Blatant Stupidity of Sweeping Generalizations


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
These threads posted just in the last hour:

"The Left" loses another one...

Do "Liberals" Ever Get Tired of Being Wrong....

The Idiot "Left"

The Indescribable Evil of "The Left"

:uhh: The last actually goes for a three-way blanket generalization, incorporating the tags "Liberals" and "Progressives", as if they're all the same thing so let's paint them all orange.

Good CHRIST what a whinefest.

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with people that they think this somehow constitutes a valid point? What kind of tiny little mind do these sweeping broad-brush bullshit threads hope to convince that entire swaths of some political philosophy ----- all share the same personality traits? :cuckoo:

Do they actually think on some level that "the left" and "the Liberals" and "Progressives" (wheeled in on gurneys no doubt as they have to be about 140 years old) ---- all meet at a coffee shop in Dubuque every morning and unanimously agree on what everybody's mental state is?

Or are these thread starters just plain retarded?

Even the most recent thread in this General Discussion Forum purports to opine on "how a conservative film critic reviews movies". As if humans have no individuality or free will and are all part of some Borg.

FFS, this is a discussion board, not a wank room. Break a brain sweat and bring some game already.

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While I agree with you, I see folks that lean left generalize conservatives and anyone that has any warmth toward any of their ideas in the same way.

The hyper-partisan stratification of society in general, and this site specifically, is starting to make discussions on this site become tedious and dull.
While I agree with you, I see folks that lean left generalize conservatives and anyone that has any warmth toward any of their ideas in the same way.

No doubt those exist, and I wouldn't make the case that these only come from the right. But if one were to take a count, most of them would be, which is a whole 'nother question. The threads cited were random citations of what went up at the time -- three in a row back-to-back-to-back, which is kind of an ominous omen that "this is how it's going to be from here on", which is patently unacceptable, hence my spleen-vent.

My concern is not "who does it", whether there's a count or not. It's that it's a bullshit way to make an argument.

The hyper-partisan stratification of society in general, and this site specifically, is starting to make discussions on this site become tedious and dull.

Yup, exactly the point here.
While I agree with you, I see folks that lean left generalize conservatives and anyone that has any warmth toward any of their ideas in the same way.

No doubt those exist, and I wouldn't make the case that these only come from the right. But if one were to take a count, most of them would be, which is a whole 'nother question. The threads cited were random citations of what went up at the time -- three in a row back-to-back-to-back, which is kind of an ominous omen that "this is how it's going to be from here on", which is patently unacceptable, hence my spleen-vent.

My concern is not "who does it", whether there's a count or not. It's that it's a bullshit way to make an argument.

The hyper-partisan stratification of society in general, and this site specifically, is starting to make discussions on this site become tedious and dull.

Yup, exactly the point here.

I think that mostly has to do with the nature of this board. Go to Democratic Underground or other similar forums if you wish to see the reverse. I was at a Forum that was geared toward Science, a Rand type board, before I came here. Like the Democratic Underground though it wasn't nearly as bad, b/c they had higher standards, it was similar. However, just like the DU, and FB, the moderation was authoritative and terrible. Good ideas and creativity for solutions can only be fostered in the most free environment. However, the most free environments also attract dangerous elements. This place is small enough to avoid attracting too many of those types of unsavory elements. The ones it does attract? Long standing members know who they are.

Ever since the election, a lot of the more liberal posters have just given up and left. So naturally, the OP ratio that is going to be posted that stereo types and disparages folks that think certain ways, is going to lean in that particular direction.

I'd say, if it bothers you, you are what they have labeled you, an emotional cupcake, in need of a safe space. But I don't think you are. Instead, ignore those threads.

Sometimes, I'll get a page in before those types of threads degenerate into mudslinging and ad hominem back and forth. Who has time to read pages and pages of flaming back and forth?

If I want that, I'll go to the FZ where the flaming is funny and creative, and generally not mean spirited. I don't care if you are on the right, left or middle. I don't care if you are a statist, progressive, or liberatarian. I just want good ideas backed up with sound reasoning.

And I love posters with a sense of humor and posters with links to avant garde ideas outside the box.

I wouldn't make the case that these only come from the right. But if one were to take a count, most of them would be

--- of course, the taking of such a count, while it might be interesting, would invite a whole other ironic blanket generalization in itself, i.e. "conservatives make sweeping generalizations".

