Spoken like a person of faith, not one of science. Science would ask HOW does He create "by the power of his will"?
I disagree. Science rests upon faith, upon belief. For example the belief that nature
can be understood, the belief that effects are the result of causes. Science - as you know -
never proves any hypothesis so these beliefs are unproven and indeed unprovable - i.e. they are assumed, taken on faith.
Ask any physicist and they'll tell you, we cannot prove that if I throw a ball over and over and over that at some point the ball won't disappear or turn into a frog, we doubt it will, I doubt it will but science does not enable us to prove that.
There is much we don't know, always has been, but resorting to the God-of-the-gaps has failed every time.
I could say the same of "science of the gaps" which is simply a belief and that's not science strictly speaking it's scientism.
As you told
You have no idea how the universe came to exist, none, not a clue. You must believe in magic, the magical ability for laws to just "pop" into existence uncaused, that's how deluded atheists are. Science is based on cause and effect so what caused the first cause?
We can rightfully ask "how" when speaking of the material realm which is governed by laws and cause and effect. The goal of science is to discern and understand those laws, we say we
understand some phenomenon when we can reliably predict outcomes. If we throw a ball and can reliably predict where it will land no matter how hard we throw and no matter what angle we throw it, then we say we
understand ballistics, if we can't predict the landing point then we
do not understand the phenomenon.
Yet you claim that God has the ability for laws to just "pop" into existence. You don't have any evidence as to how this takes place. You also offer God as the first cause, again with zero evidence.
Well that's true but the reason is profound and most people gloss over it. The fact is that epistemologically science cannot explain why laws exist, how laws came to exist. Now I don't mean that we don't yet know, I mean that it is logically impossible, paradoxical to seek a scientific explanation because
until laws exist there's no way for scientific phenomena to take place at all.
If there were no laws then no interactions can ever take place because interactions require laws. So we know that the laws that do exist cannot be the results of any kind of scientific process, that is we cannot hope to mechanistically explain the presence of these laws.
The honest seeker after truth when faced with this must acknowledge that the cause of laws existing can never be "explained" scientifically and that means there is no prospect of describing "how" other than "God created" which is an explanation but not a
mechanistic explanation. You have no basis to insist that all explanations must be mechanistic that too is just a belief.
The one thing science cannot explain is how or why a scientifically understandable world came to exist, we have to look outside of science, outside of material explanations otherwise we face a paradox and paradoxes are always the result of flawed premises.