the drop in the enlistment rate among black is because the economy is doing well and there are jobs for many blacks outside of the military. I guess the Bush tax cuts actually did some good (but then, those of us who actually make it a habit to think for more than 10 seconds at a time already knew that!)

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