The temptation to fall into this blatant fallacy is always the easy way out. The task of the argument-maker is to build a specific case that can stand on its own. That requires putting forth the effort of intellectual exercise. It's just insulting to readers when the arguer declines to engage in that exercise -- "here's my point but I can't be bothered to build it". I suspect summa these clowns are just more interested in seeing their name on the internets than in making an actual argument.
I'd say, if it bothers you, you are what they have labeled you, an emotional cupcake, in need of a safe space. But I don't think you are. Instead, ignore those threads.

I do either ignore them or shoot them down for the fallacies they are, but it's just exasperating that they never seem to learn the error of their ways and just go on with the same play again expecting different results, completely oblivious to the fact that their ship sunk the last time it sailed and they haven't bothered to fix the gaping hole in its hull.

Most of what I post here isn't about the issue itself -- it's about the faulty logic somebody tried to use to make their point.

I do have a short fuse for intentional stupidity, a/k/a "dumbing down" or as I like to call it, "intellectual sloth".
Those that do this, will justify killing us or putting us Americans in to captivity's all part of their plan....hide and watch... :eek:

NOTICE, how I said those that do this, and NOT all rightwingers... :D
These threads posted just in the last hour:

"The Left" loses another one...

Do "Liberals" Ever Get Tired of Being Wrong....

The Idiot "Left"

The Indescribable Evil of "The Left"

:uhh: The last actually goes for a three-way blanket generalization, incorporating the tags "Liberals" and "Progressives", as if they're all the same thing so let's paint them all orange.

Good CHRIST what a whinefest.

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with people that they think this somehow constitutes a valid point? What kind of tiny little mind do these sweeping broad-brush bullshit threads hope to convince that entire swaths of some political philosophy ----- all share the same personality traits? :cuckoo:

Do they actually think on some level that "the left" and "the Liberals" and "Progressives" (wheeled in on gurneys no doubt as they have to be about 140 years old) ---- all meet at a coffee shop in Dubuque every morning and unanimously agree on what everybody's mental state is?

Or are these thread starters just plain retarded?

Even the most recent thread in this General Discussion Forum purports to opine on "how a conservative film critic reviews movies". As if humans have no individuality or free will and are all part of some Borg.

FFS, this is a discussion board, not a wank room. Break a brain sweat and bring some game already.

Why are you making sweeping generalizations? Keep it up and you will be assimilated.
While I agree with you, I see folks that lean left generalize conservatives and anyone that has any warmth toward any of their ideas in the same way.

No doubt those exist, and I wouldn't make the case that these only come from the right. But if one were to take a count, most of them would be, which is a whole 'nother question. The threads cited were random citations of what went up at the time -- three in a row back-to-back-to-back, which is kind of an ominous omen that "this is how it's going to be from here on", which is patently unacceptable, hence my spleen-vent.

My concern is not "who does it", whether there's a count or not. It's that it's a bullshit way to make an argument.

The right and left do it equally. And neither does it worse than the other.
This entire forum consist 90% (at least) of nothing but mindless mud throwing.
If you have a thread of 100 posts you might....might...have 10 that are actual points based on something...anything.
I'd say, if it bothers you, you are what they have labeled you, an emotional cupcake, in need of a safe space. But I don't think you are. Instead, ignore those threads.

I do either ignore them or shoot them down for the fallacies they are, but it's just exasperating that they never seem to learn the error of their ways and just go on with the same play again expecting different results, completely oblivious to the fact that their ship sunk the last time it sailed and they haven't bothered to fix the gaping hole in its hull.

Most of what I post here isn't about the issue itself -- it's about the faulty logic somebody tried to use to make their point.

I do have a short fuse for intentional stupidity, a/k/a "dumbing down" or as I like to call it, "intellectual sloth".

It's like sports to most folks. Even the lazy ones on the left.

This is a video by one of my favorite indie thinkers in the middle that sums it up. It becomes, not an exercise in thinking about politics, but an ego game, it's like rooting for a team. You will find that many of those that do this are also those that are most into sports.

Just a generalization, but this is usually true.

Did you notice how all talk about politics came to a halt the day of the Super Bowl?
While I agree with you, I see folks that lean left generalize conservatives and anyone that has any warmth toward any of their ideas in the same way.

No doubt those exist, and I wouldn't make the case that these only come from the right. But if one were to take a count, most of them would be, which is a whole 'nother question. The threads cited were random citations of what went up at the time -- three in a row back-to-back-to-back, which is kind of an ominous omen that "this is how it's going to be from here on", which is patently unacceptable, hence my spleen-vent.

My concern is not "who does it", whether there's a count or not. It's that it's a bullshit way to make an argument.

