blm and antifa are democratic milita

Who is insulted? They choose to smoke weed that smells like skunk. It’s a choice and an observation. Nothing more.

But it adds to lower testosterone levels. Which is a growing issue of this generation.
Been smoking it for forty years and I am a physically powerful bundle of spring steel and rawhide. I build beach houses and in my leisure time I do things like pulling logs out of the swamp. The testosterone thing is a reefer madness tactic meant to scare young men away from pot.
Been smoking it for forty years and I am a physically powerful bundle of spring steel and rawhide. I build beach houses and in my leisure time I do things like pulling logs out of the swamp. The testosterone thing is a reefer madness tactic meant to scare young men away from pot.
Studies also show drugs related to depression contribute. As well as hormones in food.

The newer generations are over diagnosed and over medicated.
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Studies also show drugs related to depression also contribute. As well as hormones in food.

The newer generations are over diagnosed and over medicated.
Well that's true at least. That prescription junk is the devil.
I guess you feel the need to lie because your case is so poor or maybe you only hear what you want to hear or maybe you only listen to people who tell you lies. In any case it is on you.

Though Biden voiced support for protesters’ right to demonstrate, he has consistently condemned violence, including acts linked to activists from Black Lives Matter and antifa, a political movement of far-left militants who oppose neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations and other events.

Here are five of his statements to that effect last summer.
Antifa and BLM don’t oppose neo-nazis.
They are neo-nazis.
Been smoking it for forty years and I am a physically powerful bundle of spring steel and rawhide. I build beach houses and in my leisure time I do things like pulling logs out of the swamp. The testosterone thing is a reefer madness tactic meant to scare young men away from pot.
Your lungs suffer.
Reefer madness? That’s typical backwards-ass pot advocacy shit. That’s the excuse from the 1960’s. You’re so cutting-edge.
Far out, throw me a frisbee!
BLM is neo-nazi by a different name.
Confederate flags are racist only to racists. That apparently includes you.
Got it, Confederate flags are not racist, they only celebrate people who tried to destroy the US. That explains why they are so popular at Trump rallies.
Got it, Confederate flags are not racist, they only celebrate people who tried to destroy the US. That explains why they are so popular at Trump rallies.
Confederate battle flags represent those soldiers. Racists like the KKK use them as a racist symbol. Racists like you and most lefties view them only that way because they’re racist, too. Get it?
It is very true and easily proven they are the democrat militia.

Democrats have no problems publicly, brutally and harshly try to destroy anyone they don't like. But they have never once in 18 months even tried to discourage antifa BLM destruction. Even the president seeing them destroy towns and ruin communities, block streets, attack citizens and police, etc has never even tried to say a negative thing about them or stop them

The fact they do absolutely nothing about them shows they approve of what they are doing.
"Failed coup"?
Is that the current MSDNC talking point?
Endless video loop come any and all elections involving those who supported the insurrection, if that’s the term you prefer. :cool-45:
Confederate battle flags represent those soldiers. Racists like the KKK use them as a racist symbol. Racists like you and most lefties view them only that way because they’re racist, too. Get it?
You mean the soldiers that took up arms to destroy this country? Unlike you, I don't hate this country.

BTW, will there be monuments to the Jan 6th rebels too?

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