Bob Woodward Autobiography


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2013
Excerpts from Bob Woodward' s autobiography (only to be released after his death)

"Confessions of a Modern Prometheus and Exaggerator"

...and it was at that informal party, attended by, among others, Henry Kissinger, Alfred Hitchcock, John LeCarre, and Timothy Leary, where I overheard a humorous challenge from from Hitchcock to write a short novel of mystery and intrigue. His only advice was to "follow the money" ...

...not really being in that exclusive group, but just the periphery, I didn't consider that challenge meant for me, but I had found Leary an affable sort, and stayed near him. .. date for the night, an aspiring actress named Linda Lovelace, had an early shoot the next day, and wanted to go home to rehearse ...

... As we departed, my new found friend, Leary, palmed me a little white pill, saying, "tune in, turn on, enjoy"...

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