Blocking Russian oil to stop Putin is worth the 'hurt' to Americans

Murkowski isn't one of the Americans who will be hurt, seems fishy. Ask her to sacrifice she will squeal like a stuck pig.
I might be inclined to agree if our energy independence hadn't been given away by the Retard-In-Chief within the last year. I don't like to see pain inflicted on poor and middle-class America because of the insane anti-American policies of Biden and the Democrats.

Blocking Russian oil to stop Putin is worth the 'hurt' to Americans, says Senator Murkowski.​

I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, now you want to martyr yourself for the Ukrainians? There are better ways to achieve the same effect. Hop on a plane, fly to Poland, cross into the Ukraine, and then take a few potshots at the Russians. I can't promise we'll miss you. The Russians certainly won't.

Blocking Russian oil to stop Putin is worth the 'hurt' to Americans, says Senator Murkowski.​

I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our not using Russian oil isn't the knife in the heart to Russia, Europe stopping all Oil and Gas shipments from Russia is the knife.

Thing is they need to wait until the winter is over.

I said in earlier posts an Embargo is needed, and that's an Embargo.
This is a no shit move.

It is blatantly obvious that if you are going to sanction Russia then oil needs to be at the top of that list as it is the only real export they have. It should be the first thing the world stops buying and the last thing to start back up.

That it will increase gas prices is also obvious. Tough shit, that is what war is. Americans used to recognize that when people were getting killed in military conflicts that some amount of discomfort is inevitable.

Not may or might, inevitable.
This is a no shit move.

It is blatantly obvious that if you are going to sanction Russia then oil needs to be at the top of that list as it is the only real export they have. It should be the first thing the world stops buying and the last thing to start back up.

That it will increase gas prices is also obvious. Tough shit, that is what war is. Americans used to recognize that when people were getting killed in military conflicts that some amount of discomfort is inevitable.

Not may or might, inevitable.
My problem is this. He attacked Oil from day 1 in office.........And drove prices up since day 1 in office.......When we needed to go back to DRILL BABY DRILL.

By doing so he helped FUND PUTIN..........As Putin LOVES HIGH GAS PRICES..........Now we are going to get screwed even more because he's WEAK AS HELL.........And owned by them...............He didn't even put our military on alert and threaten Putin over this......NOTHING.

Now we are supposed to be punished over this Clown in office?
Yes, it's true and there was never any doubt that the Democratic party would have to live up to the demonizing of Russia/Putin that was a result of US domestic politics.
No demonizing. Trump just didn't take any Russian shit like Biden does. Then again, Trump didn't take any money from Putin so he didn't owe Putin anything....
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Blocking Russian oil to stop Putin is worth the 'hurt' to Americans, says Senator Murkowski.​

I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Garry Kasporov, who was one of Putin's biggest political opponents, had to flee Russia for his life. He wrote a book in 2015 called Winter Is Coming, and it has turned out to be prescient.

Here is his latest missive, and he is dead on correct:

Putin's war on Ukraine has entered its next phase, one of destruction and slaughter of civilians. It is also a part of Putin's World War, a war on the civilized world of international law, democracy, and any threat to his power, which he declared long ago.

The free world's denial of this war and decades of appeasement allowed Putin to threaten and conquer abroad while turning Russia into a police state. The price to stop him has gone up every time he has advanced unchallenged. Ukrainians are paying that price in blood.

If Putin is not stopped now, not prevented from destroying Ukraine and committing genocide against its people, there will be a next time and it will be in NATO, with an unprecedented nuclear threat. Do not let Putin escalate again in a time and place of his choosing.

Everyone is quoting my 2015 book Winter Is Coming and saying I was right & "listen to Kasparov". But will you still listen when I say this will take sacrifice and risk? Not just wheat and gas prices, not just empty chalets and unemployed lobbyists. Easy is over.

Or will you say that I am irrational, blinded by hate, as I heard in 2015? I hope not. Putin must be stopped because the unthinkable is now the possible. The world has awoken, at long last, and many steps I recommended last week are happening. It's not enough.

I cannot demand NATO attack Russian forces directly, but I can speak from history & knowledge of Putin. A dictator who has already crossed every line cannot be prevented from escalating with restraint. If he destroys Ukraine, he won't stop.

We are not trying to appeal to the murderer in his bunker in the Urals. The message is to those who carry out his orders. Will they? Do they all wish to die? Putin will escalate anyway if he is not stopped now. He will, as he always has before, & the price will be higher.

Send Russia to the technological stone age. No support, no parts, no services. Oil boycotts aren't necessary if oil tech is unavailable. The industry will grind to a halt. This means a war footing in sacrificing, retooling & increasing production to substitute. It's war.

It's always tragic that ordinary people suffer, but they are not being bombed in their homes like Ukrainians. Every element of Russian society that can pressure Putin must know they have to choose between him & everything else. Some will cling to him, but for how long?

Clear message to Russian generals that they will suffer annihilation if one inch of NATO is touched. Send UKR every weapon, including the jets that have been blocked, as if Putin cares about the difference. Stop guessing about his thoughts and do what is needed.

Every day Ukraine endures gives opportunity to communicate this catastrophe to the only people who can really stop Putin, the Russian people, from oligarchs to commanders to protestors. Let all in the power vertical know they will be treated as war criminals. They are.

Leave nothing in reserve. Speed is of the essence to stop payments and catch them and their assets before they hide. Threats like "he doesn't know what's coming" don't work if Putin doesn't believe you. Show him. And show Russians there is no way back with Putin. Never.

