

Gold Member
Dec 13, 2008
The BLM, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. BLM - The Bureau of Land Management
The BLM controls a whopping 84% of the land in Nevada and the US government owns and controls about 28% of all US land, Most of it under BLM control.
Most of it out west or in Alaska.

Over 600 million acres of land is owned by the government.
There is 1.75 million homeless people in the US.
The US government could give one acre of land to every homeless person, and it would barely make a dent in their land holdings. It's like 1/3 of one percent.
Hey homeless people, here is some fucking land, build a log cabin like your ancestors did. Plant a garden, like your ancestors did.
It's all good.

Oh wait, it's the BLM, they control nearly 1/3 of the total US land. That is more land than the entirety of the UK. They control more land than the countries of France, Germany and Italy combined. We can't have peasants on that land. Those filthy peasants might use the land for farming or raising a family.

The BLM has more guns and firepower than the entire military of Portugal. Yet it is merely a bureaucracy of the US government. If those Portuguese ever fuck with us, we can send the BLM to overtake their country and establish a BLM style democracy.
And the Welfare King has still not paid his grazing fees. So what's your point?
they control nearly 1/3 of the total US land.

Personally, if I'm experiencing crippling debt while sitting on valuable assets, I sell at least some of those assets and pay down that debt. Instead, the BLM is acquiring more. Makes no damn sense.
Al Sharpton owes about $2mill in back taxes

Hillary lost $6 Bill while she was Sec of state

No word on when the SWAT teams go into action
Of course all the local residents support Bundy. Of course.

Viewpoint From A Rational Resident - Let's Talk Nevada

Our small town of Mesquite, Nevada has been on the national news lately. Not because of its location in the beautiful Virgin Valley, it’s many world class golf courses, our own quality casinos or its proximity to the entertainment mecca of Las Vegas. Or that it has easy access to national treasures like Zion and the Grand Canyon or the wilder beauty of Gold Butte and Little Finland. But because our safe town has been invaded by people with guns organized by right wing anti- government extremists in support of a thief named Bundy.

Bundy is a rancher who has been grazing his cattle on BLM lands for which he is supposed to pay a fee to the people of the United States who own this land (that is us, by the way) and for which he has refused to do for the last 20 years, even as he has let his herd grow from the original agreed upon 200 cows to about 1000 head. He now owes us well over a million dollars in grazing fees. Having been in clear violation of the law, our courts ruled on our behalf that he remove his cattle and pay his grazing fee debt. He has refused to do so. Having lost in the court of law he has cloaked himself in anti- government rhetoric and appeared on shows like Hannity and O’Reilly (these programs being famous for not letting the facts interfere with a good story) spewing forth misleading information to try to gain public support. This resulted in some 500 armed vigilantes from outside our town, and many from outside our state, showing up to insure he gets his way. The U.S. Constitution gave Bundy protection under the law and the opportunity to plead his case. For the last 20 years, time after time, our courts found it to be without merit. These were not liberal Federal judges as the right wing media tries to portray — one of the judges was appointed by Reagan.

The land in question is not Bundy’s ranch as these media outlets have implied. He does not own it, never owned it and has not paid for its use, nor has he ever paid taxes on it. How many more reasons do you need? Nor is he and his enclave unarmed as portrayed by Savage Nation. A previous attempt to enforce the law was cancelled a couple of years back because he threatened to shoot it out while surrounded by his children. This previous incident is why the BLM arrived in force and armed. Thank goodness the BLM took the responsible action to avoid bloodshed and called off the roundup and released the 400 head already prepared for transport. Clearly the mob was poised for violence.
The BLM, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. BLM - The Bureau of Land Management
The BLM controls a whopping 84% of the land in Nevada and the US government owns and controls about 28% of all US land, Most of it under BLM control.
Most of it out west or in Alaska.

Over 600 million acres of land is owned by the government.
There is 1.75 million homeless people in the US.
The US government could give one acre of land to every homeless person, and it would barely make a dent in their land holdings. It's like 1/3 of one percent.
Hey homeless people, here is some fucking land, build a log cabin like your ancestors did. Plant a garden, like your ancestors did.
It's all good.

