BLOCKBUSTER! Syrian Rebels Take Responsibility For Chemical Attack...

Some posters here are eerily like some of those on election day, when it was obvious by the early afternoon that BHO was going to do it again (only by just how much) continued to deny obvious evidence and state that Romney was going to win by landslide and were amazed that they were wrong.

Guys, the evidence is solid. The Syrian regime gassed its own people. Now Assad and his minions are going to pay the price.

Where's the evidence, Obabble's word?

The far right does not get the "just once more" request. That's over. The reactionaries have been told to step off. The administration laid out its grounds today.

Now we wait for the moment.
BTW has everyone now forgotten about:

The drone program?


Fast and Furious?

NSA spying on American Citizens?

The economy?

The Joblessness?

The worker participation rate?
  • Thanks
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Source of this info is:

Respected 20 year Middle Eastern reporter and Associated Press, BBC and NPR correspondent Dale Gavrak was told by Syrian rebels that they were responsible for last week's chemical weapons incident in Ghouta.

Will the mainstream media ignore a story that could derail the march to war?

Putin raises an interesting point:

"Vladimir Putin has rejected US intelligence claims that Bashar al-Assad's regime used chemical weapons in Syria, saying it would be "utter nonsense" for government troops to use such tactics in a war it was already winning."

Syria: Putin rubbishes chemical attack claims | World news |

With the support of Iran and other groups, it is increasingly apparent that Assad will stay in power. Using gas would seem to be an act of desparation of the losing side. In this case the rebels.
The evidence, unsupported claims by rebels vs the intelligence gathered by the USA, clearly reveals that the Syrian government unleashed the attack.
They have been reporting what they have been told.

There is no corroborating evidence, no empirical data, to support that claim.

You are making a claim to unsupported newsmen authority contrasted to the fact that Kerry laid out the evidence for the admin's conclusions.
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This conflict is no longer about Assad. It is a conflict between Sunnis and Shia. The stakes are high and this has become a proxy war between major regional players:

"With Sunni-led Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey backing the uprising against Mr. Assad, who is supported by Shiite Iran and Hezbollah, sectarian divisions simmering since the American invasion of Iraq are spreading through a region already upended by the Arab uprisings."

"On Friday, an influential Sunni Islamist cleric in Qatar, Sheik Yusef al-Qaradawi, called on Sunnis around the world to go to Syria to fight Hezbollah and Iran, calling them enemies of Islam."

"Alawite militias in Syria have been accused of slaughtering Sunni families. Sunni rebels and gangs have been accused of kidnapping Shiites. Sunni fighters call Shiites “filth” and “dogs.” Rebel commanders have begun to refer to Hezbollah, whose name means party of God, as the “party of the devil.” "

If you don't think the rebels are capable of gassing their own side to turn others against Assad then yo don't understand the stakes. That being said, Assad is a worthless dictator that should not continue to rule Syria. The problem is that the change of regime could be even worse.
BTW has everyone now forgotten about:

The drone program?


Fast and Furious?

NSA spying on American Citizens?

The economy?

The Joblessness?

The worker participation rate?

of course everybody has forgotten it now.

THAT IS WHY obama needs a war. Desperately.
Some posters here are eerily like some of those on election day, when it was obvious by the early afternoon that BHO was going to do it again (only by just how much) continued to deny obvious evidence and state that Romney was going to win by landslide and were amazed that they were wrong.

Guys, the evidence is solid. The Syrian regime gassed its own people. Now Assad and his minions are going to pay the price.

Where's the evidence, Obabble's word?

The far right does not get the "just once more" request. That's over. The reactionaries have been told to step off. The administration laid out its grounds today.

Now we wait for the moment.

for what moment? the UN to tell us yes or no their 'experts' are sure it was Syria not the rebels?
obama hasn't made up his mind yet. He might be channeling his inner Kim Jong Un.

meanwhile the MSM are in the full ahead mode of extensive brainwashing the American people "we NEED this war desperately"
Source of this info is:

Respected 20 year Middle Eastern reporter and Associated Press, BBC and NPR correspondent Dale Gavrak was told by Syrian rebels that they were responsible for last week's chemical weapons incident in Ghouta.

Will the mainstream media ignore a story that could derail the march to war?


Original link here

EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

The source:

Dale Gavlak is a Middle East correspondent for Mint Press News and the Associated Press. Gavlak has been stationed in Amman, Jordan for the Associated Press for over two decades. An expert in Middle Eastern Affairs, Gavlak currently covers the Levant region of the Middle East for AP, National Public Radio and Mint Press News, writing on topics including politics, social issues and economic trends. Dale holds a M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Chicago. Contact Dale at [email protected]

Yahya Ababneh is a Jordanian freelance journalist and is currently working on a master’s degree in journalism, He has covered events in Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Libya. His stories have appeared on Amman Net, Saraya News, Gerasa News and elsewhere.


we should not get involved because of OUR INTERESTS FIRST :rolleyes:

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