blm protestors let walk why pro lifers get sentenced


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

two sets of laws . proved it right here. it is ok for blm to do any crime they want even murder and get away with it. but if you defend life you go to jail. how f'd up is that.,

two sets of laws . proved it right here. it is ok for blm to do any crime they want even murder and get away with it. but if you defend life you go to jail. how f'd up is that.,
Walk away hell, BLM rioters are getting million dollar settlements! It pays to be a Democrat operative.
There are good protesters and bad protesters. Which is which largely depends on who won the last election. That's why it's so imortant to get out and register to vote.

two sets of laws . proved it right here. it is ok for blm to do any crime they want even murder and get away with it. but if you defend life you go to jail. how f'd up is that.,
I love crushing your racist lies.


two sets of laws . proved it right here. it is ok for blm to do any crime they want even murder and get away with it. but if you defend life you go to jail. how f'd up is that.,

two sets of laws . proved it right here. it is ok for blm to do any crime they want even murder and get away with it. but if you defend life you go to jail. how f'd up is that.,
protesters with the Frederick Douglass Foundation and Students for Life of America asked police officers at a rally Aug. 1, 2020, if they could chalk their message on the sidewalk. Police refused. When they proceeded to tag the sidewalk, anyway, police arrested the protesters.
protesters with the Frederick Douglass Foundation and Students for Life of America asked police officers at a rally Aug. 1, 2020, if they could chalk their message on the sidewalk. Police refused. When they proceeded to tag the sidewalk, anyway, police arrested the protesters.
disingenuous bs

Americans agree that the lives of black people do indeed matter, and Americans on all sides of the political spectrum expressed outrage over the death of George Floyd in 2020. But the slogan Black Lives Matter represents a political movement that inspired riots at the very time Bowser chose to endorse it as D.C. mayor.

two sets of laws . proved it right here. it is ok for blm to do any crime they want even murder and get away with it. but if you defend life you go to jail. how f'd up is that.,

of the 2 movements, blm and "pro life," care to guess which is the deadliest in terms of armed violence?
I love crushing your racist lies.

Up yours Mothabrother.
Explain the result of this statement from within your response. "in fact, over 10,000 protesters were arrested, most for low-level offenses". Low level my ass. What about any HIGH level arrests, if any, and what were the outcomes and penalties suffered, or were most of these rats just let go as usual? Man up and admit to the DEMONRAT double standard that we are suffering under.
BLM without question. They not only target and assassinate police and kill through rioting, they abet black-on-black fatherless murder.
No contest.
two sets were shot during lunch by bl m and californa has done nothing about it. one set didnt make it. dems suck.
Up yours Mothabrother.
Explain the result of this statement from within your response. "in fact, over 10,000 protesters were arrested, most for low-level offenses". Low level my ass. What about any HIGH level arrests, if any, and what were the outcomes and penalties suffered, or were most of these rats just let go as usual? Man up and admit to the DEMONRAT double standard that we are suffering under.
Back at you Paleman, this Justice System has been screwing over black folks since the first slaves walked off the ship and you cocksuckas have said and done nothing. Now all of a sudden you think some white folks are getting shafted and we are suppose to be in a uproar.
There are good protesters and bad protesters. Which is which largely depends on who won the last election. That's why it's so imortant to get out and register to vote.

Voting is the governments game, played by their rules.

Rule #1. They win, every single time.
I love crushing your racist lies.


You keep up with this leftard fuckwitry and I'm going to have to expose you.

10,000 protesters were arrested, that's their excuse?

You know how many were convicted?


=> THREE <= fucking percent.

Spare us the leftard bullshit.

It's all a pack of lies anyway.
It gets even better.

For the identical crime of throwing a Molotov at a police car, the white girls gets 6 years while the two "people of color" get a year and a day.

It gets even better.

For the identical crime of throwing a Molotov at a police car, the white girls gets 6 years while the two "people of color" get a year and a day.

White people complaining about discrimination.... Too damn funny.
When one considers that the 2020 protests spanned close to 120 days nationwide, damages over $2 billion or more, involved millions of protestors in over a hundred cities nation wide; the scope and scale of riot, arson, vandalism, looting, etc. should have resulted in thousands of CONVICTIONS of those arrested.

As is, the vast majority of the few thousand that were arrested have had charges dropped and the small percentage remaining have been convicted on lesser crimes, mostly misdemeanors or less, and have gotten very short sentences, if any. A few hundred persons at most convicted out of the millions that rioted and did damage and assaults, etc.

It takes a bit of deep searching and sifting of the readily available articles to get through the whitewash and get some actual details, but our Media and Justice system are giving the majority of the criminals responsible for the Summer 2020 riots a "get out of jail free" card/pass, downplay or bury the actual conviction results, and the handful of actual convictions amount to a slap on the wrist. No doubt a two tier system that favors the Insurrectionists of the Left has been in play on this. But then the limited responses from Democrat mayors and governors at the time should have been the first tip off that a "fix" was in play.

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