Oh wait, it's the BLM, they control nearly 1/3 of the total US land. That is more land than the entirety of the UK. They control more land than the countries of France, Germany and Italy combined. We can't have peasants on that land. Those filthy peasants might use the land for farming or raising a family.

The BLM has more guns and firepower than the entire military of Portugal. Yet it is merely a bureaucracy of the US government. If those Portuguese ever fuck with us, we can send the BLM to overtake their country and establish a BLM style democracy.

If you had one square mile of much of that land, you would not be able to live on it. Not only that, but much of the land was aquired after the local residents had requested the federal government step in and control the land because of the degradation of that land by people who cared nothing about the effects on the surrounding communities. See Cache Valley, the Bear Mountains, 1902.
Of course all the local residents support Bundy. Of course.

Viewpoint From A Rational Resident - Let's Talk Nevada

Our small town of Mesquite, Nevada has been on the national news lately. Not because of its location in the beautiful Virgin Valley, it’s many world class golf courses, our own quality casinos or its proximity to the entertainment mecca of Las Vegas. Or that it has easy access to national treasures like Zion and the Grand Canyon or the wilder beauty of Gold Butte and Little Finland. But because our safe town has been invaded by people with guns organized by right wing anti- government extremists in support of a thief named Bundy.

Bundy is a rancher who has been grazing his cattle on BLM lands for which he is supposed to pay a fee to the people of the United States who own this land (that is us, by the way) and for which he has refused to do for the last 20 years, even as he has let his herd grow from the original agreed upon 200 cows to about 1000 head. He now owes us well over a million dollars in grazing fees. Having been in clear violation of the law, our courts ruled on our behalf that he remove his cattle and pay his grazing fee debt. He has refused to do so. Having lost in the court of law he has cloaked himself in anti- government rhetoric and appeared on shows like Hannity and O’Reilly (these programs being famous for not letting the facts interfere with a good story) spewing forth misleading information to try to gain public support. This resulted in some 500 armed vigilantes from outside our town, and many from outside our state, showing up to insure he gets his way. The U.S. Constitution gave Bundy protection under the law and the opportunity to plead his case. For the last 20 years, time after time, our courts found it to be without merit. These were not liberal Federal judges as the right wing media tries to portray — one of the judges was appointed by Reagan.

The land in question is not Bundy’s ranch as these media outlets have implied. He does not own it, never owned it and has not paid for its use, nor has he ever paid taxes on it. How many more reasons do you need? Nor is he and his enclave unarmed as portrayed by Savage Nation. A previous attempt to enforce the law was cancelled a couple of years back because he threatened to shoot it out while surrounded by his children. This previous incident is why the BLM arrived in force and armed. Thank goodness the BLM took the responsible action to avoid bloodshed and called off the roundup and released the 400 head already prepared for transport. Clearly the mob was poised for violence.

That is right! Welfare King Bundy owes that money to US,,,,to you and to me. I will be writing my congressmen today and demanding that authorities collect the massive debt that this criminal has accrued.
The BLM, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. BLM - The Bureau of Land Management
The BLM controls a whopping 84% of the land in Nevada and the US government owns and controls about 28% of all US land, Most of it under BLM control.
Most of it out west or in Alaska.

Over 600 million acres of land is owned by the government.
There is 1.75 million homeless people in the US.
The US government could give one acre of land to every homeless person, and it would barely make a dent in their land holdings. It's like 1/3 of one percent.
Hey homeless people, here is some fucking land, build a log cabin like your ancestors did. Plant a garden, like your ancestors did.
It's all good.

Oh wait, it's the BLM, they control nearly 1/3 of the total US land. That is more land than the entirety of the UK. They control more land than the countries of France, Germany and Italy combined. We can't have peasants on that land. Those filthy peasants might use the land for farming or raising a family.

The BLM has more guns and firepower than the entire military of Portugal. Yet it is merely a bureaucracy of the US government. If those Portuguese ever fuck with us, we can send the BLM to overtake their country and establish a BLM style democracy.

