Blue vs red ??? Mixed up

We go to the shower and see that blue means cold and red means hot
This is total nonsense

In real world : blue light is insanely hot and red light is the coldest

Blue stars are many magnitudes hotter than colder red stars

How did we F this up
It's a physiological thing. Blue light is known to suppress melatonin. That leads to wakefulness. Wakefulness is associated with activity - heat?. Windows has a blue light suppression mode for your monitor for use in the late evening.

On the other hand blue is also associated with sadness. In fact one definition of blue is sadness. That seems to run contrary to wakefulness.

As far as color terminology, ironically reddish colors are considered warm tones, and blue is considered cool.

My point is: I don't know what my point is.
My point is: I don't know what my point is.

You're point is that orange and indigo are the half steps ... the other five rainbow colors are the full steps ... the music of the spheres was written in the key of D minor Doric:

Blue - fire

Red - ice

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