Boehner: Obamacare Must Be on Table During Budget Talks


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Boehner: Obamacare Must Be on Table During Budget Talks
Newsmax ^ | 11/21/2012 | Unknown

Boehner: Obamacare Must Be on Table During Budget Talks

President Barack Obama must show a willingness to cut back the healthcare reform law during budget negotiations, says House Speaker John Boehner. “President Obama has won re-election, but his healthcare law is still driving up costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire workers. As was the case before the election, Obamacare has to go,” Boehner writes in the Cincinnati Enquirer. “The president’s health care law adds a massive, expensive, unworkable government program at a time when our national debt already exceeds the size of our country’s entire economy. We can’t afford it, and we can’t afford to leave it intact.” Editor’s Note: New 'Obamacare Survival Guide' Reveals Dangers Ahead for Your Healthcare That’s why Boehner already has made it clear that Obamacare must be part of the congressional-White House discussions on reducing government debt. “Congress has a constitutional responsibility to conduct thorough oversight of the executive branch, and congressional oversight will play a critical role in repealing Obamacare going forward,” he writes. With the Supreme Court mostly upholding Obamacare and the president winning re-election, that oversight and state actions are the only avenues left for repeal, Boehner says. House committees can go after various elements of Obamacare, he says. And state governments can do their part by resisting government-run insurance exchanges.
Well, since it's adding $2T or more to the budget, it better be sliced up if we're cutting the DoD right now by $500B.

What the hell good is if a father quits buying his kids sodas because it costs $20 a month but then goes out and starts buying himself $100 worth of booze, then claims he is saving the family money.....that is Obamination's house.
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I'd rather have the high paid jobs than a welfare state. More for military R@D and good paying jobs all the around is what we should be focusing on .

To hell with giving out more free shit. The fastest way to a third world baseless country is the road Obama is taking us down.
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Get rid of of Obamacare AND stop spending money maintaining the American empire. Problem solved.
Obamination sees more voters in the welfare line than engineers and scientists in the military industrial complex.

Laying off military and their contractors to so-called save $500B then turning around and spending $2T on free Obamacare goodies is fucking insane.

I'd rather have the high paid jobs than a welfare state. More for military R@D and good paying jobs all the around is what we should be focusing on it.

To hell with giving out more free shit. The fastest way to a third world baseless country is the road Obama is taking us down.
Oh boy, this old shit again. Because it worked out so well for Mr. Orange and his ankle-biter, Can't-or last time (or any of the 33 times they've failed to repeal the law).

Get a brain morans!
Oh boy, this old shit again. Because it worked out so well for Mr. Orange and his ankle-biter, Can't-or last time (or any of the 33 times they've failed to repeal the law).

Get a brain morans!

Tens of thousands of people are losing their jobs...This law is putting pressure on our weak economy and yet we're the one that needs a brain?

Do you people have any sense.
Oh boy, this old shit again. Because it worked out so well for Mr. Orange and his ankle-biter, Can't-or last time (or any of the 33 times they've failed to repeal the law).

Get a brain morans!

Tens of thousands of people are losing their jobs...This law is putting pressure on our weak economy and yet we're the one that needs a brain?

Do you people have any sense.

The law isn't going anywhere, and Boner knows it. He's either bluffing or he's serious. Either way, the law will not be part of negotiations; nor should it be.
Boehner: Obamacare Must Be on Table During Budget Talks
Newsmax ^ | 11/21/2012 | Unknown

Boehner: Obamacare Must Be on Table During Budget Talks

President Barack Obama must show a willingness to cut back the healthcare reform law during budget negotiations, says House Speaker John Boehner. “President Obama has won re-election, but his healthcare law is still driving up costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire workers. As was the case before the election, Obamacare has to go,” Boehner writes in the Cincinnati Enquirer. “The president’s health care law adds a massive, expensive, unworkable government program at a time when our national debt already exceeds the size of our country’s entire economy. We can’t afford it, and we can’t afford to leave it intact.” Editor’s Note: New 'Obamacare Survival Guide' Reveals Dangers Ahead for Your Healthcare That’s why Boehner already has made it clear that Obamacare must be part of the congressional-White House discussions on reducing government debt. “Congress has a constitutional responsibility to conduct thorough oversight of the executive branch, and congressional oversight will play a critical role in repealing Obamacare going forward,” he writes. With the Supreme Court mostly upholding Obamacare and the president winning re-election, that oversight and state actions are the only avenues left for repeal, Boehner says. House committees can go after various elements of Obamacare, he says. And state governments can do their part by resisting government-run insurance exchanges.

That's fair, there are probably some provisions they can delete or modify regarding Obamacare. There are also some spending cuts they can make in other areas republicans may not want. It's all about debating and negotiating. Of course both parties involved may just turn into into political theater and posturing.
Everyone's facing up to the fact that the deficit is an economic stimulus program that is adding to GDP,

and no one can figure out how to get rid of the deficit without getting rid of the GDP being added by it.
I thought their contention was that citizens in the ~30 states opting for federally-facilitated exchanges aren't getting federal subsidies for their insurance? Add to that all the money that was slated for use in the Medicaid expansion in the many red states that now say they'll leave that on the table and Obamacare is hundreds of billions of dollars cheaper than advertised. What more do they want at this point?
The owner of Domino's Pizza has done a 180 on ObamaCare. He now fully endorses it.
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