Bob Dole Trashes GOP, Says They Need A Sign That Reads "Closed For Repairs"

Actually there’s a lot of sanity in the GOP, it’s just cowering in the corner fearful of being primaried.
The same Bob Dole the Left smeared as being old and out of touch? That Bob Dole?
How come whenever some forgotten no one in the GOP criticizes the party the Left is all over him. But when prominent Democrats criticize their party they're smeared as traitors?
Bob Dole: Republicans need ?closed for repair? sign until 2014 | The Raw Story

This site shows his interview.

After Closed for Repairs he called himself a MAINSTREAM CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. What he meant by that would be the real issue in this thread.

My best guess with those words were BEING CONSERVATIVE, and possibly the GOP not being Conservative Enough.

In his time, and with Reagan, THEY STOOD THEIR GROUND. Which is why I believe this is what he's implying. Hard to tell, as the interview didn't really get him to clarify it.

He's old and they were being polite as they should be in this interview.
He said he would not be welcomed in today's Repub party just as the Gipper would not, being the tax-raising, amnesty-giving, record he built up. Pretty sad when he, a disabled WW II vet, says that the party he knew is now full of wankers
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Dole was part of the bridge to teranutballia.

Interesting that one of the people instrumental in helping Reagan triple the national debt creating a canned-heat economy is now viewed as the voice of reason. While Dole's military history is admirable, he was not my kind of conservative. He was as big a spender as any of them, and as crooked as any of them.

Dole was known as the king of the senate grifters. He sponsored more made to order laws than Gucci produces made to order handbags. One that got some publicity enabled the Gallo brothers dodge tens of millions in estate taxes for what was basically a straight payoff to Dole's campaign, but money also went into his family's "blind trust" now reportedly worth as much as tens of millions.

Probably the most hilarious scam Dole ever got caught facilitating was diverting millions to a minority firm later proved to be a front for white friends of Dole and his rebel wife. No charges were ever pressed. Against anyone. After all, only the United States taxpayer was getting fucked. Who cares about them?

By far the worst choices in a presidential election in my lifetime was the election of 1996 in which two ReagaNUTs, one a pathological liar, and the other a wide open legal thief of public monies. The only election close to that level of mendacity was 1984.

Am laughing out loud that a filthy fucking crook like Dole is now held up as an exemplar to today's nutballs. Rather join the Tea Party and live in a trailer park for the next year than shake Dole's hand.
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I don't fully know what Dole meant, but I'm ready to get rid of some Rhino's myself.

Put in some who will stick to their guns in the battles with the Dems. In the Gov't shutdowns, and OH MY GOD SEQUESTER I'd have shut it down.

We've done it before, and the SKY DIDN'T FALL DEMS? Like Obama running around the country YELLING THEY ARE SHUTTING YOU DOWN AMERICA.

I don't fully know what Dole meant, but I'm ready to get rid of some Rhino's myself.

Put in some who will stick to their guns in the battles with the Dems. In the Gov't shutdowns, and OH MY GOD SEQUESTER I'd have shut it down.

We've done it before, and the SKY DIDN'T FALL DEMS? Like Obama running around the country YELLING THEY ARE SHUTTING YOU DOWN AMERICA.


Here here!!!

Enough "compromising" with idiots. They're wrong, period, end of goddamn discussion!!!

Defeat them, that's the goal. Make them move to fucking North Korea if they love communism so much.

It is always amusing to see how the left become so hypocritical and starts praising a man they condemned for years when he says something they like.

Bob Dole is still Bob Dole.. You guys on the left didn't care about his war wounds when he was running for office, in fact many of your people made jokes about his arm, just as you did McCain's arms.
It is always amusing to see how the left become so hypocritical and starts praising a man they condemned for years when he says something they like.

Bob Dole is still Bob Dole.. You guys on the left didn't care about his war wounds when he was running for office, in fact many of your people made jokes about his arm, just as you did McCain's arms.

I remember that. 1996 Imus joked about Dole's War Record while roasting Clinton. And they all laughed, and laughed.


It ticked me off back then and even remembering it now.
I don't fully know what Dole meant, but I'm ready to get rid of some Rhino's myself.

Put in some who will stick to their guns in the battles with the Dems. In the Gov't shutdowns, and OH MY GOD SEQUESTER I'd have shut it down.

We've done it before, and the SKY DIDN'T FALL DEMS? Like Obama running around the country YELLING THEY ARE SHUTTING YOU DOWN AMERICA.


Right. Becaus eit worked so well for the GOP in the 90's. Just ask Gingrich.
I don't fully know what Dole meant, but I'm ready to get rid of some Rhino's myself.

Put in some who will stick to their guns in the battles with the Dems. In the Gov't shutdowns, and OH MY GOD SEQUESTER I'd have shut it down.

We've done it before, and the SKY DIDN'T FALL DEMS? Like Obama running around the country YELLING THEY ARE SHUTTING YOU DOWN AMERICA.


Right. Becaus eit worked so well for the GOP in the 90's. Just ask Gingrich.

Gingrich did shut down the Gov't several times with Clinton. They stopped Hillary Care. And got Welfare reform and cuts in Gov't. They forced Clinton in on alot of this stuff with the Shutdowns. Then when it worked the Dems and Clinton took credit for it.
It is always amusing to see how the left become so hypocritical and starts praising a man they condemned for years when he says something they like.

Bob Dole is still Bob Dole.. You guys on the left didn't care about his war wounds when he was running for office, in fact many of your people made jokes about his arm, just as you did McCain's arms.


no one here did. Where are you getting that Mr. Jan 2013? Making it up?
No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget | Cato Institute

Newt Gingrich and company — for all their faults — have received virtually no credit for balancing the budget. Yet today’s surplus is, in part, a byproduct of the GOP’s single-minded crusade to end 30 years of red ink. Arguably, Gingrich’s finest hour as Speaker came in March 1995 when he rallied the entire Republican House caucus behind the idea of eliminating the deficit within seven years.

We have a balanced budget today that is mostly a result of 1) an exceptionally strong economy that is creating gobs of new tax revenues and 2) a shrinking military budget. Social spending is still soaring and now costs more than $1 trillion.
Skeptics said it could not be done in seven years. The GOP did it in four.

Now let us contrast this with the Clinton fiscal record. Recall that it was the Clinton White House that fought Republicans every inch of the way in balancing the budget in 1995. When Republicans proposed their own balanced-budget plan, the White House waged a shameless Mediscare campaign to torpedo the plan — a campaign that the Washington Post slammed as “pure demagoguery.” It was Bill Clinton who, during the big budget fight in 1995, had to submit not one, not two, but five budgets until he begrudgingly matched the GOP’s balanced-budget plan. In fact, during the height of the budget wars in the summer of 1995, the Clinton administration admitted that “balancing the budget is not one of our top priorities.”
I don't fully know what Dole meant, but I'm ready to get rid of some Rhino's myself.



Or did you mean

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