Blocking Russian oil to stop Putin is worth the 'hurt' to Americans


It matters now what the overall policy is in relation to the simple reality that economic sanctions on Russia requires oil to be sanctioned. That is simply a fact no matter what you may or may not think about Biden's energy po9licies elsewhere.

IOW, it is entirely a separate topic and does not speak to the simple realities here. Sanctions on Russian oil are necessary and will raise prices irrespective to other policies.
Baloney...........He wants support he needs to stop HOLDIING UP DRILLING HERE..........AND allow the Keystone pipeline to go.......

If he doesn't do that to increase production then he's USELESS TO ME.
I'll take Drill, Baby, Drill for 200, Alex.

Our not using Russian oil isn't the knife in the heart to Russia, Europe stopping all Oil and Gas shipments from Russia is the knife.

Thing is they need to wait until the winter is over.

I said in earlier posts an Embargo is needed, and that's an Embargo.
Everything and anything to put pressure on Putin. We have to be willing to make sacrifices. The US sacrifices will be minimal compared to Europe.
We need to help the suffering of the Ukraine people.
I assume that Russian oil is still coming into this country for two reasons: (a) the Congressional elections in November are scaring the Dems who do not want irate drivers voting for the Republicans and (b) some American fat cats of both parties are making a fortune by allowing Russian oil into this country, (And they are probably yelling the loudest about how much they are grieving for Ukraine.)

Of course, President Biden is too weak to stand up to those selfish Americans.
It's supposed to hurt. That's why democrats don't want to increase domestic production. It's part of the Green new deal plan.
What a surprise that the Green New Deal helps to fund the success of Commies.

I assume that Russian oil is still coming into this country for two reasons: (a) the Congressional elections in November are scaring the Dems who do not want irate drivers voting for the Republicans and (b) some American fat cats of both parties are making a fortune by allowing Russian oil into this country, (And they are probably yelling the loudest about how much they are grieving for Ukraine.)

Of course, President Biden is too weak to stand up to those selfish Americans.
Cool story, bro.

In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, British energy giant BP announced on Feb. 27, 2022, that it will sell its nearly 20% ownership in Russian state-owned energy giant Rosneft. BP’s rival Shell is also pulling out of all of its operations in Russia, as are U.S. energy giant ExxonMobil and Norway’s state-controlled company, Equinor.
One has to chuckle when the people who don't even pump their own gas want to preach to the American people about hurt and sacrifice. One also has to wonder how much oil we would be getting from Russia if we had completed the keystone pipeline we had the chance to weaken Putin a year before this invasion happened and help ourself at the same time and we flushed it.
Oil production has surged since Biden took office. Something Trump's army of propaganda outlets doesn't tell the rubes.
No. Way down from Trump....


Oil production surged at a higher rate under Trump compared to Biden for a few years sustained. Biden hasn't even matched Trump's output yet, but he could have.

With the partial reopening of America's economy, Biden could have led a real surge in production, which you falsely claimed, but he decided to deliberately not do that. Psaki confirms this narrative frequently.
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One has to chuckle when the people who don't even pump their own gas want to preach to the American people about hurt and sacrifice. One also has to wonder how much oil we would be getting from Russia if we had completed the keystone pipeline we had the chance to weaken Putin a year before this invasion happened and help ourself at the same time and we flushed it.
We'd need NONE FROM RUSSIA........But the left just looks the other way.........
Everything and anything to put pressure on Putin. We have to be willing to make sacrifices. The US sacrifices will be minimal compared to Europe.
We need to help the suffering of the Ukraine people.
So why isn't Europe taking one for the team?

I just sent $250 via paypal to someone helping Ukrainians, either through military power or not, what are you doing?
So why isn't Europe taking one for the team?

I just sent $250 via paypal to someone helping Ukrainians, either through military power or not, what are you doing?
I beat the living crap out of my Russian neighbor. I am holding him hostage in my basement until the war is over. This way there is no chance he can help the Russians.
Baloney...........He wants support he needs to stop HOLDIING UP DRILLING HERE..........AND allow the Keystone pipeline to go.......

If he doesn't do that to increase production then he's USELESS TO ME.
Fine. And irrelevant to the statement in the OP.

Oil is traded internationally. Prices increase when a major producer is no longer producing, no matter what.
Fine. And irrelevant to the statement in the OP.

Oil is traded internationally. Prices increase when a major producer is no longer producing, no matter what.
Baliney. Branson attacked fossil fuels day 1 into his term. He caused gas to go up beforw the war. We wouldnt need Any Russian oil if that walking Clusterfuck wasnt in odfice.

Not to mentuin that Putin didnt invade under Trump because he was afraid Trump would pull the trigger on him.

This clown didnt even put our military on alert after Putin threatened nuclear war.

Interesting comments in this thread, seeing whose side people are on. Looks like in general, the Let's Go Brandon crowd is on the side of the White House this time, and the Orange Man Bad folks are against it.

Weird, but both sides have valid points.

White House Resisting Bipartisan Push to Ban Russian Oil​

House Democrats Block Bill to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline, Promote ‘American Energy Independence From Russia’​

Pelosi says she is against drilling on US public lands​

Jen Psaki Defends Not Banning Russian Oil: ‘We Don’t Have a Strategic Interest’​

Seriously, our company is verifying any Russian connections and will be terminated and will be donating to help Ukraine. We have found when a crisis is at the forefront of the news the aid comes streaming in,. It is after things settle down that the aid drops off but is still needed..
The other thing is to talk in support of Ukraine over Russia. As you see there are many idiots that have said who care about Ukraine. I will argue with them. The sentiment has gone against Putin. He is paying the price. Even his lap dog Trump is pulling back on some of his compliments but not all. He is the idiot.
Seriously, our company is verifying any Russian connections and will be terminated and will be donating to help Ukraine. We have found when a crisis is at the forefront of the news the aid comes streaming in,. It is after things settle down that the aid drops off but is still needed..
The other thing is to talk in support of Ukraine over Russia. As you see there are many idiots that have said who care about Ukraine. I will argue with them. The sentiment has gone against Putin. He is paying the price. Even his lap dog Trump is pulling back on some of his compliments but not all. He is the idiot.

Trump was never in favor of Putin invading Ukraine, saying anything related is an outright lie.
Trump was never in favor of Putin invading Ukraine, saying anything related is an outright lie.
I never said Trump wanted Putin to go into Ukraine. But Trump has continually complimented Putin.
He sided with Putin over our own intelligence sources.. His praise during the initial invasion of Ukraine as a savvy, smart move is unconscionable.
Putin has been a authoritarian despot lacking morals forever. The fact Trump praises him shows who Trump is.
You continually defending Trump's unconscionable acts shows what type of person you are.
There are Putin's and Trump's in this world because of people like you. You are an enabler to immorality on many levels.


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