Body of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest removed from Memphis park by deranged leftists

Like Statues and Universities, you cannot separate them to support your utter hypocrisy.​
A university is not a monument, making you look pariticarly stupid and dishonest liar for claming otherwise.

You're stooping to new lows to justify your love of the glorifcation of evil, and your hatred of anyone who opposes the glorification of evil.
How many NAZIs have the Germans dug up?
Generally, as they were buried in cemeteries, the Germans just removed the monuments or headstones and left the graves unmarked. The graves were not famous, so now nobody knows where the graves are. It worked. Evil people stopped being glorified.

As far as I know, there were no grave-monuments for famous Nazis that were seperate from cemeteries, so the situations can't be compared.

Is your stupid point that they should just removed the Forrest monument and left his grave there, in a very well-known spot, so decent people could show up to relieve themselves after a night of imbibing?

If not, just what are you crying about?
That's a dumb false equivalence. Slave traders and institutions that slave traders gave money to are different things.

Like Statues and Universities, you cannot separate them to support your utter hypocrisy.


No. But we can tear down statues and monuments to traitors and those that sought to divide our nation in two.
Most of which..should have never been built in the first place.
A university is not a monument, making you look pariticarly stupid and dishonest liar for claming otherwise.

You're stooping to new lows to justify your love of the glorifcation of evil, and your hatred of anyone who opposes the glorification of evil.

It is most certainly a monument to the direct product of the Slave Trade.
It wouldn't be there without it ... And is what came of the evil that created it.

It's not my problem you cannot figure that out.

No. But we can tear down statues and monuments to traitors and those that sought to divide our nation in two.
Most of which..should have never been built in the first place.

I can certainly understand your objection to tearing down the icons of those who made their fortunes directly from the sell of other humans.
All the ones I have mention so far in this thread never left the Union.

Actually, that would have been a much better situation. GOVERNMENT digging up dead people for virtue signaling purposes is just about as ludicrous as it gets.
And here we have another defender of the glorification of evil. They get so enraged when a monument to evil is removed. It's as if they're personally invested in the evil.
This is proof you and your ilk are simply attempting to trigger.

I only said that government digging up people who have been dead for 150 years, for the sole purpose of proving that they are "woke," is so far beyond ridiculous that it makes one question the very purpose of government.

Don't put word in my mouth, commie.

I only said that government digging up people who have been dead for 150 years, for the sole purpose of proving that they are "woke,"
According to your proclaimed kook standards, the postwar Germans were just "woke" for removing Nazi monuments. You're not actually that crazy. You're merely upset over your slaver hero being denied a permanent government-subsidized place of glory, glory you think all slavers deserve.

I only said that government digging up people who have been dead for 150 years, for the sole purpose of proving that they are "woke,"
According to your proclaimed kook standards, the postwar Germans were just "woke" for removing Nazi monuments. You're not actually that crazy. You're merely upset over your slaver hero being denied a permanent government-subsidized place of glory, glory you think all slavers deserve.
Good god you're a fucking dumb ass.

You don't see the difference between tearing down monuments to slavers, and digging up dead fucking bodies that have been in the fucking ground for 150 years?

This is like arguing with the dumbest motherfucker on earth.
I have no sympathy for unapologetic traitors who ordered young Southern men to attack their own country.

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