BLM protest in fariview heights over cops breaking up teen fights too much force


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

parents side. sure trhere not defending their kids behavior. kids is kids. thata defenbse news people /. dang

cops side. they say the cop was restrained.

what do you all think?

parents side. sure trhere not defending their kids behavior. kids is kids. thata defenbse news people /. dang

cops side. they say the cop was restrained.

what do you all think?

Looked and sounded pretty restrained to me. Maybe the kids should have just knocked it off when the cop showed up. It should not have gotten that far, but when the police show up, you knock it off and do what you are told or suffer the consequences.
Looked and sounded pretty restrained to me. Maybe the kids should have just knocked it off when the cop showed up. It should not have gotten that far, but when the police show up, you knock it off and do what you are told or suffer the consequences.
exactly. im tired of the cops are hear to protect and serve, .there heat to inforce the law.
Looked and sounded pretty restrained to me. Maybe the kids should have just knocked it off when the cop showed up. It should not have gotten that far, but when the police show up, you knock it off and do what you are told or suffer the consequences.

When I was young and the cops showed up every body took of to not get in trouble for drinking.

Now the feral youths have been trained to stay and video hoping to hit the Ghetto Lottery.

"Didn do nuffin!!!"
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When i was young and the cops showed up every body took of to not get in trouble for drinking.

Now the feral youths have been trained to stay and video hoping to hit the Ghetto Lottery.

"Didn do nuffin!!!"
I think they try to see how much they can get away with on the cops as they think they don't have to take sht even when in the wrong and is the sigh of a badass, instead of a thug.

parents side. sure trhere not defending their kids behavior. kids is kids. thata defenbse news people /. dang

cops side. they say the cop was restrained.

what do you all think?

"It's just kids!" That's the mother's response to a question about the behavior of her child? This crap is so far out of control it's become farce at this point! The police were breaking up a brawl. My question to that mother is that the way you raised your daughter to behave? If so you've got NOBODY to blame except your own fat ass!
I didn't see much out of line. Teens can be vicious animals that cause incredible carnage these days.

These ain't Rebel Without A Cause teenagers anymore.
"It's just kids!" That's the mother's response to a question about the behavior of her child? This crap is so far out of control it's become farce at this point! The police were breaking up a brawl. My question to that mother is that the way you raised your daughter to behave? If so you've got NOBODY to blame except your own fat ass!

My kids didn't act like that. And if she's truly worried, why is she just filming the cop and her daughter?
I think the only good democrat is a dead democrat!

In the old, old days, they used to put a stake in the heart or lop off the head of suspected vampires so they couldn't come back and turn everyone in the village into on tap smoothies.

Nowadays, I think we need to lop off their arms so they can't keep coming back to vote.
In the old, old days, they used to put a stake in the heart or lop off the head of suspected vampires so they couldn't come back and turn everyone in the village into on tap smoothies.

Nowadays, I think we need to lop off their arms so they can't keep coming back to vote.
An interesting analogy, the cold hard reality is these people are effectively dead from neck up, the recipients of fascist performed "intellectual abortions" as young children. So, I see them more as zombies as opposed to vampires, at least vampires are kind of cool...
The BLM assholes must smell a lawsuit. That's all those worthless pricks care about. Free money.

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