BLOCKBUSTER! Syrian Rebels Take Responsibility For Chemical Attack...

Wow. This is some seriously funny shit.

Bush jails citizens without habeaus corpus, waterboards detainees, spies on tens of millions of Americans, starts two wars, creates a massive new Cabinet level department, grows the size of the federal government, doubles the national debt, and creates a massive new entitlement program. The faux conservatives defended and apoligized for ALL of that shit from beginning to end, while simultaneously screaming for war with Iran.

This very day, the same people bitch and whine about Obama tossing a couple missles at Syria, and tremble over the propsect of an imaginary war in their minds.

This brings hypocrisy to a whole new level.

Hypocrisy that's off the richter scale is exhibited daily by liberals who don't have a whit of an issue of drone strikes killing American citizens without a trial. Or for that matter assassinating one supposed terror suspect and 20 family members.

In the real world outside of the liberal bubble that worships all deeds of Obama that action is called an assassination.

Your President and his administration assassinate people. And who's marching on Washington?


But waterboarding was torture. Death by drone AOK.
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It's nonsense to you, because you failed to understand what I said. But continue to defend your failure at reading. :badgrin:

Stay on topic. There is no question that the Assads are at fault, and they will pay for it.

We're talking about a comment I made about Syria. How is that not on topic?

Sigh. Your comment about Syria was about . . . what again? :lol:

There will be no nukes, no WWIII, and no attack on Israel. If the latter happens, French and Israel and American missiles will destroy the Syrian Army and Air Force.
what can be done? Crater assads airfields, his air force is small, 50 planes operational, but it has to be done by heavy lift aircraft, land based bombers. Use at least 5000 Lbers or they will just repair them in a few days and forget tomahawks.

The helicopters are problematic, so they won't be able to eliminate them less they go no fly zone....

oh and telegraphing every thing we are considering etc. is just madness...I don't see the point.
TD, you sound like the Bushie bedwetters.

No, there is no question the Syrian regime did this, and the regime will pay for it, and we may get Assad.

How do you know there is no question that Assad regime used gas?

If you believe he did then what in the hell would his motive be? To provoke Washington into trying to regime change by yet another killing?

Because Assad, a typical dictator who is the poster boy for narcissistic personality disorder, thinks he can do what he wants and people will believe him, a common reactionary phenomenon.

Really, that all the evidence you need? Really? Our president is a definite narcissist should we be worried about a gas attack?

This is your source.


The American Government/Media Complex shouldn't be your only source of information. It would be very wise to search for alternative sources.

I absolutely agree with you, but the voiceofrussia isn't a very reliable source given its control by the Russian Government coupled with the strong stance on Syria that said government has. Of course they would push this idea, and this story is really only carried by traditional conspiracy news sites like prisonplanet and they all pretty much source back to this one Russian government source.

It may be true, but it lacks any sort of strong backing to the story and has little to no corroboration. There is little reason to take it as a fact at this point.
Admitting The Weapons Were Provided By Saudis

Syrian rebels admitted in an interview with Dale Gavlak, a Middle East correspondent for the Associated Press and Mint Press News, that they were responsible for last week’s chemical attack.

“From numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families….many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the (deadly) gas attack,” he writes in the article.

The rebels noted it was a result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them.

“My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” said Abu Abdel-Moneim, the father of a rebel fighting to unseat Assad, who lives in Ghouta.

As Gavlak reports, Abdel-Moneim said his son and 12 other rebels died in a weapons storage tunnel. The father stated the weapons were provided to rebel forces by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha, describing them as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.”

“They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them,” complained a female fighter named ‘K’. “We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.”

“When Saudi Prince Bandar gives such weapons to people, he must give them to those who know how to handle and use them,” she warned. She, like other Syrians, do not want to use their full names for fear of retribution...

Read more: 'Syrian rebels take responsibility for the chemical attack admitting the weapons were provided by Saudis' - source - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert
BLOCKBUSTER! Syrian rebels take responsibility for the chemical attack admitting the weapons were provided by Saudis | Peace . Gold . Liberty

no offense, but when I see this explained in say- AP or Reuters or wapo or the wsj, I'll take it more seriously...
I'm waiting to hear how a quick strike on Syria will start WWIII. I blame our media for the lack of journalism that allows all this BS bomb throwing. NO CHANCE.
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Wow. This is some seriously funny shit.

Bush jails citizens without habeaus corpus, waterboards detainees, spies on tens of millions of Americans, starts two wars, creates a massive new Cabinet level department, grows the size of the federal government, doubles the national debt, and creates a massive new entitlement program. The faux conservatives defended and apoligized for ALL of that shit from beginning to end, while simultaneously screaming for war with Iran.

This very day, the same people bitch and whine about Obama tossing a couple missles at Syria, and tremble over the propsect of an imaginary war in their minds.

This brings hypocrisy to a whole new level.

Hypocrisy that's off the richter scale is exhibited daily by liberals who don't have a whit of an issue of drone strikes killing American citizens without a trial. Or for that matter assassinating one supposed terror suspect and 20 family members.

In the real world outside of the liberal bubble that worships all deeds of Obama that action is called an assassination.

Your President and his administration assassinate people. And who's marching on Washington?


But waterboarding was torture. Death by drone AOK.

How do you know there is no question that Assad regime used gas?

If you believe he did then what in the hell would his motive be? To provoke Washington into trying to regime change by yet another killing?

