Blue vs red ??? Mixed up


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
We go to the shower and see that blue means cold and red means hot
This is total nonsense

In real world : blue light is insanely hot and red light is the coldest

Blue stars are many magnitudes hotter than colder red stars

How did we F this up
No !!
You screwed that up
The sun is not yellow
The sun is only yellow due to its white light interacting with our atmosphere

Next time it’s cloudy and the sun is blocked by clouds ..look up and see it’s real color
No the blue ones are the super massive ones

The dwarfs are red

The sun will become a dwarf star as its H only has another 4 b yrs
Nice time it’s super cold and you get a snow storm ?

Well ..just look at the ground
Red is the coldest light and has the lowest EM energy

Yet red is for hell

No hell must be in blue flames
Nothing at room temperature radiates in visible light ... as we heat things up in a fire, they begin to glow red ... red hot ...

Ice has a color ... we see it we calving glaciers ... blue cold ...

I say there's a touch of indigo in ice's color ... and Rainbow Nazis hate me for that ... except (surprisingly) the Kansas Gay Community ... weird but true ...

The Sun's peak wavelength is indeed yellow ... but there's so much radiation at all the visible wavelengths ... our eye's perceive it as white ... and that's also mostly true for the Blue Giant stars ... though we should see a bluish tint to the white in these massive stars with a 6 inch telescope, on clear stable night, at altitude and 100 miles from the nearest city ...

Sirius is a Blue Giant ... looks white to my butt naked eyes ... but I've seen it's blue tint through a C-14 ...
If you pour water in a cup has zero color
It’s only blue because it absorbs the red spectrum

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