Blues States Are Red States!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Control the language, and you win the debate.

No group knows, and uses that knowledge better, than the Liberal Party.

It is the advantage they have by owning the media.

1. Everyone knows, intuitively, that "red" has historically identified communists, socialists.....Leftists of every iteration.
But by slight of hand, CNN changed the designation so that Democrats would not be, correctly, associated with the other groups of it's same intentions.

2. "It's beginning to look like a suburban swimming pool,'' the television anchor David Brinkley noted on election night 1980, as hundreds of Republican-blue light bulbs illuminated NBC's studio map, signaling a landslide victory for Ronald Reagan over the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Other staffers, Time magazine wrote, called it ''Lake Reagan.''

Mr. Carter's bulbs were red."
Ideas & Trends; One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State - Page 2 - New York Times
Ideas Trends One State Two State Red State Blue State - New York Times


4. How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red?
I have a video tape of the 1988 election returns of CNN showing democrats as red (as they always had been) and republicans blue Then in 1992 they reversed it and evryone just blindly followed it and now its accepted as having always been that way!!!
How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red

The assignment of the words "Red" and "Blue" to Republicans and Democrats is by no means accidental.

I guess that elites were worried that even fools who they can trick into voting Democrat/Liberal/Progressive might catch on to the fact that they were voting for the descendants of Marx, Stalin, and Mao.
Jeeze. Not much blue there.

Guess the country is tired of being headed in the wrong direction under Barry and his Dems.

Lets hope th GOP doesn't drop the damned ball.
Control the language, and you win the debate.

No group knows, and uses that knowledge better, than the Liberal Party.

It is the advantage they have by owning the media.

1. Everyone knows, intuitively, that "red" has historically identified communists, socialists.....Leftists of every iteration.
But by slight of hand, CNN changed the designation so that Democrats would not be, correctly, associated with the other groups of it's same intentions.

2. "It's beginning to look like a suburban swimming pool,'' the television anchor David Brinkley noted on election night 1980, as hundreds of Republican-blue light bulbs illuminated NBC's studio map, signaling a landslide victory for Ronald Reagan over the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Other staffers, Time magazine wrote, called it ''Lake Reagan.''

Mr. Carter's bulbs were red."
Ideas & Trends; One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State - Page 2 - New York Times
Ideas Trends One State Two State Red State Blue State - New York Times


4. How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red?
I have a video tape of the 1988 election returns of CNN showing democrats as red (as they always had been) and republicans blue Then in 1992 they reversed it and evryone just blindly followed it and now its accepted as having always been that way!!!
How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red

The assignment of the words "Red" and "Blue" to Republicans and Democrats is by no means accidental.

I guess that elites were worried that even fools who they can trick into voting Democrat/Liberal/Progressive might catch on to the fact that they were voting for the descendants of Marx, Stalin, and Mao.

Why then does Foxnews use the current Red/Blue designation?

Are they in on it?


btw, you're in a Blue State, MY Blue State. Try to act like you deserve it.
5. Liberals/Progressives are great fans of European Social Democracies....and yearn to make America over in their image....

"The Progressives envision an ‘Administrative State’ that moves to solve social ills as they develop by expanding through the addition of unelected bureaucrats, czars, commissions and ‘experts,’ a la the European type of government.
Moreover, nearly all of the regulations imposed are devised by unelected civil servants and political appointees to whom Congress, undeniablyin breach of the Constitution’s separation of powers,has delegated legislative, executive, and judicial responsibilities;… what remains undecided within the administrative agencies is generally dealt with in courts unresponsive to the electorate."

Yet....they want to keep it a secret from the electorate!

See...Europe has always used "red" for communists, socialsts....

6. Red is traditionally associated with socialism and communism. The oldest symbol of socialism (and, by extension, communism) is the Red Flag, which dates back to the revolutions of 1848. The colour red was chosen to represent the blood of the workers who died in the struggle against capitalism.

All major socialist and communist alliances and organisations – including the First,Second, and Third Internationals – used red as their official colour.

The association between the colour red and communism is particularly strong. Communists use red much more often and more extensively than other ideologies use their respective traditional colours.

