Boebert, Greene and Cawthorn among Republicans voting against supporting Moldova’s democracy amid Russia threat

You retards are so fucking ignorant its shocking, literally shocking, look at all the little leftist retards whose only response to the truth in my post regarding the evil of democracy, was to post a laughing emoji! We are not a fucking democracy, though the totally corrupt fascist coastal elites have so obfuscated the absolute shit out of that truth over the last 100 years they have succeeded in warping very definition of who and what we are into a lie!

If we were a democracy we would have never survived to become the global juggernaut we are, we would have descended into tribal civil conflicts within just a couple of years of breaking from King George. I suggest you dumb fucks actually read the very documents the founders wrote, and discover to your individual horror, precisely what they thought about "democracy!"

We are a "Constitutional Republic," which via "democratic caucus," choose our political representatives, you shouldn't even be allowed to vote for the senate, such should be the duty of each lawfully elected state government by appointment no longer than two years, indeed they should not even be allowed to sit in the senate longer than the congress, and no member should be allowed to sit in either beyond two terms.... :wink:
The US is both a democracy and a republic.

A democracy is a system of government where the power to make change lies in the hands of the people, which describes the US. Contrast that with an autocracy, where the power lies in one person, or a theocracy, where it lies with the religious leaders, or any of several other systems.

A republic is a system of government where the operational power lies in the hands of the people through their elected representatives, usually spread across several separated branches, which also describes the US. Contrast that with a monarchy, where the operational power lies in the hands of a single monarch, usually from a single ruling family.

However, many people mistakenly apply the term "democracy" to mean a "pure" (also known as a direct or Athenian) democracy. A pure democracy is only one type of democracy, in which every citizen casts a vote on every issue. The US is certainly not a pure democracy; all of that vote-counting would be a bit much to ask of a continent-spanning nation of 330 million people.

You are correct that the US is indeed a "Constitutional" republic, meaning it operates with a written and adopted Constitution. Contrast that with the UK, which has an evolving set of supreme laws under their parliamentary system, but no single document at its core.

That Constitution also says that while Representatives serve for two years, Senators serve for six, and there is no term limit restriction on either (as of this writing); that has never been otherwise. Senators were originally elected (not appointed) by state legislatures, but the 17th Amendment, which is every bit as valid a part of the Constitution as any other, changed that to direct election in 1913.

It is perfectly valid if you *wish* the system to be otherwise, but that is how it currently *is*. I hope I made it clear.
The US is both a democracy and a republic.

A democracy is a system of government where the power to make change lies in the hands of the people, which describes the US. Contrast that with an autocracy, where the power lies in one person, or a theocracy, where it lies with the religious leaders, or any of several other systems.

A republic is a system of government where the operational power lies in the hands of the people through their elected representatives, usually spread across several separated branches, which also describes the US. Contrast that with a monarchy, where the operational power lies in the hands of a single monarch, usually from a single ruling family.

However, many people mistakenly apply the term "democracy" to mean a "pure" (also known as a direct or Athenian) democracy. A pure democracy is only one type of democracy, in which every citizen casts a vote on every issue. The US is certainly not a pure democracy; all of that vote-counting would be a bit much to ask of a continent-spanning nation of 330 million people.

You are correct that the US is indeed a "Constitutional" republic, meaning it operates with a written and adopted Constitution. Contrast that with the UK, which has an evolving set of supreme laws under their parliamentary system, but no single document at its core.

That Constitution also says that while Representatives serve for two years, Senators serve for six, and there is no term limit restriction on either (as of this writing); that has never been otherwise. Senators were originally elected (not appointed) by state legislatures, but the 17th Amendment, which is every bit as valid a part of the Constitution as any other, changed that to direct election in 1913.

It is perfectly valid if you *wish* the system to be otherwise, but that is how it currently *is*. I hope I made it clear.
No, we are not! We are a constitutional republic, who come together in democratic caucus to choose our political representatives, thats it, period! There is absolutely no such thing as a partial democracy, democracy is mob rule, democracy is exactly what you were treated to as fascist democrats and their fascist media, provoked, and nakedly encouraged rioting from coast to coast in wake of a drug addicts overdose death, which due to democracy resulted in four innocent police officers being scapegoated in the most grotesque manner imaginable! What fascists have done, successfully, and it is in your fucking face real, is subvert the United States constitutional rule of law with what is best termed as, "multi-cultural democracy" enforced in supremacy over the real law, the constitutional law, and this is why they just established a literal "Ministry of Truth," within the nations most heavily armed national police force!

