"Blasts hit World Cup watchers in Uganda, kill 64"

Do me a favor, Click on this link to the story, and scroll down to the last picture, (a black medic with white gloves) read what it says under the picture, please
Associated Press: Al-Qaida-linked Somali group claims Uganda blasts

Idiot... It's been Established that Islamists have taken Credit... Repeatedly... On this Thread.

Don't be an Internet Asshole, mmmkay.


It has been sugested, not Established
BBC's Will Ross, in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, says there is no proof as yet that al-Shabab was involved. The blasts could be linked to next year's elections in Uganda, our correspondent adds.

In Mogadishu, a militant commander said he was "happy" with the attacks in Uganda.

However, Sheik Yusuf Sheik Issa refused to confirm or deny that al-Shabab was responsible.

He told the Associated Press news agency: "Uganda is one of our enemies. Whatever makes them cry, makes us happy. May Allah's anger be upon those who are against us."
BBC News - 'Somali link' as 74 World Cup fans die in Uganda blasts
Recently, President Obama signed the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009 into law. Linda Poteat, InterAction’s Director of Disaster Response, and George Rupp, President of the International Rescue Committee, were among the members of the administration, Congress, and advocacy and nongovernmental organizations in attendance.

In his statement, President Obama solidified the United States commitment to end the destruction caused by the LRA in central Africa over the past decades and to make strides toward a future of security and peace in the region. He stated:

“We believe that the leadership of the LRA should be brought to justice. I signed this bill today recognizing that we must all renew our commitments and strengthen our capabilities to protect and assist civilians caught in the LRA’s wake, to receive those that surrender, and to support efforts to bring the LRA leadership to justice...”

Obama Signs LRA Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act | InterAction

That was on May 24th. Connection? I hope not.
The BBC is reporting that it was al Shabab: Mal is right.

The Somali Islamist group al-Shabab has said it was behind twin blasts which hit the Ugandan capital Kampala on Sunday, killing 74 people.

In a statement in Mogadishu, spokesman for the group Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage threatened more attacks.

Police said the bombings targeted football fans watching the World Cup final.

A Ugandan official said a Somali's head was found at the scene of one blast, and he may have been a suicide bomber.

Ugandan peacekeepers are in Somalia, and al-Shabab has previously threatened Kampala.

"Al-Shabab was behind the two bomb blasts in Uganda," Ali Mohamud Rage said.

"We thank the mujahideen that carried out the attack. We are sending a message to Uganda and Burundi, if they do not take out their Amisom [African Union Mission in Somalia] troops from Somalia, blasts will continue and it will happen in Bujumbura [the Burundi capital] too."
BBC News - Somali militants 'behind' Kampala World Cup blasts
Do me a favor, Click on this link to the story, and scroll down to the last picture, (a black medic with white gloves) read what it says under the picture, please
Associated Press: Al-Qaida-linked Somali group claims Uganda blasts

Idiot... It's been Established that Islamists have taken Credit... Repeatedly... On this Thread.

Don't be an Internet Asshole, mmmkay.


It has been sugested, not Established
BBC's Will Ross, in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, says there is no proof as yet that al-Shabab was involved. The blasts could be linked to next year's elections in Uganda, our correspondent adds.

In Mogadishu, a militant commander said he was "happy" with the attacks in Uganda.

However, Sheik Yusuf Sheik Issa refused to confirm or deny that al-Shabab was responsible.

He told the Associated Press news agency: "Uganda is one of our enemies. Whatever makes them cry, makes us happy. May Allah's anger be upon those who are against us."
BBC News - 'Somali link' as 74 World Cup fans die in Uganda blasts

Al-Qaida-linked militants claim Uganda blasts
Al-Shabab says it is responsible for attacks that killed 74 World Cup watchers

Al-Shabab, whose ranks are swelled by militant veterans of the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, has long threatened to attack outside of Somalia's borders, but the bombings late Sunday are the first time the group has done so.

"We will carry out attacks against our enemy wherever they are," said Sheik Ali Mohamud Rage, a militant spokesman in Mogadishu. "No one will deter us from performing our Islamic duty."

Al-Qaida-linked group claims Uganda blasts - World news - Africa - msnbc.com

Seriously, little kid... Go play in traffic.


Holy Shit... Did he finally get it?... :lol:


You refuse to even read the link
But the BBC's Will Ross, in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, says there is no proof as yet that al-Shabab was involved. The blasts could be linked to next year's elections in Uganda, our correspondent adds.

In Mogadishu, a militant commander said he was "happy" with the attacks in Uganda.

However, Sheik Yusuf Sheik Issa refused to confirm or deny that al-Shabab was responsible.

He told the Associated Press news agency: "Uganda is one of our enemies. Whatever makes them cry, makes us happy. May Allah's anger be upon those who are against us."
BBC News - Tasers fired at gunman Raoul Moat 'not approved'
It may well turn out to be the work of Al-shabab, but until now you have posted no proof, only opinion
Well alrighty then. Update us when you complete the investigation Sherlock.

(are you a truther too?)
KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — Uganda's inspector general of police says 20 suspects have been arrested in connection with the Uganda bomb attacks that killed 76 people watching the World Cup final on television.

Kale Kayihura says that all those arrested have connections with al-Shabab, and include Ugandans, Somalis, Ethiopians and Pakistani nationals. Al-Shabab, Somalia's most dangerous militant group, claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Kayihura on Saturday said that the 20 suspects are being held by Ugandan security as they investigate Sunday's bombing. He said that 37 bomb victims are still receiving treatment in hospitals.

Kenyan police said they arrested another suspect at a police checkpoint Wednesday near the Kenya-Somalia border.

FOXNews.com - Police arrest 20 suspects in connection with Uganda World Cup bomb attacks
My son is involved with the Invisible Children and was in Uganda last fall. He said it was only a matter of time before the LRA joined forces with al Qaeda.
I'm sure your son's a great person, but that's sort of silly.

The LRA is not a "Christian" group. It was founded on voodooism and witchcraft.
No, but every group claiming allegiance to Islam is an absolute, unwavering embodiment of the religion's teachings, yes?
Of course not Kalam. Cult leaders in every religion pervert their teachings to commit evil acts. The difference from my perspective is that Christians and governments of civilized nations denounce and despise the LRA. Kony needs to kidnap children for his army. Bin Laden has thousands of volunteers.
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Of course not Kalam. Cult leaders in every religion pervert their teachings to commit evil acts. The difference from my perspective is that Christians and governments of civilized nations denounce and despise the LRA. Kony needs to kidnap children for his army. Bin Laden has thousands of volunteers.

Christian Leaders Specifically... Now let him Illustrate the Islamic Leaders in the ME who do the same...

You'll hear a Pin Drop.



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