Charles Darwin was an inbred, retarded, sadistic, psychotic plagiarist

One is a solid theory, but still a theory. The other is faith.

No one knows for sure where the hell we originally came from.

Until we do, it's just noise.
The theory of evolution works well with other sciences. Seems anti science people get all worked up when something is a theory because they don't understand science and how it grows and evolves as we learn. I think it was this forum an anti-vaxxer was trying to tell me gravity was still a theory, I think somewhere he had probably read the Theory of relativity explains or describes gravity. A theory means we are still learning, a fact means we know. It is a fact the earth is more than 6000 years old, way more and it is a fact we do not float around the living room.
The theory of evolution works well with other sciences. Seems anti science people get all worked up when something is a theory because they don't understand science and how it grows and evolves as we learn. I think it was this forum an anti-vaxxer was trying to tell me gravity was still a theory, I think somewhere he had probably read the Theory of relativity explains or describes gravity. A theory means we are still learning, a fact means we know. It is a fact the earth is more than 6000 years old, way more and it is a fact we do not float around the living room.
Yep. Two of the many things I love about science is that requires (a) a wide open curiosity and (b) the willingness to change opinions as facts present themselves.

Pretty much the opposite of ideologies like organized religion, which provide people with all the "answers" and rob them of their fundamental human curiosity and humililty.
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One is a solid theory, but still a theory. The other is faith.

No one knows for sure where the hell we originally came from.

Until we do, it's just noise.
Without proof, all conclusions require “faith.”
Do you think the earth is 6000 years old?

Have you heard of Goblenke?
I do believe in a young earth. Adam was created with age. He was created using pre-existing material. So if the materials God used to create the earth pre-existed, then the age of the earth can never be known using scientific method. Therefore, I trust in the written Word over the tools and assumptions of men.
I do believe in a young earth. Adam was created with age. He was created using pre-existing material. So if the materials God used to create the earth pre-existed, then the age of the earth can never be known using scientific method. Therefore, I trust in the written Word over the tools and assumptions of men.


There are literally tons of evidence.
No missing links. No laboratory evidence. Horses are still horses. Chimps are still chimps. And clearly, mankind is devolving. Just look at who's running America.

Your “tons of evidence” is mostly smoke and mirrors.
No missing links. No laboratory evidence. Horses are still horses. Chimps are still chimps. And clearly, mankind is devolving. Just look at who's running America.

Your “tons of evidence” is mostly smoke and mirrors.
Can you grasp the concept of millions of years? Just think real hard about it.
No missing links. No laboratory evidence. Horses are still horses. Chimps are still chimps. And clearly, mankind is devolving. Just look at who's running America.

Your “tons of evidence” is mostly smoke and mirrors.

Two things:

1) You have not proven that the earth isn't young.
2) Your link simply shows that mankind started out with superior intellect and the ability to create civilization. But I already knew that.

There's ample evidence that the earth is much older than 6000 years.
And also one of the greatest scientist this world has ever seen and quite frankly 90% right about life and its development on this planet. Pretty fucking impressive.

Of course dozens of other fields have supplied evidence to disprove your view in dozens of different ways sooo...
The fact that you believe the inbred was a “great scientist” proves your ignorance.
There's ample evidence that the earth is much older than 6000 years.
Not really. Lots of theories and conjecture and hypothesis and opinions, but not much convincing evidence.

"Six Biological Evidences for a Young Earth"
1. Soft Tissues and Biomolecules in Fossils
2. Ancient Microbe Resurrections
3. Degeneration of the Human Genome
4. Evidence for Mitochondrial Eve and Recent Origin of Y-Chromosome Adam
5. Unchanged Living Fossils (Stasis)
6. Population Growth
JGalt, cousin marriage is not incest and it is legal even for first cousins to marry in twenty-five of the fifty USA States as well as most of the countries of the EU. The vast majority of marriages over the course human history have been cousin marriages.
Also you forgot to mention that Darwin was a genius with vast impact on culture and science.

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