Blocking Russian oil to stop Putin is worth the 'hurt' to Americans


Westbound gas flowing from Russia to Germany via the Yamal-Europe pipeline stopped on Thursday.
Thanks for that info which I had surprisingly not heard. Germany is likely going to have to implement some serious demand-side restrictions, as they rely so heavily on natural gas. At first I thought that was an exceptional commitment from them, but it seems that they turn it back during times of high demand...

America has not been energy independent in living memory.
Shhhhhhhhh! There's been a lot of energy and money put into the opposite feel good story.

But Biden is going to free up 80M in reserves. That's 4 days consumption for America!
It's funny watching Mudd lash out over shit he'll never understand.

A binky is in order.

Blocking Russian oil to stop Putin is worth the 'hurt' to Americans, says Senator Murkowski. I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​

GO FOR IT. Shut down Putin's oil industry and financial banking to Europe. Send Europe reeling.

Remind us again that Idiot Joe Dustpan shut down our own oil industry a year ago cutting thousands of Americans out of good paying jobs killing 800,000 barrels of domestic oil production a day here so that he can now BUY 600,000 barrels of Russian oil at 250% the price!

Remind us again as we head into the mid terms that democrats and RINOS care far more about some stupid little shithole on the far side of the world than they do the American citizens right here at home who PAY THEIR FUCKING SALARIES!

Yeah. Keep reminding us of that.
Thanks for that info which I had surprisingly not heard. Germany is likely going to have to implement some serious demand-side restrictions, as they rely so heavily on natural gas. At first I thought that was an exceptional commitment from them, but it seems that they turn it back during times of high demand...


The Yamal pipe only accounts for around 15% of the supply to the west.

Which the reuters report doesn't mention.

It did, however, mention that Russian gas supplies account for around 40% of European demand.

Most reporting isn't being very technical about the situation, predictably. The issue with that is that complete honesty is therefore absent from addressing the entirety of the situation.
Actually, pumping our oil (and exporting it again) instead of going around begging other countries to sell on the open market and price-gouge everybody might be a better solution.....

If we return to the productivity we saw under Trump, prices will fall, we can reach energy independence again, and we can hit Putin where it really hurts by ending the oil monopoly Biden sold him!!!!!
Except that is barley true...

Oil Production is at March 2019 levels at the moment ...

"U.S. oil firms slashed production in 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic destroyed demand and supply has not yet recovered to pre-Covid levels. In 2019, the U.S. produced 12.29 million barrels of crude oil per day, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration"

This had very little to do with Biden as this was a case where the market decided... Remember the think Conservatives like...

Truth is US can raise Oil production and OPEC will just decrease production accordingly... The Oil is a global commodity and it is owned by the Oil producing multinational who will export it to the highest bidder... So US would pay the same price for Oil even if it increases production to its maximum...
I don't agree. Again, we come across as hypocrites as we jump up on our perch and throw down our self righteous darts.
The drooler N Chief didn't even put our military on alert from this...........LOL

And you call us cowards............lmao

Yes I call you a coward. What more do you want Biden to do.
Cowards like you are always looking at what other people can do, not what you can do. Panty assed coward.
Finish and activate the Keystone Pipeline. That should take much of the sting out of it.
Yes I call you a coward. What more do you want Biden to do.
Cowards like you are always looking at what other people can do, not what you can do. Panty assed coward.
STFU........Did 10 years and flipped off Russians for Fun off of Vladigaskov doing plane Guard for Team Spirit.

What the Fuck have you done.............YELL AT PEOPLE OVER A MASK.........LMAO.

Brandon is a pussy and IS OWNED BY PUTIN...........didn't happen under Trump. PUTIN is walking all over him because he's WEAK.

Got news for you........I'd have already had the whole military on Alert with troops on the Border of Ukraine fucking with Putin by now.

Now go give Brandon his jello............It's feeding time.
Taking out Putin helps Americans and the whole world.
You help others they will help you, at some point. The USA will need help from the free world going forward a Russia and China get bigger and stronger.
Small people, think small. You think small.
It's been hilarious watching the left embrace their inner warmonger.
Yes I call you a coward. What more do you want Biden to do.
Cowards like you are always looking at what other people can do, not what you can do. Panty assed coward.
You can enlist to go fight the Russians in Biden's war.

Chop chop!

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