Boehner: Raising Taxes Would 'Steal' From Americans

That is so hilarious and so crazy on so many levels.
Why is okay to let the government have more money in its pocket but not it's citizenry?
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Just like Romney/Ryan were going to steal from them by closing loopholes and "broadening the base"
Oil subsidies to companies that pay no tax come to mind...
Why is okay tho let the government have more money in its pocket but not it's citizenry?

Because it doesn't stay in the pocket of gets spent on the citzenry.

Unlike funnelling taxes to rich CEOs.

They have a tendency to either hoard it..or spend it on themselves.
Why is okay tho let the government have more money in its pocket but not it's citizenry?

Because it doesn't stay in the pocket of gets spent on the citzenry.

Unlike funnelling taxes to rich CEOs.

They have a tendency to either hoard it..or spend it on themselves.

It also gets spent, by the billions, around the globe for bullshit it doesn't need to
Why is okay tho let the government have more money in its pocket but not it's citizenry?

Because it doesn't stay in the pocket of gets spent on the citzenry.

Unlike funnelling taxes to rich CEOs.

They have a tendency to either hoard it..or spend it on themselves.

Are you capable of expressing an opinion with anything more than ridiculous talking points?
WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) declared Thursday that seeking more revenue in order to reduce the federal deficit or to replace sequestration's pending budget cuts is tantamount to stealing from Americans.
More: John Boehner Compares Tax Proposals Of White House To Stealing (VIDEO)

Jesus! He has lost touch with reality,. wtf is he doing as Speaker of the US House of Representatives?

"We must pass this bill so we can read what's in it"
~ Previous Wonderful Speaker of the House

Why is okay tho let the government have more money in its pocket but not it's citizenry?

Because it doesn't stay in the pocket of gets spent on the citzenry.

Unlike funnelling taxes to rich CEOs.

They have a tendency to either hoard it..or spend it on themselves.

So I don't have a right to my money?

Taxes are money demanded of the people-they do not originate with government. The idea that somehow government gives tax dollars to "the rich" is absurdly idiotic. The rich pay taxes at a higher rate then the not so rich, but don't miss the word "pay". That certain tax regulations provide opportunities to reduce how much they have to pay is not equal to the government giving them anything!

Our government is so bad at management they do not deserve any more of our money- Billions, yes billions, of tax dollars (taxes taken mostly from the "rich") are lost due to waste; fraud; and inefficient use every single year.

Why do you GD liberals keep sucking the tits of ideological idiots...they are making you stupid!

These are just a few of the findings in a blockbuster report on government waste and inefficiencies released by the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office. The report identifies billions of dollars in potential savings if Congress just had the will to streamline initiatives that target politically popular causes.
Why is okay tho let the government have more money in its pocket but not it's citizenry?

Because it doesn't stay in the pocket of gets spent on the citzenry.

Unlike funnelling taxes to rich CEOs.

They have a tendency to either hoard it..or spend it on themselves.

It also gets spent, by the billions, around the globe for bullshit it doesn't need to
:eusa_shhh: roads, tunnels, bridges, subways, aquifers, electrical grids, communication infrastructure, libraries, schools, rail, highways, beaches, national parks..

What we really need is a new summer home for old Rex Tillerson..

The Hamptons are completely booked this year!

Why is okay tho let the government have more money in its pocket but not it's citizenry?

Because it doesn't stay in the pocket of gets spent on the citzenry.

Unlike funnelling taxes to rich CEOs.

They have a tendency to either hoard it..or spend it on themselves.

So I don't have a right to my money?


Check your constitution.

Section 8.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;


Amendment XVI

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Because it doesn't stay in the pocket of gets spent on the citzenry.

Unlike funnelling taxes to rich CEOs.

They have a tendency to either hoard it..or spend it on themselves.

It also gets spent, by the billions, around the globe for bullshit it doesn't need to
:eusa_shhh: roads, tunnels, bridges, subways, aquifers, electrical grids, communication infrastructure, libraries, schools, rail, highways, beaches, national parks..

What we really need is a new summer home for old Rex Tillerson..

The Hamptons are completely booked this year!


stop with the dramatics, we all pay for those with our STATE taxes..
Why is okay tho let the government have more money in its pocket but not it's citizenry?

Because it doesn't stay in the pocket of gets spent on the citzenry.

Unlike funnelling taxes to rich CEOs.

They have a tendency to either hoard it..or spend it on themselves.

Are you capable of expressing an opinion with anything more than ridiculous talking points?

Truth isn't a talking point.

It's truth.

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