Blasts rock 3 churches, 3 hotels in Sri Lanka; multiple fatalities reported

An update on the news is that the death toll in Sri Lanka from terrorists' doings is 290 dead and 500 wounded.

Sri Lanka attacks 'linked to foreign network'

So many groups to choose from these days. Even Northern Ireland has resurfaced.

At least al_Qaeda kept it simple. What happened to them?

From The Hindustani Times:

National Thowheeth Jama’ath) is planning to carry out suicide attacks targeting prominent churches as well as the Indian high commission in Colombo,” said the alert.

The NTJ is a radical Muslim group in Sri Lanka that came to notice last year when it was linked to the vandalization of Buddhist statues.
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not news----where there are muslims---there are attacks on Christians------for more than
1000 years. For those who believe that Islamic DECLARATION-----"we believe in
jesus PBUH"--------sorry ---they dont' "believe in"-----the same Jesus that you call
Jesus. If you want to know the muslim attitude on Christianity-----find an intelligent
muslim educated in a muslim country----and
say "I AM A JEW"

A Muslim visited me at Easter Sunday - and I have Jewish ancestors too, what he knows. We had a very lively communication - spoke about lots of themes - did not agree in everything - but found always out what the other one thinks and how to interpret this in the best of all possible way. I respect him very much - and I do not have the feeling he misrespects me.

What's your point? Are you a MINORITY in a Muslim nation?

The point is to hate hate. And how do you call a Catholic with Jewish ancestors in Germany? A mayorite? Because I'm blue eyed with blond hair? :lol: Do you think I do not know what every single man and woman today feels in Sri Lanka, who lost beloved family members and friends? Their side is my side. My prayings are with the still hoping, the nearly hopeless and the desperating.

What do you call blonde haired blue eyed Arabs wandering around Nazareth market? And red headed ones with freckles? Because I've seen plenty of them too.

Not one of them Catholic or Jewish.

you call them "arabs" because their language is Arabic. What do you call
Egyptians whose great great great...... grandparents did the embalming on the
Egyptian kings? The northern part of
"palestina"-----has been people mixed with
Aegean people-----for a VERY LONG TIME.
Greece once rule Syria Way back then
(yanno---like 2000 years ago) people in the |
GALIL (the big chunk of Judea up north)
had been described as having hair the color of sand. (I remember sand as being light
tan with lots of cigarette butts stiking out of it---Jones beach NYC) I should add that lots of
Syrians are blond and blue-eyed----and some

Haven't got that far, Rosie.

Perhaps we could open a thread about it.
The po
The point is to hate hate. And how do you call a Catholic with Jewish ancestors in Germany? A mayorite? Do you think I do not know what every single man and woman today feels In Sri Lanka, who lost beloved family members and friends?

The point is, Muslims behave quite differently when they are an extreme minority.

Get back to me when they are 20% - 50% of the population in your country.

It's uninteresting for me what an US-American ideologist says about Germany in the current moment of world history. Your nation is in a totally disastrous situation. Ask John McCain.

Attacking the messenger is something people do, when they know they cannot defeat the argument.
The Islamic terrorists savages are at it again.... ((( I pray for all those Christians families who had to go through this horror. Bless them))) are in the know? You know it was muslims? Did you know beforehand and not report it?
Well, it looks like this thread is still going, 24 hours after the bombing....I though it was going to fade away.....
The Islamic terrorists savages are at it again.... ((( I pray for all those Christians families who had to go through this horror. Bless them))) are in the know? You know it was muslims? Did you know beforehand and not report it?
Just wow...

Sri Lanka first warned about attacks on April 4, but PM not told: minister

Sri Lankan officials failed to heed warnings from intelligence agencies about the threat of an attack by a domestic radical Muslim group that officials blame for Easter Sunday bombings that killed more than 200 people, the country's health minister said Monday.

International intelligence agencies warned of the attacks several times starting April 4, Mr Senaratne said. On April 9, the defence ministry wrote to the police chief with intelligence that included the group's name, he said. And on April 11, he said police wrote to the heads of security of the judiciary and diplomatic security division.

It was not immediately clear what action, if any, was taken in response. Authorities said little was known about the group except that its name had appeared in intelligence reports.

Because of political dysfunction within the government, Seranatne said, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and his Cabinet were kept in the dark about the intelligence until after the attacks.

President Maithrela Sirisena, who was out of the country at the time of the attacks, ousted Wickremesinghe in late October and dissolved the Cabinet. The Supreme Court eventually reversed his actions, but the prime minister has not been allowed into meetings of the Security Council since October.