We are NOT a democracy, but you are definitely having democracy shoved down your throat, and in case of the those cops, up their ass! :wink:
You retards are so fucking ignorant its shocking, literally shocking, look at all the little leftist retards whose only response to the truth in my post regarding the evil of democracy, was to post a laughing emoji! We are not a fucking democracy, though the totally corrupt fascist coastal elites have so obfuscated the absolute shit out of that truth over the last 100 years they have succeeded in warping very definition of who and what we are into a lie!

If we were a democracy we would have never survived to become the global juggernaut we are, we would have descended into tribal civil conflicts within just a couple of years of breaking from King George. I suggest you dumb fucks actually read the very documents the founders wrote, and discover to your individual horror, precisely what they thought about "democracy!"

We are a "Constitutional Republic," which via "democratic caucus," choose our political representatives, you shouldn't even be allowed to vote for the senate, such should be the duty of each lawfully elected state government by appointment no longer than two years, indeed they should not even be allowed to sit in the senate longer than the congress, and no member should be allowed to sit in either beyond two terms.... :wink:
Holy fuck, what a retarded communist, SHOCKING, indeed, even from a Trumptard.
Who, evidently is forced by other Trumptards, to take the Trumptard short bus to Trump's pity rallies. › dictionary › democracyDemocracy Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Definition of democracy

1a: government by the people especially: rule of the majority
b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections. › dictionary › democracyDemocracy Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

noun US
B2 [ U ]
the belief in freedom and equality between people, or a system of government based on this belief, in which power is either held by elected representatives or directly by the people themselves. › democracyDemocracy - definition of democracy by The Free Dictionary


n. pl. de·moc·ra·cies
Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.

'We are not a fucking democracy, though the totally corrupt fascist coastal elites have so obfuscated the absolute shit out of that truth over the last 100 years they have succeeded in warping very definition of who and what we are into a lie"!

The Trumptard "definition" of "democracy."

Are you saying Americans want to save your worthless ass? No, politicians do, and they are wrong.
I am not a Moldovan. And Moldova has the support of the US government as elected by the overwhelming majority of the American people.

You represent a rag bag minority of paid shills and dickheads. You are not of weight and are not worth considring.
I am not a Moldovan. And Moldova has the support of the US government as elected by the overwhelming majority of the American people.

You represent a rag bag minority of paid shills and dickheads. You are not of weight and are not worth considring.
Our election was stolen and those people are not the majority. They will be finding out in Nov. and before that as Musk is going to allow people to prove they are liars. No censorship will be their undoing.
Our election was stolen and those people are not the majority. They will be finding out in Nov. and before that as Musk is going to allow people to prove they are liars. No censorship will be their undoing.
How many years do you need to prove the election was stolen ? Even trump has given up on that bulldhit.
You retards are so fucking ignorant its shocking, literally shocking, look at all the little leftist retards whose only response to the truth in my post regarding the evil of democracy, was to post a laughing emoji! We are not a fucking democracy, though the totally corrupt fascist coastal elites have so obfuscated the absolute shit out of that truth over the last 100 years they have succeeded in warping very definition of who and what we are into a lie!

If we were a democracy we would have never survived to become the global juggernaut we are, we would have descended into tribal civil conflicts within just a couple of years of breaking from King George. I suggest you dumb fucks actually read the very documents the founders wrote, and discover to your individual horror, precisely what they thought about "democracy!"

We are a "Constitutional Republic," which via "democratic caucus," choose our political representatives, you shouldn't even be allowed to vote for the senate, such should be the duty of each lawfully elected state government by appointment no longer than two years, indeed they should not even be allowed to sit in the senate longer than the congress, and no member should be allowed to sit in either beyond two terms.... :wink:
We are democracy. Not all democracies are direct democracies.
I cant see how these whackos add anything and the right would be better served by kicking them out
Not at all. Those 17 dissenting voters understand that whatever happens in Moldova, like Ukraine is really none of our damn business. We should not be involved in supporting (verbally or militarily) any foreign nation. They’ll ALL outta enemies.
It's easy to vote yea or nay when they don't have any physical investment.

'....1h Conscripted men in Moldova began to receive summons demanding to appear at the military enlistment offices. It is necessary to have with you a passport and military ID card (Ordin de Chemare, Republica Moldova). For non-appearance, a fine of 300 thousand lei (1.5 million rubles) and up to 10 years in prison.'
yes we did,, dont understand why you still cant get it right after I provided the legal definition and historic proofs against your incorrect opinion,,
And you're still wrong. but you get a paricipation trophy for persistence.
Not at all. Those 17 dissenting voters understand that whatever happens in Moldova, like Ukraine is really none of our damn business. We should not be involved in supporting (verbally or militarily) any foreign nation. They’ll ALL outta enemies.
You tried this isolation nonsense before and it clearly doesnt work.

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