Bob Schiefer compares Harry Reid to Joseph McCarthy

SCHIEFFER: Well, you know, I take your point, Governor, but isn't this kind of like Joe McCarthy back in the era when he said, "I have here in my hand the names of 400 people in the state department who are communist?" It turned out he didn't and he was saying the way to prove that they're not is for them to come forward here. I mean, asking somebody to come forward to, to just because there's been an unsubstantiated charge, that's a little thin to me.

From the OP link.

The difference is that we now know McCarthy was lying. We don't yet know whether Harry Reid is lying.

didn't you see his lips move?
IF Harry Reid's source is real, and factual, then I suspect that source isn't the only one who knows about Romney not paying income taxes in 10 years. And IF that shoe drops - Romney is TOAST.

Reid may be setting Romney up for the TOASTER.

yeah, and you might be quanah parker's love child.
Bob Schiefer compares Harry Reid to Joseph McCarthy

Now that is just plain silly.

Reid is pretty worthless and should be replace but a JOe Macarthy?

SCHIEFFER: Well, you know, I take your point, Governor, but isn't this kind of like Joe McCarthy back in the era when he said, "I have here in my hand the names of 400 people in the state department who are communist?" It turned out he didn't and he was saying the way to prove that they're not is for them to come forward here. I mean, asking somebody to come forward to, to just because there's been an unsubstantiated charge, that's a little thin to me.

From the OP link.

The difference is that we now know McCarthy was lying. We don't yet know whether Harry Reid is lying.

didn't you see his lips move?

He is a politician, not sure if he is also a lawyer.
Reid is in his last throes. He's about to lose his majority senate and lead role so he's slinging out the lies the best he can. It's backfiring big time though.
SCHIEFFER: Well, you know, I take your point, Governor, but isn't this kind of like Joe McCarthy back in the era when he said, "I have here in my hand the names of 400 people in the state department who are communist?" It turned out he didn't and he was saying the way to prove that they're not is for them to come forward here. I mean, asking somebody to come forward to, to just because there's been an unsubstantiated charge, that's a little thin to me.

From the OP link.

The difference is that we now know McCarthy was lying. We don't yet know whether Harry Reid is lying.

So it's okay to just report rumors from the Senate floor ?

Seems to me, if Reid has any real evidence he would have produced it already since it would destroy Romney's campaign.
SCHIEFFER: Well, you know, I take your point, Governor, but isn't this kind of like Joe McCarthy back in the era when he said, "I have here in my hand the names of 400 people in the state department who are communist?" It turned out he didn't and he was saying the way to prove that they're not is for them to come forward here. I mean, asking somebody to come forward to, to just because there's been an unsubstantiated charge, that's a little thin to me.

From the OP link.

The difference is that we now know McCarthy was lying. We don't yet know whether Harry Reid is lying.

So it's okay to just report rumors from the Senate floor ?

Seems to me, if Reid has any real evidence he would have produced it already since it would destroy Romney's campaign.

Makes me wonder about how honest he is on the Congress floor on a daily basis.
Listen, you butt-hurt dummies. It is not OK to throw out charges with broad strokes like Reid did. It is slimy, dirty politics. is WHAT YOU ASSHOLES APPLAUD on a regular basis. Your false outrage is no less slimy.
Listen, you butt-hurt dummies. It is not OK to throw out charges with broad strokes like Reid did. It is slimy, dirty politics. is WHAT YOU ASSHOLES APPLAUD on a regular basis. Your false outrage is no less slimy.

Look asshole, this is the Senate majority leader making these accusations, not some flunky office assistant. He needs to come forward with his evidence, or publicly apologize.
Of course we both know why he pulled this out of his ass. The plan is to keep Americans attention away from Obama's terrible economy.
Your false outrage is just as slimy.

False outrage my ass !!!!!!!! :mad:
Something like this has the potential of destroying my candidates campaign ! Who knows how many idiots out there may be swayed just enough by an accusation like this to drop their support for Romney.

Reid needs to put up, or walk back his accusations, and he needs to do it publicly.
SCHIEFFER: Well, you know, I take your point, Governor, but isn't this kind of like Joe McCarthy back in the era when he said, "I have here in my hand the names of 400 people in the state department who are communist?" It turned out he didn't and he was saying the way to prove that they're not is for them to come forward here. I mean, asking somebody to come forward to, to just because there's been an unsubstantiated charge, that's a little thin to me.

From the OP link.

The difference is that we now know McCarthy was lying. We don't yet know whether Harry Reid is lying.

Only one way to prove that Reid is a dirty liar, but Willard wont release his taxes because Reid isnt lying...

Damnit, I really had hoped we could avoid a civil war, but as long as the right insists on acting like nazis, nuh uh...

Damnit, I guess I need to wear a bullet proof vest too, after this past weekend
Your false outrage is just as slimy.

False outrage my ass !!!!!!!! :mad:
Something like this has the potential of destroying my candidates campaign ! Who knows how many idiots out there may be swayed just enough by an accusation like this to drop their support for Romney.

Reid needs to put up, or walk back his accusations, and he needs to do it publicly.

You are gonna pop a blood vessel.

The political climate that led to Reid dropping this little turd is the product of YOUR side playing that type of hand over and over again. Quit least until you petition the GOP to start playing fair.
SCHIEFFER: Well, you know, I take your point, Governor, but isn't this kind of like Joe McCarthy back in the era when he said, "I have here in my hand the names of 400 people in the state department who are communist?" It turned out he didn't and he was saying the way to prove that they're not is for them to come forward here. I mean, asking somebody to come forward to, to just because there's been an unsubstantiated charge, that's a little thin to me.

From the OP link.

The difference is that we now know McCarthy was lying. We don't yet know whether Harry Reid is lying.

Ah............Another clueless Hollywood actress opines..................
Your false outrage is just as slimy.

False outrage my ass !!!!!!!! :mad:
Something like this has the potential of destroying my candidates campaign ! Who knows how many idiots out there may be swayed just enough by an accusation like this to drop their support for Romney.

Reid needs to put up, or walk back his accusations, and he needs to do it publicly.

You are gonna pop a blood vessel.

The political climate that led to Reid dropping this little turd is the product of YOUR side playing that type of hand over and over again. Quit least until you petition the GOP to start playing fair.

The score is conz 1,098 disgusting acts of hypocrisy and hate etc., libs 1/2....actually not even half of one, Reid may have been better served not to say it where he said it but he sure as hell had to say it, somebody had to say something to get that asshole romney to do something

clearly Willard didnt pay taxes or he would release his returns, that we all know now...
I despised McCarthy and the folks here that claim he was great.
But I despise Reid more.
Joe is dead.
SCHIEFFER: Well, you know, I take your point, Governor, but isn't this kind of like Joe McCarthy back in the era when he said, "I have here in my hand the names of 400 people in the state department who are communist?" It turned out he didn't and he was saying the way to prove that they're not is for them to come forward here. I mean, asking somebody to come forward to, to just because there's been an unsubstantiated charge, that's a little thin to me.

From the OP link.

The difference is that we now know McCarthy was lying. We don't yet know whether Harry Reid is lying.

The thing is Reid like McCarthy is making the accusation then demanding the accused prove their innocence that is not the way things work I don't care if it's McCarthy accusing people of being communist Reid accusing Romney of not paying taxes for ten years someone being accused of murder or cheating on their spouse it is not the responsibility of the accused to prove their innocence but the responsibility of the accuser to prove guilty.

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