§ In Europe and Latin America, red is also associated with parties ofsocial democracy, and often their allies within thelabour movement. Sometimes these parties use pink instead, as a "moderate" colour instead of the more "radical" red.

§ In the United States, since the year 2000, the mass media have associated red with the Republican Party, despite the fact that the Republican Party is a conservative-leaning party.
Political colour - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Control the language, and you win the debate.

No group knows, and uses that knowledge better, than the Liberal Party.

It is the advantage they have by owning the media.

1. Everyone knows, intuitively, that "red" has historically identified communists, socialists.....Leftists of every iteration.
But by slight of hand, CNN changed the designation so that Democrats would not be, correctly, associated with the other groups of it's same intentions.

2. "It's beginning to look like a suburban swimming pool,'' the television anchor David Brinkley noted on election night 1980, as hundreds of Republican-blue light bulbs illuminated NBC's studio map, signaling a landslide victory for Ronald Reagan over the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Other staffers, Time magazine wrote, called it ''Lake Reagan.''

Mr. Carter's bulbs were red."
Ideas & Trends; One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State - Page 2 - New York Times
Ideas Trends One State Two State Red State Blue State - New York Times


4. How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red?
I have a video tape of the 1988 election returns of CNN showing democrats as red (as they always had been) and republicans blue Then in 1992 they reversed it and evryone just blindly followed it and now its accepted as having always been that way!!!
How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red

The assignment of the words "Red" and "Blue" to Republicans and Democrats is by no means accidental.

I guess that elites were worried that even fools who they can trick into voting Democrat/Liberal/Progressive might catch on to the fact that they were voting for the descendants of Marx, Stalin, and Mao.

You have to be a real dummy to find stuff like this compelling.
In a near-sweep of yesterday’s midterm elections, Republicans shifted the balance of power in the U.S. Senate, gaining at least seven seats, widened their majority in the House by at least 11 seats and defeated Democrats in 24 governor’s races. :thup:
Control the language, and you win the debate.

No group knows, and uses that knowledge better, than the Liberal Party.

It is the advantage they have by owning the media.

1. Everyone knows, intuitively, that "red" has historically identified communists, socialists.....Leftists of every iteration.
But by slight of hand, CNN changed the designation so that Democrats would not be, correctly, associated with the other groups of it's same intentions.

2. "It's beginning to look like a suburban swimming pool,'' the television anchor David Brinkley noted on election night 1980, as hundreds of Republican-blue light bulbs illuminated NBC's studio map, signaling a landslide victory for Ronald Reagan over the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Other staffers, Time magazine wrote, called it ''Lake Reagan.''

Mr. Carter's bulbs were red."
Ideas & Trends; One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State - Page 2 - New York Times
Ideas Trends One State Two State Red State Blue State - New York Times


4. How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red?
I have a video tape of the 1988 election returns of CNN showing democrats as red (as they always had been) and republicans blue Then in 1992 they reversed it and evryone just blindly followed it and now its accepted as having always been that way!!!
How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red

The assignment of the words "Red" and "Blue" to Republicans and Democrats is by no means accidental.

I guess that elites were worried that even fools who they can trick into voting Democrat/Liberal/Progressive might catch on to the fact that they were voting for the descendants of Marx, Stalin, and Mao.

You have to be a real dummy to find stuff like this compelling.

You have to be even dumber to proffer such a flaccid response
Control the language, and you win the debate.

No group knows, and uses that knowledge better, than the Liberal Party.

It is the advantage they have by owning the media.

1. Everyone knows, intuitively, that "red" has historically identified communists, socialists.....Leftists of every iteration.
But by slight of hand, CNN changed the designation so that Democrats would not be, correctly, associated with the other groups of it's same intentions.

2. "It's beginning to look like a suburban swimming pool,'' the television anchor David Brinkley noted on election night 1980, as hundreds of Republican-blue light bulbs illuminated NBC's studio map, signaling a landslide victory for Ronald Reagan over the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Other staffers, Time magazine wrote, called it ''Lake Reagan.''