The right and left do it equally. And neither does it worse than the other.
This entire forum consist 90% (at least) of nothing but mindless mud throwing.
If you have a thread of 100 posts you might....might...have 10 that are actual points based on something...anything.

See where you're going with this?

I'm *NOT INTERESTED* in "who does it". It's fucking BULLSHIT no matter who does it.
I'd say, if it bothers you, you are what they have labeled you, an emotional cupcake, in need of a safe space. But I don't think you are. Instead, ignore those threads.

I do either ignore them or shoot them down for the fallacies they are, but it's just exasperating that they never seem to learn the error of their ways and just go on with the same play again expecting different results, completely oblivious to the fact that their ship sunk the last time it sailed and they haven't bothered to fix the gaping hole in its hull.

Most of what I post here isn't about the issue itself -- it's about the faulty logic somebody tried to use to make their point.

I do have a short fuse for intentional stupidity, a/k/a "dumbing down" or as I like to call it, "intellectual sloth".

It's like sports to most folks. Even the lazy ones on the left.

This is a video by one of my favorite indie thinkers in the middle that sums it up. It becomes, not an exercise in thinking about politics, but an ego game, it's like rooting for a team. You will find that many of those that do this are also those that are most into sports.

Just a generalization, but this is usually true.

Did you notice how all talk about politics came to a halt the day of the Super Bowl?

The sports metaphor is quite apt. I've often noted the partisan hack act more like they're rooting for a sports team than acting like they're in the least bit actually interested in what the issue is. And that of course is blatant hypocrisy.

The terms "RINO"and "DINO" are a pefect example of that idiocy.

Did you notice how all talk about politics came to a halt the day of the Super Bowl?

Actually no I didn't. I was only vaguely aware of when the Stupor Bowl was, and not even sure at that. But no I didn't notice that here.
I'd say, if it bothers you, you are what they have labeled you, an emotional cupcake, in need of a safe space. But I don't think you are. Instead, ignore those threads.

I do either ignore them or shoot them down for the fallacies they are, but it's just exasperating that they never seem to learn the error of their ways and just go on with the same play again expecting different results, completely oblivious to the fact that their ship sunk the last time it sailed and they haven't bothered to fix the gaping hole in its hull.

Most of what I post here isn't about the issue itself -- it's about the faulty logic somebody tried to use to make their point.

I do have a short fuse for intentional stupidity, a/k/a "dumbing down" or as I like to call it, "intellectual sloth".

Yeah, I been there.

When I find myself doing that, and there is nothing interesting worth my time, I decide to play a video game instead.

I'd say, if it bothers you, you are what they have labeled you, an emotional cupcake, in need of a safe space. But I don't think you are. Instead, ignore those threads.

I do either ignore them or shoot them down for the fallacies they are, but it's just exasperating that they never seem to learn the error of their ways and just go on with the same play again expecting different results, completely oblivious to the fact that their ship sunk the last time it sailed and they haven't bothered to fix the gaping hole in its hull.

Most of what I post here isn't about the issue itself -- it's about the faulty logic somebody tried to use to make their point.

I do have a short fuse for intentional stupidity, a/k/a "dumbing down" or as I like to call it, "intellectual sloth".

It's like sports to most folks. Even the lazy ones on the left.

This is a video by one of my favorite indie thinkers in the middle that sums it up. It becomes, not an exercise in thinking about politics, but an ego game, it's like rooting for a team. You will find that many of those that do this are also those that are most into sports.

Just a generalization, but this is usually true.

Did you notice how all talk about politics came to a halt the day of the Super Bowl?

The sports metaphor is quite apt. I've often noted the partisan hack act more like they're rooting for a sports team than acting like they're in the least bit actually interested in what the issue is. And that of course is blatant hypocrisy.

The terms "RINO"and "DINO" are a pefect example of that idiocy.

Did you notice how all talk about politics came to a halt the day of the Super Bowl?

Actually no I didn't. I was only vaguely aware of when the Stupor Bowl was, and not even sure at that. But no I didn't notice that here.

Well...just sayin..your OP only points to the right doing it to the left.
This entire nation is damnably partisan and divided. Right now the left is completely flipping gotta love people protesting one thing or another within days of Trump getting Obama never existed and somehow whatever they are protesting suddenly appeared.
Well...just sayin..your OP only points to the right doing it to the left.

