
Jan 11, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.

In bold?

It is BS like that that comes with everyone of your posts as the reason I see you as an immature, illiterate child.

If that is your take on the GOP position, then you have the listening and reading comprehension skills of a thimble.
Not exactly "flames". It's no surprise that the democrat majority led by Harry Reid in the senate would vote against freedom of religion since Reid used graft and bribes, corruption and threats to get Obamacare passed in the first place.
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.
Contraception isn't "medical treatment", you imbecile.
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.
Contraception isn't "medical treatment", you imbecile.

actually, it referred to any medical treatment or other medical items that conflict with the morals of the business owner.

In essence, the GOP does not believe that government should force anyone to act outside of their own moral standards.

To be frank, I cant see why any liberal would want the government be allowed to do it.
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.

In bold?

It is BS like that that comes with everyone of your posts as the reason I see you as an immature, illiterate child.

If that is your take on the GOP position, then you have the listening and reading comprehension skills of a thimble.

Oh, really.
Perhaps you can point out what part of what I said that was untrue?

WOULD the Blunt Amendment have allowed employers to deny medical procedures their EMPLOYEES HAD PAID THEIR PREMIUMS FOR??

Yes or no?

It's just that simple.

Here's the argument you CONZ are making...

“This issue gets right at the heart of who we are as a people,” said Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky, in an opening floor speech on Thursday. “It is not in the power of the federal government to tell anybody what to believe or to punish them for practicing those beliefs,” he added.

Golly...I guess this means I get my taxes back that went to support the Iraq war then?

Do you see how PROFOUNDLY RETARDED that position is?
ANYONE could claim a "moral exemption" from ANYTHING they don't like. And what's the standard for qualifying for a "moral objection"? A person's statement ?

This isn't a first amendment issue any more than my Aunt Sally. That CONZ try to desperately frame it as such, only goes to show how DESPERATE they are to motivate their base, which is suffering from teabagging fatigue and a dismal choice of out of touch candidates.
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.
Contraception isn't "medical treatment", you imbecile.

actually, it referred to any medical treatment or other medical items that conflict with the morals of the business owner.

In essence, the GOP does not believe that government should force anyone to act outside of their own moral standards.

To be frank, I cant see why any liberal would want the government be allowed to do it.

Who was paying for the insurance?
The employees.
Who was making the medical decisions?
The Employer.

At least with the government, I have a SAY in who makes the decision.

I guess CONZ are content with letting corporations make medical decisions for them. Funny they talk about government taking away their freedoms, then turn around and hand them over without a struggle to an entity they have no control over.
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.

In bold?

It is BS like that that comes with everyone of your posts as the reason I see you as an immature, illiterate child.

If that is your take on the GOP position, then you have the listening and reading comprehension skills of a thimble.

Oh, really.
Perhaps you can point out what part of what I said that was untrue?

WOULD the Blunt Amendment have allowed employers to deny medical procedures their EMPLOYEES HAD PAID THEIR PREMIUMS FOR??
Yes or no?

It's just that simple.

Here's the argument you CONZ are making...

“This issue gets right at the heart of who we are as a people,” said Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky, in an opening floor speech on Thursday. “It is not in the power of the federal government to tell anybody what to believe or to punish them for practicing those beliefs,” he added.

Golly...I guess this means I get my taxes back that went to support the Iraq war then?

Do you see how PROFOUNDLY RETARDED that position is?
ANYONE could claim a "moral exemption" from ANYTHING they don't like. And what's the standard for qualifying for a "moral objection"? A person's statement ?

This isn't a first amendment issue any more than my Aunt Sally. That CONZ try to desperately frame it as such, only goes to show how DESPERATE they are to motivate their base, which is suffering from teabagging fatigue and a dismal choice of out of touch candidates.

Listen up skippy....

No employee would have paid a dam penny for coverage his/her employer didnt want to offer.

Freaking are such a tool and a fool....unfreakingbelievable.
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.
Contraception isn't "medical treatment", you imbecile.

Read the amendment dumbass.
It would have covered ANY MEDICAL PROCEDURE.
Breast cancer screening. Colon cancer screening. ANYTHING.