Mr. Carter's bulbs were red."
Ideas & Trends; One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State - Page 2 - New York Times
Ideas Trends One State Two State Red State Blue State - New York Times


4. How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red?
I have a video tape of the 1988 election returns of CNN showing democrats as red (as they always had been) and republicans blue Then in 1992 they reversed it and evryone just blindly followed it and now its accepted as having always been that way!!!
How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red

The assignment of the words "Red" and "Blue" to Republicans and Democrats is by no means accidental.

I guess that elites were worried that even fools who they can trick into voting Democrat/Liberal/Progressive might catch on to the fact that they were voting for the descendants of Marx, Stalin, and Mao.

Very interesting. Both PoliticalChic and Econchick misspell the word 'sleight' in the same manner.

Control the language, and you win the debate.

No group knows, and uses that knowledge better, than the Liberal Party.

It is the advantage they have by owning the media.

1. Everyone knows, intuitively, that "red" has historically identified communists, socialists.....Leftists of every iteration.
But by slight of hand, CNN changed the designation so that Democrats would not be, correctly, associated with the other groups of it's same intentions.

2. "It's beginning to look like a suburban swimming pool,'' the television anchor David Brinkley noted on election night 1980, as hundreds of Republican-blue light bulbs illuminated NBC's studio map, signaling a landslide victory for Ronald Reagan over the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Other staffers, Time magazine wrote, called it ''Lake Reagan.''

Mr. Carter's bulbs were red."
Ideas & Trends; One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State - Page 2 - New York Times
Ideas Trends One State Two State Red State Blue State - New York Times


4. How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red?
I have a video tape of the 1988 election returns of CNN showing democrats as red (as they always had been) and republicans blue Then in 1992 they reversed it and evryone just blindly followed it and now its accepted as having always been that way!!!
How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red

The assignment of the words "Red" and "Blue" to Republicans and Democrats is by no means accidental.

I guess that elites were worried that even fools who they can trick into voting Democrat/Liberal/Progressive might catch on to the fact that they were voting for the descendants of Marx, Stalin, and Mao.

You have to be a real dummy to find stuff like this compelling.

We have a winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor"!!!!

"You have to be a real dummy to find stuff like this compelling."

...from a poster compelled to contribute to the thread!!!!!

Which word should be accentuated..."Real" or "Dummy"???
LOL....wore a red fleece today to work. The lefty k00ks here at work wont even talk to me!!! Fuckers are miserable as shit......walking around like they left their balls/boobs home.:2up:

Especially the feminist with a shitload of lesbians!! Not happy!!

Hey.....whent he economy sucks it for the middle class and you support a mental case policy venture like Obamacare, you get your ass voted out. Thats simple. Most of the country hates Obamacare and it hasnt even kicked in yet..........wait 'til this time next year. Their heads will be exploding!!!:2up:
In a near-sweep of yesterday’s midterm elections, Republicans shifted the balance of power in the U.S. Senate, gaining at least seven seats, widened their majority in the House by at least 11 seats and defeated Democrats in 24 governor’s races. :thup:

Now to see if the Republicans can put those 'reds" in their place!

I want action.

Best part of last night's defeats of the 'reds' is that the Senate votes on Supreme Court nominees.....
Control the language, and you win the debate.

No group knows, and uses that knowledge better, than the Liberal Party.

It is the advantage they have by owning the media.

1. Everyone knows, intuitively, that "red" has historically identified communists, socialists.....Leftists of every iteration.
But by slight of hand, CNN changed the designation so that Democrats would not be, correctly, associated with the other groups of it's same intentions.

2. "It's beginning to look like a suburban swimming pool,'' the television anchor David Brinkley noted on election night 1980, as hundreds of Republican-blue light bulbs illuminated NBC's studio map, signaling a landslide victory for Ronald Reagan over the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Other staffers, Time magazine wrote, called it ''Lake Reagan.''

Mr. Carter's bulbs were red."
Ideas & Trends; One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State - Page 2 - New York Times
Ideas Trends One State Two State Red State Blue State - New York Times


4. How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red?
I have a video tape of the 1988 election returns of CNN showing democrats as red (as they always had been) and republicans blue Then in 1992 they reversed it and evryone just blindly followed it and now its accepted as having always been that way!!!
How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red

The assignment of the words "Red" and "Blue" to Republicans and Democrats is by no means accidental.

