B. Kidd
Diamond Member
I never said Trump wanted Putin to go into Ukraine. But Trump has continually complimented Putin.
He sided with Putin over our own intelligence sources.. His praise during the initial invasion of Ukraine as a savvy, smart move is unconscionable.
Putin has been a authoritarian despot lacking morals forever. The fact Trump praises him shows who Trump is.
You continually defending Trump's unconscionable acts shows what type of person you are.
There are Putin's and Trump's in this world because of people like you. You are an enabler to immorality on many levels.
GOP senators push back hard on Trump’s praise of Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has revealed tensions within the Republican Party over how hard to push back on the aggression and how to respond to former President Trump’s …thehill.com
Only you, Mudd, and others of your ilk find it immoral of a Country to protect their soverignity and borders.