That you come here and speak as if you know what you are talking about when it is all too apparently that you are, in fact an imbecile, shows just how good your analytical skills are and the extent to which they should be trusted by anyone.
EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

So many logical fallacies in a single sentence. This may be a conference record, ladies and gentlemen.

First, the GOP is saying an employer has the right to his religious views under the First Amendment not be trampled on. No one is saying it is "cool" to deny any medical treatment. They are saying it is uncool to violate the Constitution.

And if someone is not covered for something in the first place, then they are not paying for it, idiot. Not only that, the employer is paying for the vast bulk of the insurance.

And if you want more coverage for more things that are not currently paid for, everyone's costs are going to go up. Your birth control cost is going to come out of the pockets of all your fellow employees.

You know other kinds of things are not paid for by some people? Life insurance payments in the event of suicide. Liver transplants for alcoholics. And many other things people find to be moral hazards.

The Democrats have just demonstrated they do not give a shit about a person's values. They have declared war on the religious.
Last edited:
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.
Contraception isn't "medical treatment", you imbecile.

Neither is drinking the bong water, Hoppy.
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.
Contraception isn't "medical treatment", you imbecile.

Read the amendment dumbass.
It would have covered ANY MEDICAL PROCEDURE.
Breast cancer screening. Colon cancer screening. ANYTHING.

That you come here and speak as if you know what you are talking about when it is all too apparently that you are, in fact an imbecile, shows just how good your analytical skills are and the extent to which they should be trusted by anyone.

hey skippy....this should be YOUR sig line. It describes you and your integrity to a tee......
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.
Contraception isn't "medical treatment", you imbecile.

It can be, fool.
Congress to make war is in the Constitution.Article I. Sec. 8.
Remember that Dem's also voted to go to war with Iraq Decepticon
So is freedom of religion.
But Senate Dem's just proved how anti constitutional they are.
In bold?

It is BS like that that comes with everyone of your posts as the reason I see you as an immature, illiterate child.

If that is your take on the GOP position, then you have the listening and reading comprehension skills of a thimble.

Oh, really.
Perhaps you can point out what part of what I said that was untrue?

WOULD the Blunt Amendment have allowed employers to deny medical procedures their EMPLOYEES HAD PAID THEIR PREMIUMS FOR??
Yes or no?

It's just that simple.

Here's the argument you CONZ are making...

“This issue gets right at the heart of who we are as a people,” said Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky, in an opening floor speech on Thursday. “It is not in the power of the federal government to tell anybody what to believe or to punish them for practicing those beliefs,” he added.

Golly...I guess this means I get my taxes back that went to support the Iraq war then?

Do you see how PROFOUNDLY RETARDED that position is?
ANYONE could claim a "moral exemption" from ANYTHING they don't like. And what's the standard for qualifying for a "moral objection"? A person's statement ?

This isn't a first amendment issue any more than my Aunt Sally. That CONZ try to desperately frame it as such, only goes to show how DESPERATE they are to motivate their base, which is suffering from teabagging fatigue and a dismal choice of out of touch candidates.

Listen up skippy....

No employee would have paid a dam penny for coverage his/her employer didnt want to offer.

Freaking are such a tool and a fool....unfreakingbelievable.

Who pays for health care insurance?
It's part of employee's compensation. Therefore, employees do.

Employers could choose from plans offered by insurance companies for their employees and deny coverage of certain procedures.

The affordable health care act mandates employers provide minimum coverage for certain procedures. The Blunt Amendment short circuits those requirements,

So employees would have had to pay for procedures they weren't allowed to receive.

If you don't like the fact that republicans are such morally degenerate scumbags, don't blame me, read the amendment for yourself if indeed you are literate. 1813 Amendment.pdf

Go on and read and it tell me where it spells out something different than what I portrayed it as?

Another thread where all the CONZ can do is spew their meaningless opinions.

Here's the AMENDMENT to the TRANSPORTATION bill morons. Way to keep on target! 1813 Amendment.pdf

Frickin educate yourselves before talking about the issue.
Your party just stick a fork in their own eye. Insisting that they didn't and shushing the people who laughed at that smooth move won't fix your reputations. Nothing can.
America knows you are scum.
Oh, really.
Perhaps you can point out what part of what I said that was untrue?