I guess that elites were worried that even fools who they can trick into voting Democrat/Liberal/Progressive might catch on to the fact that they were voting for the descendants of Marx, Stalin, and Mao.

You have to be a real dummy to find stuff like this compelling.

We have a winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor"!!!!

"You have to be a real dummy to find stuff like this compelling."

...from a poster compelled to contribute to the thread!!!!!

Which word should be accentuated..."Real" or "Dummy"???

The conspiracy of colors now....please do go on, this is fascinating.
LOL....wore a red fleece today to work. The lefty k00ks here at work wont even talk to me!!! Fuckers are miserable as shit......walking around like they left their balls/boobs home.:2up:

Especially the feminist with a shitload of lesbians!! Not happy!!

Hey.....whent he economy sucks it for the middle class and you support a mental case policy venture like Obamacare, you get your ass voted out. Thats simple. Most of the country hates Obamacare and it hasnt even kicked in yet..........wait 'til this time next year. Their heads will be exploding!!!:2up:

Yet the Republicans won't come out and link ObamaCare to the problems of the economy.

Wish more conservatives had been on board.
Control the language, and you win the debate.

No group knows, and uses that knowledge better, than the Liberal Party.

It is the advantage they have by owning the media.

1. Everyone knows, intuitively, that "red" has historically identified communists, socialists.....Leftists of every iteration.
But by slight of hand, CNN changed the designation so that Democrats would not be, correctly, associated with the other groups of it's same intentions.

2. "It's beginning to look like a suburban swimming pool,'' the television anchor David Brinkley noted on election night 1980, as hundreds of Republican-blue light bulbs illuminated NBC's studio map, signaling a landslide victory for Ronald Reagan over the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Other staffers, Time magazine wrote, called it ''Lake Reagan.''

Mr. Carter's bulbs were red."
Ideas & Trends; One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State - Page 2 - New York Times
Ideas Trends One State Two State Red State Blue State - New York Times


4. How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red?
I have a video tape of the 1988 election returns of CNN showing democrats as red (as they always had been) and republicans blue Then in 1992 they reversed it and evryone just blindly followed it and now its accepted as having always been that way!!!
How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red

The assignment of the words "Red" and "Blue" to Republicans and Democrats is by no means accidental.

I guess that elites were worried that even fools who they can trick into voting Democrat/Liberal/Progressive might catch on to the fact that they were voting for the descendants of Marx, Stalin, and Mao.

You have to be a real dummy to find stuff like this compelling.

We have a winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor"!!!!

"You have to be a real dummy to find stuff like this compelling."

...from a poster compelled to contribute to the thread!!!!!

Which word should be accentuated..."Real" or "Dummy"???

The conspiracy of colors now....please do go on, this is fascinating.


What happened to 'compelling'?
LOL....wore a red fleece today to work. The lefty k00ks here at work wont even talk to me!!! Fuckers are miserable as shit......walking around like they left their balls/boobs home.:2up:

Especially the feminist with a shitload of lesbians!! Not happy!!

Hey.....whent he economy sucks it for the middle class and you support a mental case policy venture like Obamacare, you get your ass voted out. Thats simple. Most of the country hates Obamacare and it hasnt even kicked in yet..........wait 'til this time next year. Their heads will be exploding!!!:2up:

Yet the Republicans won't come out and link ObamaCare to the problems of the economy.

Wish more conservatives had been on board.

Maybe you could gerrymander the forum to make it look like there are more conservatives than there really are.
LOL....wore a red fleece today to work. The lefty k00ks here at work wont even talk to me!!! Fuckers are miserable as shit......walking around like they left their balls/boobs home.:2up:

Especially the feminist with a shitload of lesbians!! Not happy!!

Hey.....whent he economy sucks it for the middle class and you support a mental case policy venture like Obamacare, you get your ass voted out. Thats simple. Most of the country hates Obamacare and it hasnt even kicked in yet..........wait 'til this time next year. Their heads will be exploding!!!:2up:

Yet the Republicans won't come out and link ObamaCare to the problems of the economy.

Wish more conservatives had been on board.

Maybe you could gerrymander the forum to make it look like there are more conservatives than there really are.

