BLM is further proof the left is dumbed down & corrupt


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Watched a BLM leader speak last night, I think he's from NYC. He says violence is justified, because that's how shit's done, and he compared them to the Revolutionary War, shit like that. Neat, he chose something cool as opposed ISIS, NAZI, terrorists and KKK too.

So BLM has a leader who is what, intelligent? Consider this. There are 328 million people and 1 million police contacts per day. One goes sour and the left explodes by design because of COVID and the election, it's just that simple. One incident in how many? and these fucks think they're fighting the Revolutionary War. They make the incident out to be racist because they're what, dumb, projecting, bored? How about useless and incomplete, desire 15 minutes of fame, CAUSE-SEEKING. So they project their poor dispositions elsewhere. Yep, that's the ticket.

Yet they don't hold thugs accountable, EVER. More than that they don't freak out unless the victim is black. How come? I thought BLM was seeking equality, yet they hold blacks above everyone else? There's their sign. If black lives matter so much, why are most of the murders black on black? Why don't they protest that?

What's the end-game? What exactly are the PROGS trying to accomplish, how do they know when they're successful and what is measurable? Nobody is able to answer any of these questions, because they're dumb, corrupt and tools.
Watched a BLM leader speak last night, I think he's from NYC. He says violence is justified, because that's how shit's done, and he compared them to the Revolutionary War, shit like that. Neat, he chose something cool as opposed ISIS, NAZI, terrorists and KKK too.

So BLM has a leader who is what, intelligent? Consider this. There are 328 million people and 1 million police contacts per day. One goes sour and the left explodes by design because of COVID and the election, it's just that simple. One incident in how many? and these fucks think they're fighting the Revolutionary War. They make the incident out to be racist because they're what, dumb, projecting, bored? How about useless and incomplete, desire 15 minutes of fame, CAUSE-SEEKING. So they project their poor dispositions elsewhere. Yep, that's the ticket.

Yet they don't hold thugs accountable, EVER. More than that they don't freak out unless the victim is black. How come? I thought BLM was seeking equality, yet they hold blacks above everyone else? There's their sign. If black lives matter so much, why are most of the murders black on black? Why don't they protest that?

What's the end-game? What exactly are the PROGS trying to accomplish, how do they know when they're successful and what is measurable? Nobody is able to answer any of these questions, because they're dumb, corrupt and tools.

You didn't go far enough. In Atlanta, a black guy that is obviously drunk as a skunk resists arrest. In the process he gains control over a cops taser gun. So here is a drunk, fleeing the cops and shooting at them with what was legally defined as a deadly weapon. One of the cops shoots and kills this guy. So, the local power structure now claims that a taser gun was NOT a deadly weapon despite the clear application of the law prior to this shooting. The cop is arrested and charged with murder.

Okay... the drunk's girlfriend burns down a Wendy's in retaliation. Adding insult to injury, the city council has a more than 2 to 1 advantage of blacks AND the mayor is black. Yet they fire the Chief of Police because a cop applied the law as it had always been applied. The black political power structure takes NO responsibility and is not held accountable. It was their laws the cop enforced!!!! On the evening news, this criminal is paraded down the street as if he were some kind of freaking hero. The guy is a martyr. WTH?

This scene is playing itself out daily and major corporations are donating MILLIONS of dollars to perpetuate this outrageous bullshit as these criminals tear down monuments, statues, plaques, and memorials - AND destroy private property, some of that property owned by their black brethren. NOBODY decries this outrage and this criminal behavior. No, we allow the big corporations to fund it and the whites don't even have the moral inclination to speak out and boycott these insensitive and criminal acts.
How come PROGS can't and won't defend their side of things?

There's their sign.
Watched a BLM leader speak last night, I think he's from NYC. He says violence is justified, because that's how shit's done, and he compared them to the Revolutionary War, shit like that. Neat, he chose something cool as opposed ISIS, NAZI, terrorists and KKK too.

So BLM has a leader who is what, intelligent? Consider this. There are 328 million people and 1 million police contacts per day. One goes sour and the left explodes by design because of COVID and the election, it's just that simple. One incident in how many? and these fucks think they're fighting the Revolutionary War. They make the incident out to be racist because they're what, dumb, projecting, bored? How about useless and incomplete, desire 15 minutes of fame, CAUSE-SEEKING. So they project their poor dispositions elsewhere. Yep, that's the ticket.

Yet they don't hold thugs accountable, EVER. More than that they don't freak out unless the victim is black. How come? I thought BLM was seeking equality, yet they hold blacks above everyone else? There's their sign. If black lives matter so much, why are most of the murders black on black? Why don't they protest that?

What's the end-game? What exactly are the PROGS trying to accomplish, how do they know when they're successful and what is measurable? Nobody is able to answer any of these questions, because they're dumb, corrupt and tools.

To understand the End-Game of the radical left political cult currently ravaging America one must first understand the mindset of its priests or leaders. BLM/Antifa or whatever you wish to call them, as well the leadership above them, truly believe Western Civilization from the inception of its first breath was and is purely evil. They believe that from its beginnings centuries ago the white men who built the British, French, Spanish and Italian empires of old in particular set forth with the premeditated intent to oppress women and all peoples of Third World color by converting them to their misogynous/racist religion and using colonialism to enslave them and rape their homelands both in Africa and the New World for natural resources and land for expansion of their evil kingdoms. Further, they believe that no amount of restitution or confession or apology or voluntary atonement can ever cleanse either the histories of Western Nations or the souls of their descendants living in today's modern world. In other words, they believe the only way for history to right the endless sins and wrongs of Western Civilization is for it to be destroyed.

Thus the End-Game of the radical leftist political cult rioting out there in our streets is the utter annihilation of every last iota of the present and past of Western Civilization. Destruction of our America, however, is the real prize—their most pressing goal. For America is the brightest shining culmination and representation of everything the radical left most despise about the history of Western Civilization; America is the most powerful patriarchal nation to ever exist on Earth. So all traces of American tradition, history, culture, political machinery, and religion must GO. And finally, in the minds of the radical leftists, all white descendants of both America's Founders and of the Old World Western Empires must be brought to heel, knocked down to the economic level of the world's so-called oppressed people of color, and enslaved as they once were or outright murdered through some mass genocide of retribution.

That's about it . . . in a nutshell.

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