Because Assad, a typical dictator who is the poster boy for narcissistic personality disorder, thinks he can do what he wants and people will believe him, a common reactionary phenomenon.

Really, that all the evidence you need? Really? Our president is a definite narcissist should we be worried about a gas attack?

I worry for you, Freewill, if you think all of this is just made up. It's not, and your distrust and dislike of the President is irrelevant to the truth of the matter. I am quite willing to assume John Kerry did not lie to the American people, that the "high confidence" the government has in its assessment of the matters is far more justified than your worries.
Because Assad, a typical dictator who is the poster boy for narcissistic personality disorder, thinks he can do what he wants and people will believe him, a common reactionary phenomenon.

Really, that all the evidence you need? Really? Our president is a definite narcissist should we be worried about a gas attack?

I worry for you, Freewill, if you think all of this is just made up. It's not, and your distrust and dislike of the President is irrelevant to the truth of the matter. I am quite willing to assume John Kerry did not lie to the American people, that the "high confidence" the government has in its assessment of the matters is far more justified than your worries.

Well thank you for your concern but not to worry. You said there was no question that Assad used chemical weapons. I asked for your evidence, you provided nothing other then an insult directed, rightly or wrongly at Assad. Then I asked what would be Assad's motive for using chemical weapons, you were very silent on that point. Now your argument is that we have to trust Kerry and Obama. Obama's trail of not telling the truth or bending the truth is quite established. From the beginning when he won his Senate seat and said he would not seek the Presidency because he wasn't experienced enough and then did. He was right, he was not experienced at all and then he went ahead and ran. Lie? Little white lie? Lie about the little stuff means a person will lie about the big stuff.

But it is heart warming to know that you are not one of the Bush bashers. You know one of the ones that insist that Bush lied us into war. Good to know you have full faith in the government no matter whom is in office. Bravo.

As for Kerry and Assad. You do know that Assad is a "dear friend" of Kerry or was.

Would John Kerry Be a Suitable Secretary of Anything? « Commentary Magazine

Instincts also matter. Kerry’s public posture toward Syria has been embarrassing enough; his judgment with regard to Syria has come at a far higher cost than Susan Rice’s poor judgment in the aftermath of Benghazi has. And on the peace process, he has already dug himself a deep hole by frequently telling his interlocutors what they want to hear, regardless of the entanglements that leaves behind. The problem is not only his public policy, but also his private: Staffers describe their collective cringe when, after a motorcycle ride with Bashar al-Assad, he returned to Washington referring to Bashar as “my dear friend.” Bashar may be a lot of things, but “my dear friend”—an address Kerry used only with a select few, such as the late Ted Kennedy—should not have been one.

So answer the questions, before we bomb another brown country what is the evidence other then Obama told us so?

What would the motive of Assad to use chemical weapons knowing what would happen. He maybe as evil as Kerry, NOW, says but he ain't stupid.
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Because Assad, a typical dictator who is the poster boy for narcissistic personality disorder, thinks he can do what he wants and people will believe him, a common reactionary phenomenon.

Really, that all the evidence you need? Really? Our president is a definite narcissist should we be worried about a gas attack?

I worry for you, Freewill, if you think all of this is just made up. It's not, and your distrust and dislike of the President is irrelevant to the truth of the matter. I am quite willing to assume John Kerry did not lie to the American people, that the "high confidence" the government has in its assessment of the matters is far more justified than your worries.

Jake. To date the UN has not found evidence that Assad has been using chemical weapons.

On the other hand, and I've had this up before, the UN Inspectors have come out just a few months ago and said this.

(Reuters) - U.N. human rights investigators have gathered testimony from casualties of Syria's civil war and medical staff indicating that rebel forces have used the nerve agent sarin, one of the lead investigators said on Sunday.

The United Nations independent commission of inquiry on Syria has not yet seen evidence of government forces having used chemical weapons, which are banned under international law, said commission member Carla Del Ponte.

"Our investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated," Del Ponte said in an interview with Swiss-Italian television.

U.N. has testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas: investigator | Reuters
Some posters here are eerily like some of those on election day, when it was obvious by the early afternoon that BHO was going to do it again (only by just how much) continued to deny obvious evidence and state that Romney was going to win by landslide and were amazed that they were wrong.

Guys, the evidence is solid. The Syrian regime gassed its own people. Now Assad and his minions are going to pay the price.
Some posters here are eerily like some of those on election day, when it was obvious by the early afternoon that BHO was going to do it again (only by just how much) continued to deny obvious evidence and state that Romney was going to win by landslide and were amazed that they were wrong.

Guys, the evidence is solid. The Syrian regime gassed its own people. Now Assad and his minions are going to pay the price.

Where's the evidence, Obabble's word?
Where's the evidence? I just read what Kerry released and the so called bullshit presented was "intelligence says this" "intelligence says that" and no evidence is presented at all.

I remember how screwed up "intelligence" was that dragged everyone thru the Iraq war. So people aren't going to be sold on "intelligence says".

By Elizabeth Pond

Remember Curveball? He was the star witness Secretary of State Colin Powell cited in February 2003 to "prove" to the United Nations that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, that it was urgent to invade Iraq and not give the UN inspection team—which until then had not found evidence that Iraq was still carrying out WMD programs—more time to find WMD traces or certify their absence.


Image from Colin Powell's presentation at the UN Security Council on alleged WMD facilities in 2003, which according to the Bush administration was based on faulty intelligence from the informant known as Curveball
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