National Thowheeth Jama'ath
The group promotes Islamist ideology.[1] The director of the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism said that it "aims to spread the global jihadist movement to Sri Lanka and to create hatred, fear and divisions in society."[1]


NTJ's leadership had been condemned by several Sri Lankan Muslim organizations in 2016 for advocating extreme fundamentalist indoctrination of children and for clashes with Buddhist monks.[3] One of the leaders, Abdul Razik, was arrested for inciting racism.[1]

In 2018, NTJ was linked to vandalism of Buddhist statues.[4]

not news----where there are muslims---there are attacks on Christians------for more than
1000 years. For those who believe that Islamic DECLARATION-----"we believe in
jesus PBUH"--------sorry ---they dont' "believe in"-----the same Jesus that you call
Jesus. If you want to know the muslim attitude on Christianity-----find an intelligent
muslim educated in a muslim country----and
say "I AM A JEW"

A Muslim visited me at Easter Sunday - and I have Jewish ancestors too, what he knows. We had a very lively communication - spoke about lots of themes - did not agree in everything - but found always out what the other one thinks and how to interpret this in the best of all possible way. I respect him very much - and I do not have the feeling he misrespects me.

What's your point? Are you a MINORITY in a Muslim nation?

The point is to hate hate. And how do you call a Catholic with Jewish ancestors in Germany? A mayorite? Because I'm blue eyed with blond hair? :lol: Do you think I do not know what every single man and woman today feels in Sri Lanka, who lost beloved family members and friends? Their side is my side. My prayings are with the still hoping, the nearly hopeless and the desperating.

What do you call blonde haired blue eyed Arabs wandering around Nazareth market? And red headed ones with freckles? Because I've seen plenty of them too.

Not one of them Catholic or Jewish.

I call them the children of kidnapping and rape.
Muslim invaders raided villages on Europe's coasts and killed the men and boys and took the women and girls as sex slaves (They call them "wives"). That's where these "arabs" came from.
not news----where there are muslims---there are attacks on Christians------for more than
1000 years. For those who believe that Islamic DECLARATION-----"we believe in
jesus PBUH"--------sorry ---they dont' "believe in"-----the same Jesus that you call
Jesus. If you want to know the muslim attitude on Christianity-----find an intelligent
muslim educated in a muslim country----and
say "I AM A JEW"

A Muslim visited me at Easter Sunday - and I have Jewish ancestors too, what he knows. We had a very lively communication - spoke about lots of themes - did not agree in everything - but found always out what the other one thinks and how to interpret this in the best of all possible way. I respect him very much - and I do not have the feeling he misrespects me.

What's your point? Are you a MINORITY in a Muslim nation?

The point is to hate hate. And how do you call a Catholic with Jewish ancestors in Germany? A mayorite? Because I'm blue eyed with blond hair? :lol: Do you think I do not know what every single man and woman today feels in Sri Lanka, who lost beloved family members and friends? Their side is my side. My prayings are with the still hoping, the nearly hopeless and the desperating.

What do you call blonde haired blue eyed Arabs wandering around Nazareth market? And red headed ones with freckles? Because I've seen plenty of them too.

Not one of them Catholic or Jewish.

I call them the children of kidnapping and rape.
Muslim invaders raided villages on Europe's coasts and killed the men and boys and took the women and girls as sex slaves (They call them "wives"). That's where these "arabs" came from.

They even got as far as Iceland.
The Islamic terrorists savages are at it again.... ((( I pray for all those Christians families who had to go through this horror. Bless them))) are in the know? You know it was muslims? Did you know beforehand and not report it?
It's called COMMON SENSE. Some have it, and some dont.

The translation of "common sense" into the German language is "gesunder Menschenverstand" - the retranslation is "sane human mind". I doubt about that anyone, who is with you in a "common sense" has a "sane human mind".

not news----where there are muslims---there are attacks on Christians------for more than
1000 years. For those who believe that Islamic DECLARATION-----"we believe in
jesus PBUH"--------sorry ---they dont' "believe in"-----the same Jesus that you call
Jesus. If you want to know the muslim attitude on Christianity-----find an intelligent
muslim educated in a muslim country----and
say "I AM A JEW"

A Muslim visited me at Easter Sunday - and I have Jewish ancestors too, what he knows. We had a very lively communication - spoke about lots of themes - did not agree in everything - but found always out what the other one thinks and how to interpret this in the best of all possible way. I respect him very much - and I do not have the feeling he misrespects me.

What's your point? Are you a MINORITY in a Muslim nation?

The point is to hate hate. And how do you call a Catholic with Jewish ancestors in Germany? A mayorite? Because I'm blue eyed with blond hair? :lol: Do you think I do not know what every single man and woman today feels in Sri Lanka, who lost beloved family members and friends? Their side is my side. My prayings are with the still hoping, the nearly hopeless and the desperating.

