BLM Hunt / Chase / Attack #Walk Away Founder


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I saw Brandon interviwed on Tim Pool IRL, and what flipped him was the left wing lie that Trump was mocking a journalist with a disability, Straight up fucking lie by piece of shit leftists. Brandon actually did some research and saw that it was a fake story, and he started doing much more research and he opened his eyes to the lies of the left.

Kind of like Dave Rubin.

Lefties, if your policies are good, you shouldnt need to lie about Trump.
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I saw Brandon interviwed on Tim Pool IRL, and what flipped him was the left wing lie that Trump was mocking a journalist with a disability, Straight up fucking lie by piece of shit leftists. Brandon actually did some research and saw that it was a fake story, and he started doing much more research and he opened his eyes to the lies of the left.

Kind of like Dave Rubin.

Lefties, if your policies are good, you shouldnt need to lie about Trump.

Yes, it was a big fat lie.

But not unlike the lie Biden's whole campaign is based on - the "good people" hoax.
Dale Smith , why weren't you there cracking skulls?
I had no idea anything was taking place. I work three 12 hour days Saturday thru Monday. I am going to check out if there is any spewing of leftard angst next week. The beautiful part about having knowledge is that you can defend yourself easily with a few items that are legal to carry but when mixed together? Let's just say that it would be a hot time in the city.......

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