Boehner Mocks Teabaggers

House Speaker John Boehner theatrically mocked his fellow Republican Congressmen for being afraid to reform immigration policy when he spoke Thursday before the Middletown Rotary Club in his home district.

John "Crybaby" Boehner is a Republican??? I wasn't aware of that. Given that you are on your knee pads in front of him all but affirms why I'm not aware of his being a Republican. BTW, I'm not a registered Republican.
House Speaker John Boehner theatrically mocked his fellow Republican Congressmen for being afraid to reform immigration policy when he spoke Thursday before the Middletown Rotary Club in his home district.

"Here's the attitude. Ohhhh. Don't make me do this. Ohhhh. This is too hard," Boehner whined before a luncheon crowd at Brown's Run County Club in Madison Township.

"We get elected to make choices. We get elected to solve problems and it's remarkable to me how many of my colleagues just don't want to ... They'll take the path of least resistance."

Boehner said he's been working for 16 or 17 months trying to push Congress to deal with immigration reform.

"I've had every brick and bat and arrow shot at me over this issue just because I wanted to deal with it. I didn't say it was going to be easy," he said.

The GOP-controlled House has refused to pass the immigration proposal passed by the Democrat-led Senate that includes a path to citizenship for millions of people living illegally in the United States.



Boehner needs to hold an up and down vote on immigration.

It will secure the Senate for the GOP.
House Speaker John Boehner theatrically mocked his fellow Republican Congressmen for being afraid to reform immigration policy when he spoke Thursday before the Middletown Rotary Club in his home district.

John "Crybaby" Boehner is a Republican??? I wasn't aware of that. Given that you are on your knee pads in front of him all but affirms why I'm not aware of his being a Republican. BTW, I'm not a registered Republican.

He's a tool of the crony capitalist and a joke
It is time for serious immigration reform.

Jail and deportation for all lawbreakers entering this country illegally
Increased border security and fences
Elimination of immigration from third world banana republics
Harsher prison sentences for foreign gang members
Enforced fines for illegal hiring of criminals

For starters
House Speaker John Boehner theatrically mocked his fellow Republican Congressmen for being afraid to reform immigration policy when he spoke Thursday before the Middletown Rotary Club in his home district.

"Here's the attitude. Ohhhh. Don't make me do this. Ohhhh. This is too hard," Boehner whined before a luncheon crowd at Brown's Run County Club in Madison Township.

"We get elected to make choices. We get elected to solve problems and it's remarkable to me how many of my colleagues just don't want to ... They'll take the path of least resistance."

Boehner said he's been working for 16 or 17 months trying to push Congress to deal with immigration reform.

"I've had every brick and bat and arrow shot at me over this issue just because I wanted to deal with it. I didn't say it was going to be easy," he said.

The GOP-controlled House has refused to pass the immigration proposal passed by the Democrat-led Senate that includes a path to citizenship for millions of people living illegally in the United States.



Boehner needs to hold an up and down vote on immigration.

It will secure the Senate for the GOP.

Up or down on what bill?
What would be the point of Republicans winning the Senate if the victories went to Democrats-in-Denial who would vote the Marxist party line?

From the Democrat perspective, it would be great. Get everything they want and when any of it goes bad blame in on those (pseudo) Republicans.
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It's election season. Therefore, one issue that is sticking in the GOP side is immigration and the minority voting bloc. They are aware of the numbers and know that without some reform, the GOP will receive fewer votes..

yep, Boehner knows that if they don't address it in a rational & meaningful way that it will be the death knell for Republicorp.
Teabaggers. Men who lick scrotums? So how does Boehner fit in again?

And why are you using teabagger pejoratively? Don't moonbats like gays?
Like your stance with the racist in Nevada and WMD in Iraq, it's too late to change what has already happened. We all watched it in real time.

The Teabagger Party started out by famously declaring, "We're going to teabag the White House." The Teabagger Party said this without knowing what the slang definition of "teabagging" is because the Teabagger Party is the most out-of-touch fringe wing of the uninformed FOX-watching Republican party.
Not quite, Teabagger. Have you read my stances on Nevada and the WMD?