And again -- as already noted --- that's exactly how they came in, chronologically. Don't believe me? Check the time stamps. It was the fact that three threads in a row by three different posters, all employing exactly the same fallacy, came in within literally minutes of each other that spurred me to note that "enough is enough". Obviously these aren't the first three to employ it but they're in no way cherrypicked. The fact that it usually comes from the right is (again) an entirely separate question. I'm not going to sit and wait for similar sweeping generalizations from the left just to make a point of balance that isn't the point anyway.

AGAIN the point is the fatal fallacy, not "who uses it". If it happens to point to the right, that's because THAT'S WHO'S USING IT. Not the point here.

This entire nation is damnably partisan and divided. Right now the left is completely flipping gotta love people protesting one thing or another within days of Trump getting Obama never existed and somehow whatever they are protesting suddenly appeared.

This entire nation unquestionably is so divided, agree. It was so when O'bama took office and it was so when GWB took office. That too is a whole 'nother thread, and a worthy one.

This one is simply calling out how fucking stoopid it is to try to make an argument using a broad brush. PERIOD.
These threads posted just in the last hour:

"The Left" loses another one...

Do "Liberals" Ever Get Tired of Being Wrong....

The Idiot "Left"

The Indescribable Evil of "The Left"

:uhh: The last actually goes for a three-way blanket generalization, incorporating the tags "Liberals" and "Progressives", as if they're all the same thing so let's paint them all orange.

Good CHRIST what a whinefest.

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with people that they think this somehow constitutes a valid point? What kind of tiny little mind do these sweeping broad-brush bullshit threads hope to convince that entire swaths of some political philosophy ----- all share the same personality traits? :cuckoo:

Do they actually think on some level that "the left" and "the Liberals" and "Progressives" (wheeled in on gurneys no doubt as they have to be about 140 years old) ---- all meet at a coffee shop in Dubuque every morning and unanimously agree on what everybody's mental state is?

Or are these thread starters just plain retarded?

Even the most recent thread in this General Discussion Forum purports to opine on "how a conservative film critic reviews movies". As if humans have no individuality or free will and are all part of some Borg.

FFS, this is a discussion board, not a wank room. Break a brain sweat and bring some game already.


You Lefties are all alike...
These threads posted just in the last hour:

"The Left" loses another one...

Do "Liberals" Ever Get Tired of Being Wrong....

The Idiot "Left"

The Indescribable Evil of "The Left"

:uhh: The last actually goes for a three-way blanket generalization, incorporating the tags "Liberals" and "Progressives", as if they're all the same thing so let's paint them all orange.

Good CHRIST what a whinefest.

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with people that they think this somehow constitutes a valid point? What kind of tiny little mind do these sweeping broad-brush bullshit threads hope to convince that entire swaths of some political philosophy ----- all share the same personality traits? :cuckoo:

Do they actually think on some level that "the left" and "the Liberals" and "Progressives" (wheeled in on gurneys no doubt as they have to be about 140 years old) ---- all meet at a coffee shop in Dubuque every morning and unanimously agree on what everybody's mental state is?

Or are these thread starters just plain retarded?

Even the most recent thread in this General Discussion Forum purports to opine on "how a conservative film critic reviews movies". As if humans have no individuality or free will and are all part of some Borg.

FFS, this is a discussion board, not a wank room. Break a brain sweat and bring some game already.

"All Republicans are racists....."

These threads posted just in the last hour:

"The Left" loses another one...

Do "Liberals" Ever Get Tired of Being Wrong....

The Idiot "Left"

The Indescribable Evil of "The Left"

:uhh: The last actually goes for a three-way blanket generalization, incorporating the tags "Liberals" and "Progressives", as if they're all the same thing so let's paint them all orange.

Good CHRIST what a whinefest.

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with people that they think this somehow constitutes a valid point? What kind of tiny little mind do these sweeping broad-brush bullshit threads hope to convince that entire swaths of some political philosophy ----- all share the same personality traits? :cuckoo:

Do they actually think on some level that "the left" and "the Liberals" and "Progressives" (wheeled in on gurneys no doubt as they have to be about 140 years old) ---- all meet at a coffee shop in Dubuque every morning and unanimously agree on what everybody's mental state is?

Or are these thread starters just plain retarded?

Even the most recent thread in this General Discussion Forum purports to opine on "how a conservative film critic reviews movies". As if humans have no individuality or free will and are all part of some Borg.

FFS, this is a discussion board, not a wank room. Break a brain sweat and bring some game already.


You Lefties are all alike...

Had a GF that used to say, in mock-exasperation --- "You men are all........ different". I appreciated her sense of irony.

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