BOHICA, America -- Your Tax Dollars Being SEIZED From YOUR Health Programs To Pay For Illegals


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Here's another big ol' FU@K YOU from the Criminal / Un-Constitutional Obama Administration just before Christmas:

Feds Strip Millions from Health Programs to House Migrant Kids

"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is stripping $167 million from health programs for American taxpayers to pay for housing the flood of children illegally crossing the southern border."

So much for 'representative govt...

The same asshole who rammed the UN-Affordable Care Act into law against the majority will of the people, the same asshole who has f*ed Americans over, is having his administration STEAL money from hard-working, under-insured Americans to give to the illegals who have 'broken into our house'.

Again, "FU@K YOU, America, and Happy Holidays!"

Feds Strip Millions from Health Programs to House Migrant Kids

Just curious, what's the difference between Barry STEALING $500 million tax dollars - claiming it is for Zika - then giving It on his own to the UN for their new Global Warming Initiative and what he is doing here, stealing tax dollars to give to criminals?!
Yet, I do not mind the care and facilitation for minors that fled to come to the USA.. but Congress, no matter which political party is in charge of Congress(GOP, last two years), the laws on the issue have not been changed to make it against the law to come to the US...
Put the little bastards on a bus and take them back across the border. Dump em and bring the bus back

These kids aren't our responsibility. Take em back to Mexico.

Here's another big ol' FU@K YOU from the Criminal / Un-Constitutional Obama Administration just before Christmas:

Feds Strip Millions from Health Programs to House Migrant Kids

"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is stripping $167 million from health programs for American taxpayers to pay for housing the flood of children illegally crossing the southern border."

So much for 'representative govt...

The same asshole who rammed the UN-Affordable Care Act into law against the majority will of the people, the same asshole who has f*ed Americans over, is having his administration STEAL money from hard-working, under-insured Americans to give to the illegals who have 'broken into our house'.

Again, "FU@K YOU, America, and Happy Holidays!"

Feds Strip Millions from Health Programs to House Migrant Kids

Just curious, what's the difference between Barry STEALING $500 million tax dollars - claiming it is for Zika - then giving It on his own to the UN for their new Global Warming Initiative and what he is doing here, stealing tax dollars to give to criminals?!

Utterly unconstitutional. Obama wipes his ass one the Constitution once again.
Yet, I do not mind the care and facilitation for minors that fled to come to the USA.. but Congress, no matter which political party is in charge of Congress(GOP, last two years), the laws on the issue have not been changed to make it against the law to come to the US...
It is against the law to come to the USA without a visa, dumbass.

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