What do you call blonde haired blue eyed Arabs wandering around Nazareth market? And red headed ones with freckles? Because I've seen plenty of them too.


Not one of them Catholic or Jewish.

Why should they?

Last edited:
not news----where there are muslims---there are attacks on Christians------for more than
1000 years. For those who believe that Islamic DECLARATION-----"we believe in
jesus PBUH"--------sorry ---they dont' "believe in"-----the same Jesus that you call
Jesus. If you want to know the muslim attitude on Christianity-----find an intelligent
muslim educated in a muslim country----and
say "I AM A JEW"

A Muslim visited me at Easter Sunday - and I have Jewish ancestors too, what he knows. We had a very lively communication - spoke about lots of themes - did not agree in everything - but found always out what the other one thinks and how to interpret this in the best of all possible way. I respect him very much - and I do not have the feeling he misrespects me.

What's your point? Are you a MINORITY in a Muslim nation?

The point is to hate hate. And how do you call a Catholic with Jewish ancestors in Germany? A mayorite? Because I'm blue eyed with blond hair? :lol: Do you think I do not know what every single man and woman today feels in Sri Lanka, who lost beloved family members and friends? Their side is my side. My prayings are with the still hoping, the nearly hopeless and the desperating.

What do you call blonde haired blue eyed Arabs wandering around Nazareth market? And red headed ones with freckles? Because I've seen plenty of them too.


Not one of them Catholic or Jewish.

Why should they?

Why should they what?
The po
The point is to hate hate. And how do you call a Catholic with Jewish ancestors in Germany? A mayorite? Do you think I do not know what every single man and woman today feels In Sri Lanka, who lost beloved family members and friends?

The point is, Muslims behave quite differently when they are an extreme minority.

Get back to me when they are 20% - 50% of the population in your country.

It's uninteresting for me what an US-American ideologist says about Germany in the current moment of world history. Your nation is in a totally disastrous situation. Ask John McCain.

John McCain has died. We can't ask him for anything, dear.

If you think so.
not news----where there are muslims---there are attacks on Christians------for more than
1000 years. For those who believe that Islamic DECLARATION-----"we believe in
jesus PBUH"--------sorry ---they dont' "believe in"-----the same Jesus that you call
Jesus. If you want to know the muslim attitude on Christianity-----find an intelligent
muslim educated in a muslim country----and
say "I AM A JEW"

A Muslim visited me at Easter Sunday - and I have Jewish ancestors too, what he knows. We had a very lively communication - spoke about lots of themes - did not agree in everything - but found always out what the other one thinks and how to interpret this in the best of all possible way. I respect him very much - and I do not have the feeling he misrespects me.

What's your point? Are you a MINORITY in a Muslim nation?

The point is to hate hate. And how do you call a Catholic with Jewish ancestors in Germany? A mayorite? Because I'm blue eyed with blond hair? :lol: Do you think I do not know what every single man and woman today feels in Sri Lanka, who lost beloved family members and friends? Their side is my side. My prayings are with the still hoping, the nearly hopeless and the desperating.

What do you call blonde haired blue eyed Arabs wandering around Nazareth market? And red headed ones with freckles? Because I've seen plenty of them too.

Not one of them Catholic or Jewish.

I call them the children of kidnapping and rape.
Muslim invaders raided villages on Europe's coasts and killed the men and boys and took the women and girls as sex slaves (They call them "wives"). That's where these "arabs" came from.

So what do you like to do, sub human being? To nuke Arabia, Asia, Africa, South America and Europe for the reelection of Donald Trump, the superior human being?
A Muslim visited me at Easter Sunday - and I have Jewish ancestors too, what he knows. We had a very lively communication - spoke about lots of themes - did not agree in everything - but found always out what the other one thinks and how to interpret this in the best of all possible way. I respect him very much - and I do not have the feeling he misrespects me.

What's your point? Are you a MINORITY in a Muslim nation?

The point is to hate hate. And how do you call a Catholic with Jewish ancestors in Germany? A mayorite? Because I'm blue eyed with blond hair? :lol: Do you think I do not know what every single man and woman today feels in Sri Lanka, who lost beloved family members and friends? Their side is my side. My prayings are with the still hoping, the nearly hopeless and the desperating.

What do you call blonde haired blue eyed Arabs wandering around Nazareth market? And red headed ones with freckles? Because I've seen plenty of them too.


Not one of them Catholic or Jewish.

Why should they?

Why should they what?

Be Catholics and/or Jews?

The translation of "common sense" into the German language is "gesunder Menschenverstand" - the retranslation is "sane human mind". I doubt about that anyone, who is with you in a "common sense" has a "sane human mind".
You ran this thru Google translate, didn't you.

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