BLM Agitator John Sullivan Convicted of Multiple Jan. 6 Crimes

How can he be considered a BLM member, when he just showed up and was viewed with suspicion?
Most likely his appearances at the BLM riots across the country. Somebody even posted his pic at a BLM riot.
Or, as has been posited numerous times----- Don Trump himself, has a good handle on manipulating "crowd psychology". And Trump and his enablers clearly incited, angered, and directed that angered and incited crowd to attack our elected Representatives.


Actually, what you saw on J6 were paid crisis actors (many of them the same grown up....who pretended to be dead at Sandy Hook!).
George Soros hired this immense group of illegal immigrants from Honduras, Ukraine, Mexico, Syria, and other places. He fitted 'em out in MAGA gear, and paid them for every cop they smacked or sprayed with MACE.

How could you not know that good poster 'Protectionist'?
I do know it, and its about the same as what I said.
Reading comprehension problems ?
"I do know it, and its about the same as what I said."

You know it? This is what you know? And this is about the same as what you said. This?
"....what you saw on J6 were paid crisis actors (many of them the same grown up....who pretended to be dead at Sandy Hook!).
George Soros hired this immense group of illegal immigrants from Honduras, Ukraine, Mexico, Syria, and other places. He fitted 'em out in MAGA gear, and paid them for every cop they smacked or sprayed with MACE.


My friend, think about that.
Think how foolish you are allowing your avatar to make you look.
Crisis actors?
Now grown from being pretend-dead at Sandy Hook?
That George Soros hired 'em all?
That they were all illegal immigrants?

Oh man, Protectionist, other MAGA's must be doing face-plants to know that such nutjob whackadoodlism exists in the movement they think really can make America great (again?).

No offense intended, but if you believe that the J6 Jackasses were all illegal immigrants hired by George Soros.....well, pal, you and QAnon and MAGA are made for each other.

Bizzarro Desk fare.

But good luck. America is a Big Tent society and we can tolerate fringies as long as they don't get violent or malevolent.
what was the plan, exactly, to get all 50 states to go along, the supreme court, both houses of congress, the entire executive branch
Do this, prolific poster 'elektra'.....
1. Go to YouTube and watch the J6 Congressional hearings.
2. Go to YouTube and watch the 2nd Impeachment of Don Trump.
3. Then, with that due diligence and will be better able to understand the testimony, the case, and the trials of Don Trump in the George 'interference' case; and in DC with the incitement case.

You CAN be a better poster here.
I am mildly convinced of that.
Good luck.
Do this, prolific poster 'elektra'.....
1. Go to YouTube and watch the J6 Congressional hearings.
2. Go to YouTube and watch the 2nd Impeachment of Don Trump

You CAN be a better poster here.
you can not tell us the plan?

chillcot is better poster but can not describe how the insurrection was to take place.
a better poster, just imagine if everyone on this site replied the same way chillcot stated;

There was the an insurrection, link
There was no insurrection, link
yes, link
no, link
There was the an insurrection, link


Link: "Still, the judge concluded Trump's "conduct and words were the factual cause of, and a substantial contributing factor" to the attack on the Capitol. She found that Trump "engaged in an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021 through incitement."

Link: "A Colorado judge finds Trump 'engaged in insurrection,'​

In her decision, Wallace said she found that Trump did in fact "engage in insurrection" on Jan. 6 and rejected his attorneys' arguments that he was simply engaging in free speech."



Link: "Still, the judge concluded Trump's "conduct and words were the factual cause of, and a substantial contributing factor" to the attack on the Capitol. She found that Trump "engaged in an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021 through incitement."

Link: "A Colorado judge finds Trump 'engaged in insurrection,'​

In her decision, Wallace said she found that Trump did in fact "engage in insurrection" on Jan. 6 and rejected his attorneys' arguments that he was simply engaging in free speech."
links prove you do not know your ass from a hole in the ground

google serves you fine, as your brain

still cant tell us in your own words how there was an insurrections proves you are the stupid amongst us
"still cant tell us in your own words how there was an insurrections proves you are ....."
My own words?
What's up with that?

Why would I, an anonymous social media poster using a fake name, have more credibility than a court's judge?

Now, I ain't a shy guy, but......but I also ain't inexperienced enough to believe that my opinion on what Don Trump did on January 6th (and his prior planning and preparations for January 6th)...are of more import than a court's official ruling.

If you think otherwise, good poster Elektra, well, I am honestly surprised.
And a tad flattered.

Thank you.
links prove you do not know your ass from a hole in the ground

google serves you fine, as your brain

still cant tell us in your own words how there was an insurrections proves you are the stupid amongst us
In 1917 the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace. What happened on J6 looked very similar.
My own words?
What's up with that?

Why would I, an anonymous social media poster using a fake name, have more credibility than a court's judge?

Now, I ain't a shy guy, but......but I also ain't inexperienced enough to believe that my opinion on what Don Trump did on January 6th (and his prior planning and preparations for January 6th)...are of more import than a court's official ruling.

If you think otherwise, good poster Elektra, well, I am honestly surprised.

And a tad flattered.

Thank you.
go ahead, post the plan, tell us how it was planned and unfolded, how it was stopped

should be easy for you, you claim the internet supports you, so go ahead, in your own words, tell us the story, tell us the story nobody else can

and when you come back with nothing but links, not your own words, when you go to google to figure out what you think you know, that is good enough for me, I know you can not tell us all about this insurrection, cause it did not happen

go ahead, in your own words, now
In 1917 the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace. What happened on J6 looked very similar.
great, explain 1917 and jan 6th, I want to hear the story, use your own words, no google search
great, explain 1917 and jan 6th, I want to hear the story, use your own words, no google search
Explain them? Are you asking for a free history lesson?! If you’ve got a question, ask it.
... go ahead, in your own words....

OK, sure.
This is easy.
My own words:
'January 6th was an insurrection committed by legions of Trump's Duped & Snookered rubes (TDS'rs) who believed his fibs.'

And now, many of them are paying a dear....but due.....price. MAGA!

Those Duped & Snookered fit the classic definition. Ask the Colorado judge. "Insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government a group of its citizens or subjects..."
Feds understand crowd psychology. They used it to get a bunch of emotional Trump supporters to walk into an obvious trap.
Those Trump supporters are grown adults. They are responsible for their own fucking actions. No one is buying your 'crowd psychology' bullshit.
OK, sure.
This is easy.
My own words:
'January 6th was an insurrection committed by legions of Trump's Duped & Snookered rubes (TDS'rs) who believed his fibs.'

And now, many of them are paying a dear....but due.....price. MAGA!

Those Duped & Snookered fit the classic definition. Ask the Colorado judge. "Insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government a group of its citizens or subjects..."
yep, no insurrection, gotcha, thanks
Explain them? Are you asking for a free history lesson?! If you’ve got a question, ask it.
I asked, you cant answer, thanks, there was no insurrection, just people saying there was

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