BLM loosing white support!

the videos answered your question. if you had
watch the video . lok

gee i wonder what they are doing/. and whiter folks are left to clean it up. people are tired of blms tirades.

Do you have any statistics to back this up?
who is cleaning it up?

Oh, I thought I was discussing with YOU. Apparently I'm discussing with the video.

Right.... bye
the video showswhite folks cleaning it up. you could not see that?

Because I didn't watch the video. I'd only watch the video if I thought I needed to. But seeing how I'm conversing with a video and not you.......
the video answered your question. if you had watched you wouldnt nmot have needed to ask.
1. I agree that some Caucasians are starting to lose their sympathy for BLM because they are losing sympathy for that ethnicity in general.

2. Of course, many folks of that ethnicity are very nice people, but the behavior of a sizable number of their younger folks are alienating more and more Americans, IMHO.

3. For example, the attacks on Asians has led some people to ask why are most of those assaults committed by young people of the ethnicity under consideration.

4. And just a few minutes ago, someone posted to a neighborhood discussion forum (which requires actual names and addresses in order to post comments) & told us neighbors that some people are renting an airbnb property next to him. The renters are very disruptive. He has complained many times to the property's owner. He reported today that one of the renters had just spat on him and his car. He posted a picture of the alleged perp. Well, just as I had guessed, the man's post was deleted a few minutes later, including comments from neighbors. The website presumably feared being sued for defamation or accused of being racist.
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the videos answered your question. if you had
watch the video . lok

gee i wonder what they are doing/. and whiter folks are left to clean it up. people are tired of blms tirades.

Do you have any statistics to back this up?
who is cleaning it up?

Oh, I thought I was discussing with YOU. Apparently I'm discussing with the video.

Right.... bye
the video showswhite folks cleaning it up. you could not see that?

Because I didn't watch the video. I'd only watch the video if I thought I needed to. But seeing how I'm conversing with a video and not you.......
the video answered your question. if you had watched you wouldnt nmot have needed to ask.

What a waste of time. I don't know why you bother even posting things if you're not going to talk about them.
1. I agree that some Caucasians are starting to lose their sympathy for BLM because they are losing sympathy for that ethnicity in general.

2. Of course, many folks of that ethnicity are very nice people, but the behavior of a sizable number of their younger folks are alienating more and more Americans, IMHO.

3. For example, the attacks on Asians has led some people to ask why are most of those assaults committed by young people of the ethnicity under consideration.

4. And just a few minutes ago, someone posted to a neighborhood discussion forum (which requires actual names and addresses in order to post comments) & told us neighbors that some people are renting an airbnb property next to him. The renters are very disruptive. He has complained many times to the property's owner. He reported today that one of the renters had just spat on him and his car. He posted a picture of the alleged perp. Well, just as I had guessed, the man's post was deleted a few minutes later, including comments from neighbors. The website presumably feared being sued for defamation or accused of being racist.
what i do not understand is these white people walking with the blm. white blckside stands ther saying they want to kill whites and have wart with them. becasue it never was about race. its abot destroying aithority of every kind in this counhtry so crimanls can do as they please. guess i just answered my own question.

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