Root out the corrupt politicians, businessmen & dark money that corrupted a generation to turn a blind eye or serve authoritarian regimes. Follow the donations, payments, gifts, influence. Hold them accountable. Down with Putin & his appeasers, glory to Ukraine.

PS To all officials and media: STOP CALLING PUTIN 'PRESIDENT'! He's a dictator. Words have power. He does not deserve a democratic title. Fuck your style guide. "Russian dictator Vladimir Putin".


I see you marked my post about Biden approving more drilling leases than Trump with "Disagree".


Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.

Biden has approved more drilling on public lands than even Trump did!

U.S. to hold historic oil and gas lease sale days after COP26

The Biden administration today will offer leases to oil and gas companies on more than 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico — an area larger than New Mexico — days after a United Nations climate summit that aimed to phase out fossil fuel production worldwide.
  • Lease Sale 257, which was originally planned by the Trump administration, will be the largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in U.S. history.

“This administration went to Scotland and told the world that America’s climate leadership is back, and now it’s about to hand over 80 million acres of public waters in the Gulf of Mexico to fossil fuel companies,”
House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said in a statement.

I see you marked my post about Biden approving more drilling leases than Trump with "Disagree".


Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.

Biden has approved more drilling on public lands than even Trump did!

U.S. to hold historic oil and gas lease sale days after COP26

The Biden administration today will offer leases to oil and gas companies on more than 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico — an area larger than New Mexico — days after a United Nations climate summit that aimed to phase out fossil fuel production worldwide.
  • Lease Sale 257, which was originally planned by the Trump administration, will be the largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in U.S. history.

“This administration went to Scotland and told the world that America’s climate leadership is back, and now it’s about to hand over 80 million acres of public waters in the Gulf of Mexico to fossil fuel companies,”
House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said in a statement.
So............I'd say you walk through life with Blinders on ..........Plenty out there showing him blocking permits to APPEASE the Green Money Making Machine.

Want to hurt PUTIN.........Then we need to drill like before the BS of Covid.
So............I'd say you walk through life with Blinders on .........

You can see in that link that during Trump's term, US monthly oil production peaked in December 2019 at 400,219,000 barrels.

That was just before the Covid pandemic.

The decline in production continued for over a year. It dropped for the rest of Trump's term and into the first month of Biden's term where it bottomed out at 273,646,000 barrels in February 2021.

As I just showed you, upon taking office, Biden increased leases for drilling to the highest level since Dubya. Higher than Obama or Trump.

Since then, US monthly oil production has increased to 352,597,000 barrels for November, which is the latest figure available.

That is a 28 percent increase in production from the low.

So take off those blinders, willfully blind monkey.
Same shit as the Cold War and why our weapons were used on others fighting us and them for a very long time.

We never gave in.............Always got up in their faces and flipped them off.....and armed to the teeth those fighting them.
My problem is this. He attacked Oil from day 1 in office.........And drove prices up since day 1 in office.......When we needed to go back to DRILL BABY DRILL.

By doing so he helped FUND PUTIN..........As Putin LOVES HIGH GAS PRICES..........Now we are going to get screwed even more because he's WEAK AS HELL.........And owned by them...............He didn't even put our military on alert and threaten Putin over this......NOTHING.

Now we are supposed to be punished over this Clown in office?

It matters now what the overall policy is in relation to the simple reality that economic sanctions on Russia requires oil to be sanctioned. That is simply a fact no matter what you may or may not think about Biden's energy po9licies elsewhere.

IOW, it is entirely a separate topic and does not speak to the simple realities here. Sanctions on Russian oil are necessary and will raise prices irrespective to other policies.
STFU........Did 10 years and flipped off Russians for Fun off of Vladigaskov doing plane Guard for Team Spirit.

What the Fuck have you done.............YELL AT PEOPLE OVER A MASK.........LMAO.

Brandon is a pussy and IS OWNED BY PUTIN...........didn't happen under Trump. PUTIN is walking all over him because he's WEAK.

Got news for you........I'd have already had the whole military on Alert with troops on the Border of Ukraine fucking with Putin by now.

Now go give Brandon his jello............It's feeding time.
Tough talk, eagle, for a panty ass coward.

You can see in that link that during Trump's term, US monthly oil production peaked in December 2019 at 400,219,000 barrels.

That was just before the Covid pandemic.

The decline in production continued for over a year. It dropped for the rest of Trump's term and into the first month of Biden's term where it bottomed out at 273,646,000 barrels in February 2021.

As I just showed you, upon taking office, Biden increased leases for drilling to the highest level since Dubya. Higher than Obama or Trump.

Since then, US monthly oil production has increased to 352,597,000 barrels for November, which is the latest figure available.

That is a 28 percent increase in production from the low.

So take off those blinders, willfully blind monkey.
As you ignore the disaster of shutting down.......Negative oil prices..........and the Frackers going out of business from it.......that and everyone hiding in their closets.

Only a fool would brag about INCREASED PRODUCTION after we wiped it out......Kinda like bragging about building a house after you threw gas on it and burned it down before.

He Attacked the Keystone pipeline again........which would send 700000 barrels to Texas............and has been sued over and over again over denying drilling permits.

Is Putin his God son or something.
Now let's where the REAL oil supply problem has been:

Russia may be able to deliver only about half of its scheduled increases in crude production over the next six months, joining the ranks of OPEC+ nations that are struggling to ramp up even as fuel demand rebounds from the pandemic.

With crude already trading above $85 a barrel in London, the outlook for Russian output leaves the global market looking even tighter than expected. It risks amplifying the energy-price surge that’s contributing to the highest inflation in decades.

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