If you had one square mile of much of that land, you would not be able to live on it. Not only that, but much of the land was aquired after the local residents had requested the federal government step in and control the land because of the degradation of that land by people who cared nothing about the effects on the surrounding communities. See Cache Valley, the Bear Mountains, 1902.

Has culture changed since 1902?
Of course all the local residents support Bundy. Of course.

Viewpoint From A Rational Resident - Let's Talk Nevada

Our small town of Mesquite, Nevada has been on the national news lately. Not because of its location in the beautiful Virgin Valley, it’s many world class golf courses, our own quality casinos or its proximity to the entertainment mecca of Las Vegas. Or that it has easy access to national treasures like Zion and the Grand Canyon or the wilder beauty of Gold Butte and Little Finland. But because our safe town has been invaded by people with guns organized by right wing anti- government extremists in support of a thief named Bundy.

Bundy is a rancher who has been grazing his cattle on BLM lands for which he is supposed to pay a fee to the people of the United States who own this land (that is us, by the way) and for which he has refused to do for the last 20 years, even as he has let his herd grow from the original agreed upon 200 cows to about 1000 head. He now owes us well over a million dollars in grazing fees. Having been in clear violation of the law, our courts ruled on our behalf that he remove his cattle and pay his grazing fee debt. He has refused to do so. Having lost in the court of law he has cloaked himself in anti- government rhetoric and appeared on shows like Hannity and O’Reilly (these programs being famous for not letting the facts interfere with a good story) spewing forth misleading information to try to gain public support. This resulted in some 500 armed vigilantes from outside our town, and many from outside our state, showing up to insure he gets his way. The U.S. Constitution gave Bundy protection under the law and the opportunity to plead his case. For the last 20 years, time after time, our courts found it to be without merit. These were not liberal Federal judges as the right wing media tries to portray — one of the judges was appointed by Reagan.

The land in question is not Bundy’s ranch as these media outlets have implied. He does not own it, never owned it and has not paid for its use, nor has he ever paid taxes on it. How many more reasons do you need? Nor is he and his enclave unarmed as portrayed by Savage Nation. A previous attempt to enforce the law was cancelled a couple of years back because he threatened to shoot it out while surrounded by his children. This previous incident is why the BLM arrived in force and armed. Thank goodness the BLM took the responsible action to avoid bloodshed and called off the roundup and released the 400 head already prepared for transport. Clearly the mob was poised for violence.

That is right! Welfare King Bundy owes that money to US,,,,to you and to me. I will be writing my congressmen today and demanding that authorities collect the massive debt that this criminal has accrued.
You and JimH52 are hung up on Bundy, let that go and focus on the subject matter of this thread.
The BLM, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. BLM - The Bureau of Land Management
The BLM controls a whopping 84% of the land in Nevada and the US government owns and controls about 28% of all US land, Most of it under BLM control.
Most of it out west or in Alaska.

Over 600 million acres of land is owned by the government.
There is 1.75 million homeless people in the US.
The US government could give one acre of land to every homeless person, and it would barely make a dent in their land holdings. It's like 1/3 of one percent.
Hey homeless people, here is some fucking land, build a log cabin like your ancestors did. Plant a garden, like your ancestors did.
It's all good.

Oh wait, it's the BLM, they control nearly 1/3 of the total US land. That is more land than the entirety of the UK. They control more land than the countries of France, Germany and Italy combined. We can't have peasants on that land. Those filthy peasants might use the land for farming or raising a family.

The BLM has more guns and firepower than the entire military of Portugal. Yet it is merely a bureaucracy of the US government. If those Portuguese ever fuck with us, we can send the BLM to overtake their country and establish a BLM style democracy.

Absolutely right, Alan. If we don't take this threat seriously our children will be speaking Portuguese. Let's not wait till the Portuguese helicopters are flying over the Grand Canyon. It's time for a preemptive strike. After we bomb the shit out of them we can contract Halliburton to come in and clean up.
Why haven't our "leaders" acted on this? Why is the media silent?

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