And were the people who sent teabags to the White House known as the TEA Party? And the people who sent those teabags to the White House soon discovered what the term meant and promptly shunned the moniker, didn't they? That's what I remember, anyway.
If you're not a Registered Republican then I apologize for including you in the Teabagger Party. What you said supports my point. From WMD in Iraq to Cliven Bundy, once it was fully pointed out to the Teabaggers that their ideas are terribly wrong, they had to abandon them for the next bad idea and deny that they ever supported their own bad ideas in the first place.
Teabaggers. Men who lick scrotums? So how does Boehner fit in again?

And why are you using teabagger pejoratively? Don't moonbats like gays?
Like your stance with the racist in Nevada and WMD in Iraq, it's too late to change what has already happened. We all watched it in real time.

The Teabagger Party started out by famously declaring, "We're going to teabag the White House." The Teabagger Party said this without knowing what the slang definition of "teabagging" is because the Teabagger Party is the most out-of-touch fringe wing of the uninformed FOX-watching Republican party.

You seem like a person always ready to edify, and so I would like to pick a phrase you used...."WMD in Irag"....from which I assume you are one of those who has concluded without doubt, that the Bush Administration perpetuated a massive lie on the American people in order to get us into a war with Iraq.

O. K. It looks like the war may have been a mistake.

But, I sat in front of the T. V and watched John Cary (Herman Munster) testify before the House and then the Senate and both times he said the same thing:

That only two people in all of history had used Weapons of Mass Destruction on his own people, and those two people were Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein.

Hussein had WMD's. He used them. Obama's boy Herman Munster said so. So, how is it a lie to say he that he had them?

Did Hussein give notice to Bush that he had destroyed his WMD's...did he give proof?

I never heard of that. Did you?

I accuse you of having taken crass left-wing propaganda as truth. Do you have any defense?
Declassified government documents.
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate
Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction
The Iraq War Ten Years After
U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD
Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein

International government reports and eyewitness testimony.
[ame=]Curveball interview - Man whose Lie caused Iraq War tells all. - YouTube[/ame]
Powell Admits Possibility Iraq Had No WMD | Fox News
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Powell admits Iraq evidence mistake
White House Admits WMD Error - CBS News
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Report concludes no WMD in Iraq

It's public knowledge.
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I don't want to read through a scroll of what is likely left wing loon lies.

I'd just like to know how you yourself square Herman Munster, during the Syria Fiasco, testifying under oath that Hussein not only had WMD's but used them on his own people, with the claim that Bush lied when he said Hussein even had them.

And, I'll tell you what else. When the first Bush had to go over there and kick the Psychopath out of Kuwait, he could have sent Schwarzkopf on up the road and taken Hussian out with hardly another shot fired...but he didn't, because Hussein, bad as he was, kept the Sunnis from killing Shi'a and vice versa...and both of them from killing Kurds.

But the Liberal Press would have none of it and pilloried him for not taking out the Psychopathic Dictator when he had a chance....and raised hell at him and bullyragged him out of office...then switched their position 180 degrees when his son took the Killer out.

Liberals have cornered the market on Hypocrisy.

So, what about Herman Munster admitting that Hussein had WMD's?
House Speaker John Boehner theatrically mocked his fellow Republican Congressmen for being afraid to reform immigration policy when he spoke Thursday before the Middletown Rotary Club in his home district.

"Here's the attitude. Ohhhh. Don't make me do this. Ohhhh. This is too hard," Boehner whined before a luncheon crowd at Brown's Run County Club in Madison Township.

"We get elected to make choices. We get elected to solve problems and it's remarkable to me how many of my colleagues just don't want to ... They'll take the path of least resistance."

Boehner said he's been working for 16 or 17 months trying to push Congress to deal with immigration reform.

"I've had every brick and bat and arrow shot at me over this issue just because I wanted to deal with it. I didn't say it was going to be easy," he said.

The GOP-controlled House has refused to pass the immigration proposal passed by the Democrat-led Senate that includes a path to citizenship for millions of people living illegally in the United States.



Boehner needs to hold an up and down vote on immigration.

It will secure the Senate for the GOP.

Up or down on what bill?

You're kidding, right?
Boehner knows he is unpopular with Republicans. He will be voted out of his speakership and then he can cry someplace else.

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