Bolton: “Russians Would Already be in Kyiv” Had Trump Won


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Of course they would have. Trump loves autocratic dictators, especially those who can strike a real estate deal with him.

Bolton told Newsweek that a second Trump term would likely have seen the former president double down on the conspiracy theories that poisoned his administration's ties with Kyiv and led to his first of two impeachments.​

"I think he would have given Ukraineaway, basically," Bolton told Newsweek. "Until they turn over that Democratic National Committee server and find out what Hunter Biden was doing in Ukraine, Ukraine was going to fend for itself."​

Bolton was employed by trump as trump's National Security Advisor.

Bolton worked shoulder to shoulder with trump.

If anyone knows what trump would've done, it's Bolton.

All trump ever wanted was a Hotel trump in Moscow.
Of course they would have. Trump loves autocratic dictators, especially those who can strike a real estate deal with him.

Bolton told Newsweek that a second Trump term would likely have seen the former president double down on the conspiracy theories that poisoned his administration's ties with Kyiv and led to his first of two impeachments.​

"I think he would have given Ukraineaway, basically," Bolton told Newsweek. "Until they turn over that Democratic National Committee server and find out what Hunter Biden was doing in Ukraine, Ukraine was going to fend for itself."​

Bolton is a dick. That said, he is most likely right on this one, but still a dick.
TDSers are amazing, aren't they? They would champion an Ayatollah or Xi if they said something negative about Trump

Ayatollah or Xi wouldn't have to say anything bad bout Trump because the left already loves them.
Of course they would have. Trump loves autocratic dictators, especially those who can strike a real estate deal with him.

Bolton told Newsweek that a second Trump term would likely have seen the former president double down on the conspiracy theories that poisoned his administration's ties with Kyiv and led to his first of two impeachments.​

"I think he would have given Ukraineaway, basically," Bolton told Newsweek. "Until they turn over that Democratic National Committee server and find out what Hunter Biden was doing in Ukraine, Ukraine was going to fend for itself."​

You're delusional, Toro, and so is Bolton.
You hated Bolton before you loved him. Just add him to the pile of the other never-Trumpers you love, along with McCain, Cheney, and GW.

Bolton is just restating the obvious – Trump’s love affair with anti-democratic dictators in general and Putin in particular was well-known; Trump would have gladly appeased Putin by not opposing a Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Of course they would have. Trump loves autocratic dictators, especially those who can strike a real estate deal with him.

Bolton told Newsweek that a second Trump term would likely have seen the former president double down on the conspiracy theories that poisoned his administration's ties with Kyiv and led to his first of two impeachments.​

"I think he would have given Ukraineaway, basically," Bolton told Newsweek. "Until they turn over that Democratic National Committee server and find out what Hunter Biden was doing in Ukraine, Ukraine was going to fend for itself."​

Bolton is a Bush shill. Always was and always will be a moron. The Russians took over Crimea during the Obama admin. Quiet during Trump but sensing democrat weakness (or complicity) when making these threatening gestures to Ukraine. You need to look a bit further than your oversized snout.
Of course they would have. Trump loves autocratic dictators, especially those who can strike a real estate deal with him.

Bolton told Newsweek that a second Trump term would likely have seen the former president double down on the conspiracy theories that poisoned his administration's ties with Kyiv and led to his first of two impeachments.​

"I think he would have given Ukraineaway, basically," Bolton told Newsweek. "Until they turn over that Democratic National Committee server and find out what Hunter Biden was doing in Ukraine, Ukraine was going to fend for itself."​

The song of scoundrels like Bolton & Co

So let's get this straight. . . neither France, nor Germany, nor Ukraine think any of this bullshit is serious, and it really is about the Russian gas contracts. Washington is really just in this to try to get those ended and the Anglo-American establishment only want to make energy sales to Europe because the US economy is in the toilet.

How much more goading is the establishment going to do? We know that this war is not going to happen, no one in Europe believes it is going to. . . all of this bullshit is just more distraction, just like the J6 hearings, from the DNC and the administrations fascistic policies, with the global oligarchs and big business, to try to create a global police state, and subvert the American way of life. They are doing a poor, poor job, and if they believe that they are going to goad the Russians or Belarus into this, I doubt they are really sane at this point.

Not even Western Europe buys this bullshit.

Everyone cares more about how the fool Trudeau is going to get himself out of his pickle, because that will have more impact on future liberty here, in North America. . .

This? Is just one more distraction. A distraction from elites stripping people of their liberty and destroying the economy.
What's wrong with the russians being in Кiev? After all, Kiev is called the "Mother of Russian cities"
What's wrong with the russians being in Кiev? After all, Kiev is called the "Mother of Russian cities"

The West doesn't need both Russians and Ukrainians.
It needs just their natural resources.
That's all.
It will be a never end of condemnations, accusations, sanctions and false flag actions until the last Russian ( Ukrainian, Belorussian ) dies.
It's the thousand years long hate against another civilization and way of life.
Stupid Putin can't grasp is and babbles about 'partners'
Russia hasn't any partner except its army and fleet.
Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians are the one people but the West tried to separate it during the history
Now, due to Ukrainian Zionist 'rulers' Ukrainians kill Russians what's music for western ears
Also, anything Russian is always wrong, even its merely existence is danger for the West

So let's get this straight. . . neither France, nor Germany, nor Ukraine think any of this bullshit is serious, and it really is about the Russian gas contracts. Washington is really just in this to try to get those ended and the Anglo-American establishment only want to make energy sales to Europe because the US economy is in the toilet.

How much more goading is the establishment going to do? We know that this war is not going to happen, no one in Europe believes it is going to. . . all of this bullshit is just more distraction, just like the J6 hearings, from the DNC and the administrations fascistic policies, with the global oligarchs and big business, to try to create a global police state, and subvert the American way of life. They are doing a poor, poor job, and if they believe that they are going to goad the Russians or Belarus into this, I doubt they are really sane at this point.

Not even Western Europe buys this bullshit.

Everyone cares more about how the fool Trudeau is going to get himself out of his pickle, because that will have more impact on future liberty here, in North America. . .

This? Is just one more distraction. A distraction from elites stripping people of their liberty and destroying the economy.
Look over there, nothing to see here. The democrats are doing a fine job of attempting to distract from their myriad failures. Midterms are in nine short months. Fuck the globalist democrat agenda.

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