WOULD the Blunt Amendment have allowed employers to deny medical procedures their EMPLOYEES HAD PAID THEIR PREMIUMS FOR??
Yes or no?

It's just that simple.

Here's the argument you CONZ are making...

“This issue gets right at the heart of who we are as a people,” said Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky, in an opening floor speech on Thursday. “It is not in the power of the federal government to tell anybody what to believe or to punish them for practicing those beliefs,” he added.

Golly...I guess this means I get my taxes back that went to support the Iraq war then?

Do you see how PROFOUNDLY RETARDED that position is?
ANYONE could claim a "moral exemption" from ANYTHING they don't like. And what's the standard for qualifying for a "moral objection"? A person's statement ?

This isn't a first amendment issue any more than my Aunt Sally. That CONZ try to desperately frame it as such, only goes to show how DESPERATE they are to motivate their base, which is suffering from teabagging fatigue and a dismal choice of out of touch candidates.

Listen up skippy....

No employee would have paid a dam penny for coverage his/her employer didnt want to offer.

Freaking are such a tool and a fool....unfreakingbelievable.

Who pays for health care insurance?
It's part of employee's compensation. Therefore, employees do.Employers could choose from plans offered by insurance companies for their employees and deny coverage of certain procedures.

The affordable health care act mandates employers provide minimum coverage for certain procedures. The Blunt Amendment short circuits those requirements,

So employees would have had to pay for procedures they weren't allowed to receive.

If you don't like the fact that republicans are such morally degenerate scumbags, don't blame me, read the amendment for yourself if indeed you are literate. 1813 Amendment.pdf

Go on and read and it tell me where it spells out something different than what I portrayed it as?

In bold is the first place you get it wrong.

If an employee opts out of the company insurance plan, they do not get a raise in salary.
Medical benefits is compensation....but not considered income nor is it deemed as the employee paying it.

So the rest of your rant is meaningless.

You were wrong with the basic premise of your argument.

Another thread where all the CONZ can do is spew their meaningless opinions.

Here's the AMENDMENT to the TRANSPORTATION bill morons. Way to keep on target! 1813 Amendment.pdf

Frickin educate yourselves before talking about the issue.
Your party just stick a fork in their own eye. Insisting that they didn't and shushing the people who laughed at that smooth move won't fix your reputations. Nothing can.
America knows you are scum.

In bold?

I suggest you practice what you preach.
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Bill to reverse Obama birth control policy defeated in Senate


You think this won't come back and bite you on the hinder later on?
Think again.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SENATOR just said it was cool for ANY business to deny their employees ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT their employees PAY THEIR INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR !

Thank GOD this legislative TURD went down to defeat.
Asking corporations to make MORAL DECISIONS about their employee's health.
Only insurance company executives and their leashed whores would think this is a good idea.

In bold?

It is BS like that that comes with everyone of your posts as the reason I see you as an immature, illiterate child.

If that is your take on the GOP position, then you have the listening and reading comprehension skills of a thimble.

Oh, really.
Perhaps you can point out what part of what I said that was untrue?

WOULD the Blunt Amendment have allowed employers to deny medical procedures their EMPLOYEES HAD PAID THEIR PREMIUMS FOR??

Yes or no?

It's just that simple.

Here's the argument you CONZ are making...

“This issue gets right at the heart of who we are as a people,” said Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky, in an opening floor speech on Thursday. “It is not in the power of the federal government to tell anybody what to believe or to punish them for practicing those beliefs,” he added.

Golly...I guess this means I get my taxes back that went to support the Iraq war then?

Do you see how PROFOUNDLY RETARDED that position is?
ANYONE could claim a "moral exemption" from ANYTHING they don't like. And what's the standard for qualifying for a "moral objection"? A person's statement ?

This isn't a first amendment issue any more than my Aunt Sally. That CONZ try to desperately frame it as such, only goes to show how DESPERATE they are to motivate their base, which is suffering from teabagging fatigue and a dismal choice of out of touch candidates.

Its a simple NO if the bill wasn't defeated,than the coverages would NOT be in a person's policy for which they paid premiums,its not hard they would still get what they are paying for.

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