I meant on board last night's victory cruise.....not 'on the board.' takes both intellect and courage to be a conservative in this society, which might explain some of the numbers.
In a near-sweep of yesterday’s midterm elections, Republicans shifted the balance of power in the U.S. Senate, gaining at least seven seats, widened their majority in the House by at least 11 seats and defeated Democrats in 24 governor’s races. :thup:

Now to see if the Republicans can put those 'reds" in their place!

I want action.

Best part of last night's defeats of the 'reds' is that the Senate votes on Supreme Court nominees.....

[ emphasis added] ^^^ [Supreme Court]

And that Prince Harry no longer has any power to stifle those 370 bills under his desk, sent by the House, with more to come. Barry still has his phone and pen, but this way he has to OWN his veto decisions, which will not bode well for the Dems in `16.

Our country as we once knew and loved it may still have a chance of survival. :lol:
Last edited:
LOL....wore a red fleece today to work. The lefty k00ks here at work wont even talk to me!!! Fuckers are miserable as shit......walking around like they left their balls/boobs home.:2up:

Especially the feminist with a shitload of lesbians!! Not happy!!

Hey.....whent he economy sucks it for the middle class and you support a mental case policy venture like Obamacare, you get your ass voted out. Thats simple. Most of the country hates Obamacare and it hasnt even kicked in yet..........wait 'til this time next year. Their heads will be exploding!!!:2up:

Yet the Republicans won't come out and link ObamaCare to the problems of the economy.

Wish more conservatives had been on board.

Maybe you could gerrymander the forum to make it look like there are more conservatives than there really are.

Yo s0n......heard there is a sale on jockstraps down at Dicks this week!!!'ll need a new cup too while your at it. As the years go on, its not cool to be getting your nut sack smashed multiple times.:coffee::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
In a near-sweep of yesterday’s midterm elections, Republicans shifted the balance of power in the U.S. Senate, gaining at least seven seats, widened their majority in the House by at least 11 seats and defeated Democrats in 24 governor’s races. :thup:

Now to see if the Republicans can put those 'reds" in their place!

I want action.

Best part of last night's defeats of the 'reds' is that the Senate votes on Supreme Court nominees.....

[ emphasis added] ^^^ [Supreme Court]

And that Prince Harry no longer has any power to stifle those 370 bills under his desk, sent by the House, with more to come. Barry still has his phone and pen, but this way he has to OWN his veto decisions, which will not bode well for the Dems in `16.

Our country as we once knew and loved it may still have a chance of survival.

"Our country as we once knew and loved it may still have a chance of survival."

If only.

But....I have a dedication to you:

Historically, politically, logically....there is no excuse for the Republicans accepting the nom de rue "red."

7. "The choice of colors in this divide is counter-intuitive to many international observers, as throughout the world, red is commonly the designated color for parties representing labor, socialist, and/or liberal interests[5][6], which in the United States would be more closely correlated with the Democratic Party.

Similarly, blue is used in these countries to depict conservative parties which in the case of the United States would be a color more suitable for the Republicans. For example, in Canada party colors are deeply ingrained and historic and have been unchanged during the Twentieth Century.Red states and blue states - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The assignment of the words "Red" and "Blue" to Republicans and Democrats is by no means accidental.

Instead, it is designed for the 'brain-washing' that has made the Left so successful with the less introspective...
Never let the great unwashed realize that they vote for the ideals of communism and socialism and fascism!

8. "The former system made more sense and was deliberately changed by media partisans who didn’t like to suggest Democrats should be associated with the color red....What’s a little more surprising, however, is how easily Republicans fell in line, apparently without realizing the reason they went from blue to red overnight. There’s even a Republican-leaning opinion site called How shortsighted and gullible can you get?

.... Reagan’s convictions were decidedly and unabashedly anti-red.

Democrats were at least soft on communism and socialism in the post JFK-LBJ world. Republicans tended to be anti-communist. It was all perfectly understandable, accurate and had both historical precedent to support it as well as contemporary parallels in other countries.

I propose to you it’s time we –real Americans, the rest of us – stopped being manipulated like this."
How red states turned blue and vice versa

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