BLM bullys Simone Biles

Why is this woman wasting everybody's time?

Why did she went to the Olympics? Why was she accepted? What for?

Lets all puke together....for the loser!
She is the best female gymnast to ever walk this earth… what do you mean ”why did she went to the Olympics?” That question is retarded on many levels
She is the best female gymnast to ever walk this earth… what do you mean ”why did she went to the Olympics?” That question is retarded on many levels
What do you disagree with Skye? Use your words…
These days it's so God Damn hard to get the truth. Was she pressured, and if so by who? And if not, then what was this Wrhel guy's source, or did he kinda fudge it a little? I wouldn't doubt she's been getting pressured to say or do a lot of things that she might not be comfortable with, political or otherwise. Musta been pretty bad though, to give up your last shot at an Olympic Gold Medal.

My pure speculation is she was pressured by BLM and felt sympathy for their cause, but felt conflicted about trashing the USA and hurting her endorsements and brand. So, she caved into pressure and quit. Now she becomes a victim. She knows there is money in victimhood. :thup:
She is the best female gymnast to ever walk this earth… what do you mean ”why did she went to the Olympics?” That question is retarded on many levels

She is in the Olympics for money and ego. Period. She could give a shit about her Country, she has made that quite clear.
My pure speculation is she was pressured by BLM and felt sympathy for their cause, but felt conflicted about trashing the USA and hurting her endorsements and brand. So, she caved into pressure and quit. Now she becomes a victim. She knows there is money in victimhood. :thup:
Your pure speculation is crap. She didn’t make that decision while upside down in the middle of a 2.5 twist vault. That she very dangerously pulled out of. Something wasn’t right and she was obviously disoriented and didn’t have the air awareness to execute her moves. That leads to two potential outcomes. A serious injury or a fall and team loss. She made the right call and it wasn’t because of BLM pressure. She still stood proud with her team during the national anthem when they won the silver. This OP and all the tards backing up the crap on Simone narrative are cowardice morons
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She is in the Olympics for money and ego. Period. She could give a shit about her Country, she has made that quite clear.
What does that have to do with anything? Don’t pretend to be a mind reader either. Makes you sound like an idiot
She is there to represent her Country. Otherwise what is the point?
The point is to compete in her sport and while doing so she represents her country. She never stopped doing that and is doing a great job at it IMO. Your presumptions don't mean anything except for a testimony of your ignorance
Who Brought down John Edwards?

Who brought down Dan Rather?

Who scooped everyone about Monica Lewinsky?
Well it sure as hell wasnt the guy who wrote this article. Here we are on day 2 and he is STILL the only person who is making this claim. No news source in the nation believes him. :laugh:
Yet she has made multiple public statements supporting BLM, so what gives? With the forum she has why allow yourself to be bullied? It doesn't add up.
Deserves more investigation. Family and friends can be a real vulnerable point for people in the
public eye. This new information makes me want to back up and examine what is going on.
The story is entirely believable....Though his "source" is overhearing/hearsay from a CNN "reporter", it's also believable that such a "reporter" would be strongly inclined to spike the story.
Nothing is believable about the story. She stood with her team during the medal ceremony wearing the red white and blue. This narrative is ludicrous clickbait which obviously works on the weak of mind. Do better
Nothing is believable about the story. She stood with her team during the medal ceremony wearing the red white and blue. This narrative is ludicrous clickbait which obviously works on the weak of mind. Do better
Infinitely more believable than the totally bullshit tall tale that a 3rd-hand "whistlblower" told, in order to get a sham impeachment rolling.....And you swallowed that fable hook, line, and sinker.
Infinitely more believable than the totally bullshit tall tale that a 3rd-hand "whistlblower" told, in order to get a sham impeachment rolling.....And you swallowed that fable hook, line, and sinker.
Thanks for sharing captain random. If you ever find your way back to the topic then perhaps you can explain your stupidity and why you believe an obvious fake news story
Thanks for sharing captain random. If you ever find your way back to the topic then perhaps you can explain your stupidity and why you believe an obvious fake news story
I said I found it believable, not undeniably true, dumbfuck.....Unlike how you were totally suckered by a myth that aligned with your confirmation bias.

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